3x3 Thread

Rate other people's taste. Maybe offer up a recommendation or two, I'd appreciate it anyways.

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Help me find RPGs lads or anything really


Is Xenoblade X worth persisting with? Only like 5-6 hours in losing motivation.

I'd say so man. I had a fucking blast playing it, but those first few hours are pretty dull. The main story never really gets good, but the side quests are actually pretty good. Anything in particular you're not liking?


I can't stand Pokemon. I really hate it.

>I can't stand Pokemon. I really hate it.
Why's that my guy?

I liked it as a kid when it was a part of the zeitgeist, I could appreciate it for what it was. Fundamentally it's a very simple RPG that hasn't innovated in any noticeable or interesting way since the early 2000s. I don't like the newer designs, I don't like the manchild fandom around it especially in "competitive" scenes. It's a shallow experience that should only serve as a gateway to better RPG's.

4/4. You'd probably like Nioh.

4/4. Next time Strafe goes on a Steam sale, I'd recommend it.

3/3. Would recommend the other two Project Rainfall games on the Wii, Pandora's Tower and The Last Story.


>Pandora's Tower and The Last Story.
I have played The Last Story already and found it to be a charming and fun, if not a bit generic, game. Can't say I've played or even seen anything of Pandora's Tower. Could you enlighten me?

Guy who posted right before you, here. 5/6. Loved Killer7, MGR, Yakuza 0, ZOE2, and despite not being a stealth guy, I liked MGS3. Tried Devil Survivor on both DS and 3DS, just couldn't get into it (not a tactical RPG guy) but I loved the aesthetic and soundtrack.

+ NGB and FF7

Haven't played

+ Xenogears, Spyro 3, FF10 and CTR

+ MGR and Metroid ZM

+ MGS3 and MGR

Combat is pretty average, though I really enjoyed the presentation, the world design, and the grapple mechanic. You make repeated ventures into a tower and bring back creatures' meat for your girl to devour, which prevents her from becoming a monster, while you're trying to find a more permanent cure. Multiple endings and feels. It's one of those games where if you still own a Wii (or can emulate it on Dolphin) then you might as well try it.*

*assuming you have a softmodded Wii like me and the other 10 Wii owners on Sup Forums

I think its how overwhelming the game is initially. Something I really enjoyed doing in Xenoblade Chronicles was maxing out the NPC affinity chart but it seems almost impossible to do due to sheer the size of the BLADE city



6/6 gta chinatown wars, kotor 2, psychonauts, demons souls, final fantasy 7, pro skater 3

Ah right I suppose that's understandable. Still I'd recommend you keep it at it, user. X is a great game.


user that asked about Mary Skelter yesterday. Game looks pretty good considering it's Compile Heart. Run me through the bottom row of games.

not my 3x3 but someone posted this, not sure what most of them are
can anybody identify them?

2/3 + meele, and dmc3 - Ocarina of Time i tried playing it in college and it didnt click with me
2/3 + metal gear,and deadspace - FF7 3/3 + morrowind, bioshock 2, and KH2
1/1 + hitman: blood money
1/2 + fallout:new vegas -FFX
2/2 + USF4, DOOM

They're the three Utawarerumono titles. The stories within them are great. It's a mixture of VN and SRPG at a 70/30 ratio or so, and it does one of the best examples of world-building I've seen in the last decade in any game. There isn't much to talk about in regards to it without spoiling anything, but the series does a great job at making you invest into its cast of characters and leaves a powerful impact.
The first game is an eroge but that was due to when it was initially released on PC -- the game has since been placed onto the JP PSN and has sold way more than the PC counterparts (which is why the second and third game got released exclusively on Sony platforms).

Give them a try if you're interested. They're all directly connected to one another.



I too enjoy video games that require 50 mods before they're playable and enjoyable
bait 3x3 anyway

+ FF7

+ USF4, KoF 98
- Doom

- FF10



+ Syndicate

- TF2

+ Worms Armageddon


- RE4

1/1technically i guess since i didnt play any of new vegases dlc
here out of curiosity which games did you like /dislike?
2/2 + crazy taxi is the shit, and re4

Portal and Furi
