Is Mass Effect 2 the best game in the series?
Is Mass Effect 2 the best game in the series?
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What went wrong with Miranda's face? Everything else is great, but then you get to the face.
Yes but Jack 3 is best girl
Yes, next question
No, it's the part which made me drop this series after enjoying the first game so much that I replayed it 5 times.
Everything is worse, yes even the combat.
Yes, only game I've ever loved enough to get all the dlc for too, excluding the alt costumes.
The DLC and multiplayer pushes ME3 to the top, with ME1 in second, and ME2 coming last.
All three are good tho.
Yeh man, its basically a GoW clone so its automatically good
Depends on what you're looking for in ME. It's my personal best because it's more like a dirty space themed TV series instead of the shiny big budget movie ME1. Neon is everywhere, Shepard is a rouge agent with a nice ship that don't take shit from anyone, great cast of characters, decent DLC, and a fantastic last mission.
You're free to like whatever (unless it's ME:A) but I'll always keep returning to ME2.
>The DLC and multiplayer pushes ME3 to the top
More like worst, story-pacing was horrible, lots of lore-retcon, literally who enemies, best comrades came last or were gimped and useless in combat so that you didn't use them, cerberu-plot is stupid as hell, three times less powers than in the first, stupid scanning, piss easy fight make you feel like a shooting arcade without the fun of it.
Worst part still is the stupid pacing and storytelling, I thought myself at about a good half of the game when it ended, what's the point of the "recruit people plot" when it ends as soon as its completed.
>thermal clips
>Shepherd doesn't run at mach speeds anymore
>player can't use grenades
>no weapon customization
>can no longer customize armor stats
>cut content
>planet exploration is now DLC
>launch DLC characters and items
>Mac Walters
>Human Reaper
>many choice hooks from 1 don't carry over
Not in my opinion.
Never played Androgynous
Still a very good game but I liked 1's design philosophy much more.
>lore retcon
Shit, I forgot that one.
Add that to the list.
I really enjoy all three.
I might also be biased since I pirated ME3 and all of its DLC. So I wasn't disappointed like people who paid for it at launch.
>so hype and even bought CE ME3
>first playthrough already felt wrong.
>second playthrough, everything just...bad really bad
I'm really speechless that time and uninstalled afterwards
There's so much more wrong which I'm too lazy to list.
A big one is also how the first game avided showing you loading screens at any cost, masking level transitions with elevator rides for example.
Second game just shows you a "mission over" screen which takes you right out of the game.
I think it is
it's a meme to hate on ME3 but anyone whose actually played the whole series knows it's just the ending that kinda spoils the whole experience not the actual game
"Citadel" is the *real* ending.
Yeah it is, it improved on the flaws of the original but managed not to go full retard like the third. Story is weak AF though, and they did retcon stuff for the worse.
1 Had the best story
2 Had the best gameplay
3 Had the best multiplayer
These are facts
>3 Had the best multiplayer
the fact it totally ruined everything since then
Honestly? Yes
I tried to replay ME1 earlier, and the combat is just so atrocious, especially on Insanity. Everything is a ridiculous bullet sponge and the only way to do damage is by shooting them. Your squad AI is terrible. The story sequence immediately after Eden Prime up to getting the Normandy is boring as shit after your first playthrough. The voice acting and animations are definitely worse than ME2, and every conversation and cutscene feels really stiff. I ended up just replaying ME2 and I'm having way more fun with it.
Word for word what I came to post.
But ME3's gameplay, with the fluid movement, heavy melee, more skills and enemies constantly flushing you out of cover is a direct improvement over ME2's stilted corridor shooter.
People who believe that ME1 had superior mechanics are plebs with shit taste.
>best gameplay
hiding behind boxes, lifting people with biotics, shooting, back into hiding.
>"best gameplay"
Fuck I hated that scanner shit. Why would they make the good ending so much of a chore to achieve? It's like they wanted to have Lootboxes, but they didn't exist so they just left the shitty scanning for resourced system in place.
>it's a meme to hate on ME3
>it's just the ending that kinda spoils the whole experience not the actual game
I SERIOUSLY wish I could hate you to death.
didn't post best song in entire series
Yes, however you shouldn't have played as Shepard. They should have been a secondary character you encounter while the PC is a Cerberus Operative working to fight the Collectors, and who some of your squad (Garrys, Tali) and NPCs talk about.
Mass Effect 1 is, but only by a slight margin, and entirely because the Antagonists/Saren were fucking awesome.
Quality BioWare modeling.
>Playing as a biotic
Your first mistake
>It's a meme to hate on ME3
It wasn't just the ending that ruined the experience, it was most of the game.
