Steam Controller

45€ for Steam Controller and Deus Ex MD. Worth it?
I want both, but I'm afraid that there will be an updated version of the Steam Controller soon because it's fairly old.

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steam controller was a bust
it's ok at best

It's a fucking great controller with a steep as fuck learning curve.

If you wanna learn to use it and make your own profiles it shits on every other controller for a lot of games. Although it'll never match a proper controller for things that expect a dpad.

It's good for shooter games if you're not already using a keyboard. It's also good for using your pc as you normally would from the comfort of your bed/couch.

I want to play games like Dishonored 2, Deus Ex HR/MD, MGSV and similar games that have a lot of aiming but I don't like playing with kb+m.
I don't mind learning how they work.

How good is it for web browsing and general desktop use with right track pad as mouse? How good does it work with on-screen keyboards?

I actually prefer using my bluetooth mouse while in bed, anything that needs a keyboard for me is just worth moving to my desk. I will say that I really do like how they implemented the on-screen keyboard for that controller.
I forgot to say this, but I only have two real complaints about this controller. No d-pad and it doesn't have a rechargeable battery.

Is this controller good with Max Payne 2?

>How good does it work with on-screen keyboards
It actually has it's own on-screen keyboard that works pretty well.

You're like the target market for this thing then.

Remember when they were trying to sell the idea of this as a customizeable controller, where you could pop out one of the trackpads and add a d-pad, stick, or something else to it?
I wish they followed through with that.

And it's not just for Big Picture? Because fuck Big Picture.

That's kinda why I'm holding off. There were a lot of prototypes and I'm certain that Steam will launch a new version sometime in the future.
I'd like one without piano black finish.

It's complete shit. Just plug your xbox controller into PC. The directional button has no delineation, you end up all over the place, esp in games that require precision.

>And it's not just for Big Picture?
Kinda? You have to turn on big picture mode and then minimize it, but after that you can just bind it to a button.

absolutely not. Just get a ds4 so you have the option of using a normal controller + track pad instead of being forced into two awful track pads

Explain, the controller is precise for me

Confirmed for never actually using one.

And that's why I said that the controller was a bust. I didn't say it was shit, but it is a complete failure as a product and they won't make another based on how well this did, though this is Valve we're talking about so it's not like that was a very important factor in the first place. It's going to be anyone's guess if they make another, and if they do make another then it's gonna be years before they release it. This isn't the same thing as the hottest gpu or cpu on the market that's gonna be outdated in a week.

That's kinda shit.

I heard that there was a problem with doing very fine aiming. Is it reallly that much of a problem?

Already own a DS4. The track pad doesn't work well as a mouse for me. Locks to angles and can't do fine movements. Should I use something other than DS4Windows?

the used market is packed of steam controllers, because the majority of people are mentally retarded to know what it does
you can get one for 20-30$ literally new
I did, and it is the best controller I have ever owned

ofc, i love fiddling with it, making my profiles.... i like tech

Very fine aiming on your thumbs is difficult, that's what the Gyro's for.

You can do things like have the gyro only active when your thumb is on the pad or you're holding in left trigger etc. so you don't have the splatoon issue of having to hold your controller still to look straight but can get way way finer aim than anything you can do on a traditional controller.

Playing Skyrim is so comfy once you have all your controls configured the way you want. The customization is on the steam controller is god tier.

Sounds like you fucked up your keybinds or didn't even look at them in the first place. You really don't know what you're talking about, regardless of your past experience with this controller.

>I heard that there was a problem with doing very fine aiming
There is no problem with fine aiming when compared to a regular controller. It's better than a joystick but worse than a mouse. That user is just a retard and ignored the one thing that's truly special about this controller, the huge amount of customization it offers.

Steam Controller has no drivers.

SWEDEN YES sucks to buy used products in.

Now that's pretty interesting. I wish more PS4 games used the DS4's gyro because it's great.

check wallapop
that is where I found it

It can be nice for things, but as an all rounder I prefer my Xbone controller. (Which I got after the steam controller)

Is there anyway to use it on current gen consoles?

You can use the Steam Controller Configurator on the DS4 as well if you wanna toy with the customisation tools before you invest in a SC

I think I rememeber EEgg's video on it being decent.

I have an Xbone Elite and use it for racing and 3rd person aimless games like DaS and A Hat in Time. Want something better for aiming.

>no d-pad

into the trash you go!

The Steam Controller is the worst controller I've ever used, I can't believe Valve shilled me into buying one.

I tried that a little to get gyro aiming in Dragon's Dogma DA and Sleeping Dogs but it was really weird. I tried every type of aiming (mouse simulation, stick simulation etc.) but couldn't get it to work smoothly.

Xbone Elite, DS4 and Wii U Pro don't have good d-pads so I've given up. I'll get a dedicated pad for emulation and 2D platformers with a decent d-pad when I find one that feels like GBA's but bigger and more travel.

with the DS4? the DS4's gyro isn't great, it needs like 3x as much smoothing and way lower sensitivity than the SC's one to feel okay because it's just so much less accurate.

It's a fun testbed to see if you like the IDEA of gyro aim though.

>it's just so much less accurate.
Have you played a PS4 game which uses it? It had great accuracy in Gravity Rush 1 HD and Tearaway Unfolded.


But will it be cheaper than 45€ bundled with DE:MK? It's hardware, I doubt it can go much lower.
Also, any clue on when that starts?

It uses quite a lot of smoothing in tearaway, I haven't used it in GR HD though.

If you hook it up to a PC you can view the outputs. The PS4 one has quite visibly more judder which makes for less fine accuracy.

Oh, that's good, then.

The controller sells for $35, and DE is already on sale for another ~42.5 hours.

>The controller sells for $35
Where and when?
And 35+12 is 47, which is more than this bundle.

45 seems fine.

Amazon, Steam

I think the thing people never mention when they recommend steam controllers is that you have to make a conscious effort to get used to this controller.
It's REALLY FUCKING WEIRD when you first use it, you wanna reach for the A button, but you press B, you're gonna hate the ergonomics and the back paddles are gonna feel useless.
But, experiment with other people's controller config, tweak it, learn how it works, improve it for your own tastes.
It's gonna take a good 20 hours before you're adjusted to the controller, after that the fun starts.

It's $49 on American Amazon and 45£ on UK's.

If it takes 100 hours to be able to play any FPS/3PS with it, I'm okay.

It's gonna take less than that, it takes practice and experimentation to find what suits you best. Just be wary that you're gonna have to make an effort to get used to the controller.

Re: SCE?