Vidya sins

Confess your vidya sins my children.

I genuinely think that yakuza 4 is one of the best places to start the series because the story is based around 4 completely new characters. watch the recap vids though.

I've catfished up to 20 different men and gained at least fourteen thousand dollars in games, gifts and Paypal over the last 5 years.

Are you ever afraid of MTVs catfish showing up at your door?

I'm pretty good at covering my tracks. Plus the show is staged.

>I'm pretty good at covering my tracks
clever girl (male)

>Plus the show is staged.

I think nearly all PS1 and N64 games have aged like milk, usually 3D ones

>14k in shit
Jesus I clearly need to step my game up

I've spent more time in my life playing mobile games than regular games

I promise myself I won't savescum yet still do it by making up retarded excuses like "oh i was distracted" or "I would've won if I wasn't tired so that doesnt count" etc etc and in my head I've beaten several hardest difficulty campaings in several games and actively "brag" about it in the generals despite knowing eep down I'm a save scummer

I 100% honestly don't give a fuck about a vidya character being a woman or gay or black or whatever, as long as the game is fun and engaging. I'm not saying I prefer one over the other, I just literally don't care at all. If your game is solid, you could make the MC a bisexual genderless purple mannequin and I'd still play it.

I used to be a weeb ironically but now I've actually became one. I'm literally unable to enjoy a western game or a japanese game without cute girls

I kill people in Dark Souls while they gesturing

At this point, I've probably spent more time on Sup Forums than on video games.

I'm an autumn 2010 newfag.

sounds more like a complaint than a confession tbqhwy senpai

I hot-keyed all the special moves for Street Fighter 2 on my SNES emulator, so when I play friends and family I pull of snap Shoryukens that most likely would be impossible by a human player. I'm suprised they don't even realize it, especially when I do a front flip towards them and a microsecond after my feet touch the ground I'm coming up for a full blown flaming dragon punch

I bought lootboxes for Overwatch one time

commit suicide

Fallout New Vegas was a fucking slog to get through and I'd play Fallout 3 all day erry day for the rest of my life instead of Vegas.

I can't play Sims 4 without downloading porn mods

I also wish Nintendo would let us facefuck our waifus instead of pussying out when they localized Fates

If it makes it any better, I bought them through a gift card

This is not a sin. It's called reason.

I've finished every Resident Evil game except 4

I do the same with resurrecting npcs
>oh he didn't deserve that
>aww he died oh well up you go

Dark Souls 2 is my favorite and most played Dark Souls. I honestly don't care for Bloodborne, and everything in Dark Souls 1 post-lordvessel is fucking garbage.

I'm always recommending Trails and Ys to my friends to look cool

The only Falcom game I have played is the one with the drill girl

You monster...

At the same time, I'm both a dexfag and a fashion souls player. I have never beat a DS game with a STR build. I love just making my character fly around with crazy dex weapons in robes.

Also DS2>DS3>DS1>DeS. Haven't played bloodborne so I can't judge

I've only ever played one Resident Evil (7) and one Final Fantasy (15). I grew up in a christian household so games like those weren't allowed because they had magic and looked evil.


Although I disagree with your post you are entitled to your own opinion, except for the ds1 post lordvessel part. They obviously stopped trying there.

Atleast you don't cheat like me

This isn't a sin, this is a sad story of a sheltered child. You're free now user, go play RE4.

I'd list a few FF's but it would just start a little flamewar so check em out and play what looks fun.

I have over 8k hours in tf2. At least a thousand are trading and at least two thousand are mvm Mann up

I'll pick it up when it's on sale again for $10. It tends to be on sale a lot in the Xbox Store.

Final Fantasy 9 is my fav one, and I think FF7 is bad

I automatically dislike a game if it has a weird title, Touhou in particular I hate the title so much for some reason

I also got my old PS1 working after finding the right cord for the tv (when I bought it from goodwill, it had a different cord that was meant for special types of tv's), so I'll probably get FF7. I also found the second, third, and fourth disc of The Legend of Dragoon so I'll play through that too once I find the first disc.

Youre not alone with that, user. I hate when devs name their games something dumb. This happens a lot with indie games because they try to be quirky and it bugs the hell out of me.

I don't consider it a sin but I'll assume it's generally considered a sin to prefer Kirby's Dreamland 3 to the other SNES kirby games

Out of all the games I have 70% was torrented

I've played about 4 hours of FFVII and that's all the FF I've ever played.

I've never played a GTA game

I've played OOT3D and that's all the Zelda I've ever played

I never finished Red Dead Redemption

I've never played an Ace Combat game but I own 4, 5, and 0

I've never played any Yakuza

>Play new game
>First thing I do is press "~" key (or whatever key combination needed to open a console command)
How do I stop myself from wanting to cheat and more importantly

I'm fucking love japanese games not because "hur dur japan so cool desu" but because they are so much better that most of western games. I'm never played any Metroid or Zelda tho.

