
Wait for it...


its pretty insane that you can lose hundreds of hours of progress so easily

pokemon games having a dedicated screen for deleting save files is a pretty good idea desu

Incredible. What a stupid person.


Props for having the balls to admit how fucking retarded he is though.

Even if he did, the game autosaves at many points so he could just go back to one of those if something happened to the main file. Might lose maybe 10 minites of progress at most.

t. chris grant @chrisgrant

But he's not admitting he's fucking retarded. If he did, he would have said he's fucking retarded.

I thought millennials were the technology generation?

so in other words, he's a retard?

There’s a quote about opening one’s mouth and removing all doubt about what a fool you are. It applies here.

guy in OP's pic found his "little brother who fucks everything up"

Lolygon at it again. What a fucking idiot

>be total retard

>that instant overreaction
>100+ hours and he still forgets about autosaves

so... this is the mental capacity of the average """game journalist""".

Consoles are for brainlets, more news at '11.

thats not it, its not mental capacity
its complete fucking entitlement of a sociopath, to sit there whining like a complete passive aggressive bitch rather than getting up off his fat ass and trying to trouble shoot it

he literally DID NOT EVEN LOOK AT IT before proclaiming it a huge problem, thats the problem, that nigger so fucking lazy his fat ass making twitter rants because he cant fucking be bothered to check it himself, that sort of mentality, the entitled elite old boys club has, sociopaths who are passive aggressive as fuck about everything, needs to fucking die in a fire

reminds me of total colon cancer whining because he cant be bothered to look at graphics options menu and understand what the fuck any of it means, because you know, fucking spokesperson for pc gaming for fucking 10 years now fucking doesnt know what AA even does

>rushes to complain on twitter instead of troubleshooting it like a grown man
Fucking embarrassing.

What makes it worse is we're suppose to trust morons like this with reviewing and promoting the game industry.

This moron couldn't even take 5 minutes and figure out what happened but we're suppose to listen to what he and his peers say about Vida?

If someone asked me what a nu-male is, all I'd have to do is show them this

He's from fucking Polygon, the implication that we're supposed to trust him for reviews and promotion is not even there.

>I'm going to remove Zelda from GoTY because I have brain problems

holy shit. I wonder how often dumb nonsense like has affected scores/rankings of games

Did he really delete the tweets where we was ranting and raving about how this is Nintendo's fault?

>Nintendo is straight up delinquent
>refusing to honor its own customers

I can't even begin to understand what this fool is talking about. What the fuck.


didn't even post the good part where he went on 5 more tweets trying to justify it saying "wow it COULD have happened so easily though. its only 3 button presses"



>when your stupidity is on point

I'd like to think that people are gradually becoming more skeptical towards the information manipulation industry, but I'm not so sure. It's fucking ridiculous when you think about it.
>so why should I trust you?
>because I say you should
>sounds good lol

then there's that effect that I can't remember the name of. The one where you read a news story about a topic you're knowledgeable on, see that it's full of shit, and then go to a section you aren't familiar with and expect that news to be correct. something something amnesia. But for real, every news piece covering a topic I know about turns out to be a fucking abomination. They've only gotten it right once, at that was in a small time online publication with a boss-ass journalist.

he owns a Nintendo switch, not the smartest tool in the shed from the get go.

All the time. Polygon reminded bed two points from Bayonetta 2 because she was sexy.

He should sue Nintendo for emotional distress desu senpai

>I'd like to think that people are gradually becoming more skeptical towards the information manipulation industry,

So I'm guessing you haven't been to the comment section.

>This could be OS level

holy shit he has no idea what he's talking about. How can you be this delusional? Why is it that every journalists these days seems to be required to have mental problems?

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here it's hilarious watching him crash an burn but seriously we can't let this guy access master mode.

I was thinking this too. The game should have save slots though, it's kinda dumb that it doesn't.

>Someone deleted my save in one of my favorite games of the year
>Instead of blaming him for it, I'm gonna declare the game shit for no reason

That's supposed to be Generation Z, kids under 18 today, but by all accounts they're just a bunch of fuck-ups who only know how to use apps.

It's like trying to launch the game with uninstall.exe and complaining that the game won't start

Yes but we're now getting at that "new technology is beyond me" stage. I'm slightly confident this moron could work a computer or phone properly but as we venture into newer territory, more millennials like him are gonna be like your average grandparent, starting at a laptop. Lost as a fucking mouse in a maze, blaming the technology instead of our own incompetence.


Could anyone point out any video game ever where overwriting save files takes more than three button presses? I'm struggling to identify any which even require three. Normally it's

>(1) Select save slot
>(2) Are you sure you want to overwrite?

Literally Jim Sterling tier faggotry
>So I was totally fucking wrong but imagine if I was right IT WOULD BE A HUGE PROBLEM OKAY?!

>having the balls to admit how fucking retarded he is
self deprecation is one of the easiest methods for getting attention

Because most of them are underpaid. They also hold no value and thus can be fired on a whim, so no job security either. Gaming journalist is literally janitor-level job except it's a little nicer, of course no self-respecting person would do that. If someone is a game journalist, you know it's a person who settled for a shit job because no one else is willing to hire them. Remember that and don't show them any respect because they deserve none. Literally 3rd class citizens.

why DO people have to CAPITLIZE specific WORDS it is fucking JARRING

using technology doesn't make you tech savvy

>he literally DID NOT EVEN LOOK AT IT before proclaiming it a huge problem
and he calls himself a journalist. job is to report on events and he can't even make the first breath of effort toward confirming what he's reporting

Here's the average anti-Nintendo shitposter.

