What would you do with his abilities?

What would you do with his abilities?

We'd all do the same thing.

Something that would actually raise some serious questions about consent.

Possess hot chick, masturbate.

Possess a girl?

Become a hot chick and proceed to get destroyed by 4 black men with 12 inch dongers in every hole.

It would be okay though because no homo

Do souls have a gender?

Capture an exercise bike and wait to get sat on

>No mustache

Would you fuck Peach if she was possessed by Mario, hat, moustache, and BING BING 1-UP WAHOOs and all?

>posses a hot chick
>not fuck yourself and remove cappy during the act


become a sexy women and masturbate.

>become a semen demo
>masturbate and record it a lot of clips and photos
>send to my mail
>sell it and profit

You wouldn't believe the new number of cocks I'd suck with this ability by possessing a hot girl.

Fondle my mustache

That only makes it better.

hey you can suck mine even now no homo

I wouldn't want peach without mario possessing her.

>posses new girl
>start streaming my gameplay on twitch
>camwhore at night
>restart everyday with a new girl
>post everything on my site newgrileveryday.keks
>get fucking rich

Possess Hiro and delete Sup Forums, only then will I be free.

I would bing bing wahoo my crush

I'd probably posses some stupid shit like a door or something and slam in someone's face.

become a loli and masturbate.

>everyone would possess a hot girl
yep, same

But she can't interact with your body since it'll be inside her as soul energy as you possess her.

posess a loli and live out your fetishes, then depossess her in the act slowly corrupting her overtime into a depraved filthy slut

>2 days
>Boot Mario odyssey
>get the last moon
>unlock secret ending
>credits end
>It's Pauline removing en hat and winking seductively at mario
wouldn't be disappointed after a 500 hours gameplay for this ending

Make R07 change the retarded last part of umineko episode 8.

become a loli and live out her life normally, experiencing the childhood you missed out on



become a loli and go to kindergarten, smugly seducing the boy teacher


Become Christina Hendricks just to know what her udders feel like.

oh yes

Put hat on MILF's pantyhose. Be enveloped by her feet, legs, ass and vag all at once.

Which MILF?

possess a girl and masturbate

Which ever one I want.

>Lmao loli isn't real you idiot, it's not pedo
What would you do with super powers
>Fuck real children
Kill yourselves

But you can't fuck the children, your body gets turned into soul energy while you're posessing her.