Having recently started playing through the first again, I'm kinda sad they don't have more moderate options for some conversations
>Council meeting
>Plain as day no proof against Saren is there
>Instead of moving on to the subject of the vision, Shepard goes all "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS" or "YOU ALL ARE DUMB I'M LEAVING".
Just felt dumb.
I was expecting a King of New York gif...
What makes you think I played a biotic?
It's almost like npc don't have powers...
Yes. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I would preferred it if the Mass Effect series was just Mass Effect 2. Loved all the characters and the suicide mission was god tier.
I was lying to myself through the entire game, telling myself I enjoyed it until I hit the ending and realised I fucking hated every second of that game.
Cop-out answer, but I think all three games accomplished different things, so it's hard for me to rank them.
you're right that was ridiculous, there was a lot of hyperbole there. Probably a lot more of it than I remember.
>crew went from being pure kino to shit with the only good characters being Garrus and Liara
>old crew members turn up for one mission and leave again instead of joining you in what should feel like one huge celebration of the trilogy
>thane gets killed off within thirty seconds of being re-introduced by an assassin that has no personality if you haven't read the comics or whatever the fuck he's in
Fuck Mass Effect 3 as a whole.
3 was better
>an assassin that has no personality
Leng's personality of "12 year old edgelord who wants to be an anime character" is pretty distinct. It's just bad.
Bioware cant into faces. Why do you think most faggots love Tali so much?
Man there was a lot of melodrama in the three games. The 3rd being the worst. Sincerely I thought the 3rd felt more like a cheap soap opera than anything else.
>destroy robots en masse like they're made of paper and spit
>ai commandeers one of these robots
>suddenly it's a nigh unkillable deathdroid pal
I hate this shit so much
>"Citadel" is the *real* ending.
That's kind of how I feel as well.
It makes more sense to me for the party to be a fun over-the-top epilogue than it does to call all of your top military specialists and scientists to leave their posts and go get drunk while Earth is still completely on fire.
He was so bland that I completely forgot everything about him. I didn't even hate him for killing my boy Thane, I just literally didn't giving a single shit.
>Hello, writers? We want ME2 set 2 years after the first
>Oh, uh, okay, we'll just...
>Kill Shepard
>Do it
>But who will replace-
>Make Shepard come back to life 2 years later
>thane gets killed off within thirty seconds of being re-introduced by an assassin that has no personality if you haven't read the comics or whatever the fuck he's in
Thane actually shows up at the Hospital first, as I recall, and he basically tells Shepard that he can't come along since he's in the last stages of his disease.
Also yeah Leng is hilariousy Good, you opened this spoiler.
ME2 was a good B movie. 1 was better in pretty much every way except fun
ME would be even more GOAT if the DLC were worthwhile and if the side quests weren't so bad.
No. 1 is.
I prefer ME1's atmosphere and the overall impact of the main plot, but I liked ME2's general efforts to explore the characters further.
Like how ME2 shows you the Flotilla and Tali's personal conflict with it and her family. While in the first game she's just kind of a codex entry on Quarians. Same with Mordin and the actual impact of the genophage or Legion and the through process of the Geth.
I hate 3's ending, but I'd be have to be an asshole to pretend 2 had better gameplay than 3.
With each ME game, the story got worse but the gameplay got better
But Liara's face was pretty cure desu senpai
>I was lying to myself through the entire game
I know man, me too. I was desperate to love that game.
My personal opinion is:
1 > 2 > 3
The only thing I liked about the third one was the online play. I had lots of fun playing online.
2 is my favorite overall but Shepard getting the quarians to stand down in 3 is my favorite moment of the series.
I don't think Tuchanka and Rannoch get enough love.
I don't find the Geth as interesting in ME3, but they still incorporate a lot of choices and characterization from the last two games to actually culminate in some unique outcomes that tie up two major conflicts and several major character arcs.
do I need to play 1 to appreciate 2?
You should play 1 so you aren't forced to import the shittiest possible default choices into 2.
Why does ME1 feel so much more grand and alien compared to 2 and 3?
Not particularly
1 and 3 both had things that they did well, but overall 2 was the best game. Hands down best characters & story in the series. The endings to 2 give better closure to the series than any of the ones in 3.
>what's the point of the "recruit people plot" when it ends as soon as its completed.
That's among the most glaring weaknesses.
After all that talk about how important it was to recruit specialists, we get a grand total of three segments that need one combined with a hidden value segment.
Not to mention that the loyalty missions had no bearing on their ability to do their job, with the possible exception of Jack. Apart from her, the team should have been professional enough to put that shit behind them until they get back
When people say it was good until the end, this is what they actually mean.
The end wasn't the only bad bit, just the bad bit that hammered home the fact it would never get better.