>buys dlc
>is retarded

I'm seeing a correlation here

My little sister deleted my Kirby Air Ride file once and I got upset and told her she couldn't use my gamecube anymore. That's when I was 10. Seriously fucking braindead child behavior, crying over deleted saves.

Because YOU WON'T BELIEVE this weird new trick that changes how you view cuphead

So used to writing clickbait I guess it comes naturally

My little cousin, aged 7, can't use anything that isn't a touchscreen. The only thing she does is play those retarded dress up games

For emphasis. It is quite overused, though.

It's a perfectly legit way to put emphasis on certain words. Problem is when people abuse it or use it in a nonsense way, like you did.

And most millennials probably couldn't work a car phone or a beeper. Your point?

It's for

Remember that non-vidya Twitter threads like this get deleted if enough people report. Do your duty.

fuck off.

Why so much fuzz for a Polygon man doing Polygon things?

>I'd like to think that people are gradually becoming more skeptical towards the information manipulation industry
The phrase "yellow journalism" was coined over a hundred years ago. Just to put this in perspective.

This thread is more videogame related than all those Neogaf threads.

>Video game """""""""""""""JOURNALISTS"""""""""""""""

Yes, because Sup Forums really needs draconian moderation. How else would we fully become neogaf 2.0

I wasn't making a point, just pointing out that contact with technology does not mean you're tech savvy

because it's hilarious that someone we're supposed to take seriously about this industry is this retarded

So at his party did he start crying about losing his saved games?

or did he just carry on and pretend nothing was wrong?

because if I was a guest and someone said they had just lost 100+ hours of gameplay it would be pretty awkward.

It's not draconian to want VIDEO GAME discussion on a board dedicated to VIDEO GAMES. Take this unrelated Twitter garbage to Sup Forums, for Christ's sake.

probably bitched but most likely ranted that it was Nintendo's fault. I wouldn't be surprised if the first thing he did was look down and start shitposting on Twitter.

No seriously, fuck off. Go take your retarded ass bait somewhere else

Isn't deleting your save file in a video game a video game related topic?
I'm sure we got similar threads before.

>We're supposed to take seriously
Lol it's . Those fuckers have lost all credibility

Nah I find phones' interfaces too unintuitive now. Touch screens were a mistake.

He accepted his guest's apology and stressed that it was fine, but continued to bring up how CRAZY it was that it happened over and over for hours, making his guest uncomfortable when he just wants to move on and forget about it. I'm projecting.


Iamgine playing fallout 4 for 200 + hour's and just one day all off your saves magically get corrupted

t. late 80's millennial

Gen Z are growing up with their first "computer" being a fucking iphone or a tablet they have trouble using a fucking desktop web browser and when they do it's just for social media shit

Okay... and?

I've played vidya for decades user, such loss is trivial at best. Why the fuck would a 200 hour save matter to me? Epeen?

Pokemon Black and White have a feature where if you already have a game in progress, you will not be able to save if you start a new game. To erase the old save file and start a new game you have to push a couple buttons at the same time at the start screen and go through the "are you absolutely sure you want to erase this file" menu.

>Imagine playing fallout 4


How the fuck do you not the difference?
If it's your job you'd think they'd have a little more pride in their ability

Which is fucking retarded because that mechanic, or the prototype of it, started in gen 1. Where there is only one save and you have to start a new one, choose to save, and erase the other. And that was because of hardware limitations.

Anything past the gbc shouldn't have that mechanic. Should have multiple saves

>nu-male faggot whines to twitter before actually checking his save files
Is this the power of beta cuck """"""""journalists" """""""

early 90s m8

Oh yeah. It completely slipped my mind how the internet (read: google and facebook) destroyed journalism's bottom line so they literally can't afford to hire non-retards.

I wonder how you go about fixing the situation. I'd like for our news sources to be wealthy and competent.


good point. Unless there are foundational changes it'll ultimately stay the same

It's not about someone venting their politics like these threads usually are.It's pointing out that some of the vocal and self-proclaimed judges of a game's quality are reactionary idiots that can be destructive to said game's perception because they rant before they think. Just because it's Polygon and the ignorance is presumed doesn't make the warning not worth repeating.

probably a healthy dose of competence and having content locked behind a wall, unfortunately. Only way to guarantee legitimate journalism. Otherwise they'll do shady shit to make shekels


Is this guy seriously sticking to the argument that it's Nintendo's responsibility if he loses a save file because of the person he let play?

Are other people not calling him out on how he isn't entitled to that, at all?

It is a bit weird how you can't have multiple save files aside from master/normal

>Come into thread expecting to see some retard from Polygon fuck up
>Turns out he's a Nintendo fan, so retarded from the get-go
>Thread is actually filled with retarded Nintendo fans acting like they're better at being man-children than Polygon
Who cares? You're all just as bad as him.

just make a guest account, has a seperate save

Nintendo considers each profile you make as a separate save file. It's weird but honestly it's supposed to stop stuff like what this idiot did. You have multiple profiles, especially ones for guest, that they can log into and play without accessing your profile and saves


What s the trick?

having a brain