I spent 800 dollars on computer parts and just play old games or emulate PS2 shit anyway.

My backlog is getting bad. I think I'm currently sitting on about 20 Triple A titles from the last five years I haven't gotten around to finishing. I keep getting sucked into other random things. Sometimes its friends that would rather I join them in a match of HotS instead of working through one, or when I remember how fun an old game was, and I find myself picking up New Vegas, or Asscreed4 to get muh pirate on and i distract myself.

My biggest annoyance is that I took a break from playing BotW and now I can't pick it back up. Not due to lack of trying, but that the last few patches to the game make it too big to actually be on my WiiU, and I don't want to by a Switch and never play it... Sigh, is there anyway to upgrade the memory on a WiiU without having to buy a large External HDD that I'd rather have on my PC instead of using about 10 percent of its space on a WiiU and nothing else?

I'm always saying that I rp as a girl in mmo for free stuff, truth is I just like to play as a girl. Sometimes I don't want to play the game because there is no option to play as women.

Are you passable IRL? Would you like to be the Sheva to my Chris?

I'm terrible at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and very rarely get gold medals, on fire, etc. I also get killed by Genjis and Tracers when I play as Winston. Despite that, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy/Lucio.

When I play comp, I need to have chat muted and Oney Plays, Super Mega, or Game Grumps on in the background because I have a massive anxiety problem and getting shit on for fucking up destroys my ego.

I also refuse to play notoriously difficult games like Cuphead or Dark Souls for the above reasons.

I also think Danny Sexbang is funnier than Jon.

I bought Soul Caliber 4 just so I could jerk off to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match to this day.

I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account in TF2

I've played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on the first one after an hour.

The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half Life 2 are my top 3.

I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction. I've written fics for games I haven't played because I like the characters.

I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but despise 1 and haven't played more than an hour of it. I also absolutely love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but dislike the original Deus Ex.

I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.

I find a lot of retro games unplayable as they lack the polish and streamlining of more modern games

The only turn based RPGs I've ever played are the South Park ones because I used to watch the show

I hate the Sonic franchise. Every game is complete garbage

In every Zelda game I play, I use a guide to make sure I get all the items and see all the content

I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play

I donate to streamers on occasion

The only RE game I like is 4

I savescum whenever possible

I've bought cosmetics in multiplayer games

I'm still playing Morrowind. I also plan to replay Terraria again sometime soon.
I've got at least 1000h in each.

I know most of those. I have massive anxiety problems too, that's why I really don't like to play games with communications. But there is one thing thats bothers me.
>I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.
How and why? I'm really impressed and curious.

I think cheating in multiplayer games is a sin in any book and you should be shot. The rest of it doesn't bother me, you just seem like a pretty big asspie.

The 400 hours of solo play in L4D just made me laugh, you pathetic little fool you.

how do you go about it?
do they not ask for pictures of you with your thumbs up or something to prove being real?

4 isn't a bad place to start, but fuck the recap videos, people should go back and play the others afterwards

Not that guy, but anytime someone on Sup Forums says they've successfully catfished for long periods of time there are always faggots asking for details, and it creeps me out because I think you want to know just so you can go out and fuck with people too.

Catfishing is easy as fuck, right up till they demand you skype, snap, or GTFO. People that get catfished are morons more often than not.

I always savescum in every game I play.

I hear you. I never picked up PUBG for that very reason.

I compulsively drop every game I emulate, no matter how much I'm enjoying it. I haven't finished a single one.

>honorabul anime dools

Fine, but don't cry when you get Dark analbeaded

If the only way to get money on a single player rpg is farming the same monster for hours I just cheat engine the money

In 2012 I used part of my tax return to buy $150 worth of keys for TF2 to open every crate I had. I got 7 strange brass beasts and no unusuals.

I'm 1k scum in Dota 2 and have no interest in getting out of the trench. If I try to get good at the game I will cease to have fun.

I also don't like to play unranked in Dota 2 because the people in that trench are retarded and don't know what wards even are.

I still bought Legacy of The Void even though Heart of the Swarm had a shitty ending.

I want to fuck Izshsa from Heart of The Swarm.

I bet you level up dex, faggot.

You may not believe this user but people outside of Sup Forums don't ask for timestamps or even actual proof. Idiots will be idiots.

only to 10 pls no bully

i want to vomit when i see another modern game, especially aaa title

yeah, you're not alone

I built a PC and it feels wrong and I can't help it

send it to me