This is true.
It didn't help that I screwed up quite a few choices during the game so I rocked up to the final battle with the most limp dick fleet.
>can't tell the turian councilor "I told you so"
Biggest flaw of ME3 honestly, even moreso than the ending
I think it helps, with all the character callbacks there are, and the establishment of what the stakes are, but the first game is more of a slow-burn than the other two.
I think it's funny that the new replacement council in ME2 is actually nicer to you than the one you can save from the first game.
Because that's what it set out to accomplish, it wanted to take this new setting and just chuck you in. Even if it did adhere to Bioware's usual "visit 4 places to unlock final level" thing it gave you a lot of leeway in doing it and had a lot of dicking around to do just exploring random planets.
>Gets his ass beat by a terminal cancer patient
>Still talks shit afterward
Kai Leng is an impressively bad character, even by the standards of the game he was in.
Bioware cannot into modeling
Awful spindly arms and bizarre proportions, especially in the first game. Shepard's fucking neck and shoulders are just shocking
I swear to god you fags have no fucking clue of what is a good videogame, there's literally one single problem with ME and it's not even that big of a deal, what you mongoloids fail to understand is that Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
i never got why no one model changed their love interest to Kellys dance party in me 2
They needed to live up to the standard of writing in his last appearance
Yes, without a doubt. Though, ironically, it's the best for probably unintentional reasons.
The character assassination of Udina is one of the things that pissed me off most about 3
>A clear asshole, and very abrasive, but also covers for you and has humanity's best interest at heart
>backstabs you to advance the cause of humanity, but acknowledges you still did the right thing later, and was working with what he had when he did it.
>Gives the best speech delivery when picked
>the most typical corrupt politician that you can practically see the ctrl + v
>implying your choice mattered in 1
>makes steps in the right direction by showing him deeply hit by the burden of leadership
>is sympathetic, his attitude shifts and he becomes closer to his ME1 incarnation
>lolbackstab out of nowhere for space dick dastardly
The only bright side to ME3's Udina is that he clearly got pressured into it from fear and not just seeking personal gain
Why do all pary members in 2 have daddy issues?
Mass Effect could've been good if they managed to avoid the "ANCIENT EVIL FROM DARK SPACE AWAKENS" shit. The cover-based shooting simply does not fit with a "indestructible civilization-harvesting machines want to destroy all intelligent lifeforms" narrative, as shown in 3's retarded setpieces. A reaper stands still while a couple of tiny humans use a conveniently powerful gun? How fucking weak are they?
The relationships between the different factions should have endless good material for countless games. Want a dialogue-heavy game? Why not explore the politics of space exploration. The stuff related to the genophage is some of the coolest stuff in the trilogy. You can still have the shooting bits, but instead of setting up a generic villain, flesh out some of the bandit groups to make them interesting.
I just want a game set in the Mass Effect universe made by CDPR.
Garrus didn't have daddy issues, just a hateboner the size of a battleship
Family drama is a tool hack writers use to get you interested in the story.
See: Bethesda's Fallout.
every girl has daddy issues
ME1 was more unpolished and more lacking in content but this is your first take with the universe and everything is well presented and coherent with a very nice sauce of science on top that most settings don't use, so it ends up being original by the simple effort of having some idea of what you are talking about
ME2 is more polished and has more content but you already know the universe and you can notice that they change the writers since everything start feeling more conventional, my example: When you first encounter a batarian smoking, its something you nerver heard about before, it was done because of the aesthetic and indirect characterization that we know that works our modern understanding of the world but not in ME. And everything is more based about more common grounds, but since you expand this "conventionaness" with more content you get a better show with nice graphics, romances for almost everyone, quests that feel more varied(not original) and almost starreske(see Jacob's mission)...
It can be resumed in qualityvsquantity
Now, about gameplay I wouldn't say they are bad. Is just preference, ME1 is more classical in its aproach and ME2 is more streamlined, its like comparing old XCOM with new XCOM, you can enjoy both because they are just different not superior.
Then ME3 came in and Khorne was born; an entity that can collect all the rage in the world and transcend the universe itself
So ME3 never happened.
And ME:A... uuuh. I haven't checked it but seems bad, not ME:3 awful... just bad.
The daddy issues aren't his primary problem but he still has them
ME3 is the worst game WTF
All bioware games are ancient evils awakening.
Only the Arrival DLC contributed (although in a bad way) to the story progression of Mass Effect story, making ME2 pointless in every aspect.
This and LotSB are the only reasons anyone should play the game.
>tfw i want a jade empire 2 but also really dont because bioware is shit now
sad times
>All these posters saying ____ is best girl without mentioning the true best girl