>Gamekino doesn't exis-
Gamekino doesn't exis-
You're an idiot
How long is it? Thinking of getting it
>making games difficult just for the sake of difficulty
>not because it is to convey a certain style or feel that is integral to the game's setting
You can't tell me 1930s cartoons were this difficult.
depends how good you are at platformers
you can get this done in one sitting
Everyone stopped caring about Cuphead pretty fast
around 1-3 hours unless you are a brainlet
Is it level-based?
Everyone stopped caring about Sonic Mania pretty fast.
No, it's all bosses, each with multiple phases. There are some optional levels, though, for collecting coins to buy alternate attacks.
It does, but not with Cuckhead.
1930S cartoons were infinitely harder to get right than what we have now
Pirate it and buy it if you like it.
I pirated it and found it boring since it's all just about memorizing boss patterns.
>tfw about to play this for the first time in a few minutes
god bless vidya, haven't been playing since half a year
Enjoy my man.
I just want to drag anybody who says kino out into the street and stomp on their heads until bone shoots out. I fucking hate that word so goddamn much
>Why is this game, a medium designed to create challenges to get good at and overcome, difficult??
>It needs to be DEEP and MEANINGFUL before it's allowed to be difficult!
HEY! Heroic difficulty on Halo is described as what Master Chief would have actually faced in his campaigns. That is using difficulty correctly.
>fuck up inking a frame
>start over
>fuck up coloring a frame
>start over
>frame might get damaged
>start over
I'd say so, considering 1930s cartoons didn't have digital tools to assist them and they had to be drawn on hand traditionally.
Ok, the difficulty in Cuphead is what Cuphead would have actually faced in his fights.
Can you fuck off back to movies and books now?
I wish hard mode did more then just up projectile speed.
I want to replay it on hard, but I kinda lost motivation after trying the vegetables in hard and seeing nothing really change.