What if it actually ends up being good?

What if it actually ends up being good?

I'll have fun and Sup Forums will be Sup Forums.


Sup Forums will pirate it, play it for 100 hours and then claim it was shit



That's exactly what I'll end up doing. Exploring parts of Hellenic Egypt is going to be pretty fun though.

That's a picture from the AC3 DLC, you can't fool me.

It won't.
Stop shilling.

Then I'll maybe pirate it sometime later.

I'm not shilling. The game's going to be cracked the day after it releases, so I'm curious about it.

>another asscreed

If it turns out good I will eat my own dick

It won't be good for those don't like the genre. Watch enough livestream on day 1 to decide.

Well if it's the PC version you care about then one piece of good news is it apparently runs pretty well and has fucktons of options, even fov

It runs well on a GTX 1080 @ 1080/60, yes. But did you really expect anything different?

It looks really fucking comfy.

>This pack contains 7400 Helix Credits for Assassin's Creed Origins including 2400 bonus Helix Credits. Helix Credits can be used to unlock extra items, in-game currency, resources and more.

This game is fucked.

I found a really good deal, user. It's called the cheat engine pack. Only $0.00 for unlimited Helix.

waiting for the deluxe day 1 codex release with all dlc pre installed for the affordable price of 0.00€


Sums it up perfectly.

Can't wait for Hellenic KANGZ

bum bu-bum buh bum bum bum

That shit has been in AC since black flag and not once has it ever felt necessary.


Oh you mean the present day story will actually progress meaningfully, giving me reason to buy it?


Well it has an actual protagonist again so who knows.

the present day story meme was always the worst part, no idea why they're adding it back in just to pander to conspiritards. I guess that's gonna lose them some sales.

I want it to be good. I want all vidya to be good

Please no. Horseback was horrible in Ass3 and camels will probably be twice as bad

I'm sorry you think it's a meme, it was half the reason I was so sucked in for the first three games.


Assassin's Creed hasn't been good since the second game (including some of its sister games) with the exception of 4

Wtf is wrong with her butt

jokes on you I'm going to enjoy both wolf2 and this

life is easy when you're not a meme juicer

bruh that shit thick, mane

Absolutely nothing

4 was shit. Not even AC.

It won't

Yeah, that's why it was actually good. Not even AC.

it was in BF? I don't remember them shaking me down for shekels. I do recall them selling shit like maps for all the collectible shit for real money though

>Not even AC
The AC formula is stale and has gotten shitty


but it won't you fucking Ubisoftcock shill

We've already seen the leak. It's fucking not even AC anymore.

user. i'm from 2017.

it didn't.

I'll have fun not playing it and you will still be a faggot

Someone was streaming the console version already. This is easily the weakest entry in the entire series and I even played that obscure one for the Vita where you play as a Black lesbian.


then ubisoft is still an objectionable publisher and developer.

If it is good and a turning point for their games and behavior towards the customer for the better, then they will exonerate themselves within 2 or 3 more games, but until then they are still deplorable.

Can someone post the layout for the legacy controls?

>having fun not playing games
My guess is you have another tab open where you're relentlessly tracking the shipment of your exit bag
You poor, pathetic fuck

Those AssCreed games are fundamentally flawed. I've seen footage and the towns have tiny buildings that look pointless to freerun around. The retards at Ubisoft have forgotten that the series differentiates from other IPs on the market for the parkour element, but they seem unaware that giving you a grappling hook as in Syndicate, or making the towns filled with boring small buildings barely connected as in AssCreed 3 and most of the recent ones makes parkour pointless.
>b-but it wouldn't be realistic if ancient egypt had huge buildings
Yeah dumbass, so pick a setting that will play to the strengths of the franchise and not the other way around.

>when redditors come over to play

>when reddits culturally appropriate our poor pepe

What if you stop shilling?

B-but what about the $0.05 per post? How would he survive with no income?

>when the redditnigger gets upset

/vol/ will get really mad and then by 2018 they'll pretend they always liked it.

Like they always do.

Yeah, cuz Fallout 4 is loved here because of all the critical acclaim. You're very smart, veddit.

I really like Egypt, but to be honest its just an Ass game. Dont count on good story or ai

AC Formula never worked anyway

it's a one way stretch of fetch quests and cut scenes, the running over rooftops was the only thing AC 1 did right in terms of gameplay.
And even then the pathing was horrible along with the combat, nobody ever felt like replaying earlier AC games.

Black Flag replaced a lot of the gameplay, did it better and improved on existing issues such as pathing, combat (by dumbing it down further) since the story and naval combat were obvious the best parts

Wow, that was spiteful. Who pissed in your cereal?

it's gonna be a competent witcher 3 clone with asscreed mechanics, nothing more nothing less. i doubt they're gonna fuck it up once more