New Switch commercial

What do you think Sup Forums?

Finally they changed that fucking song that was in literally every other switch commercial

Goddamn I didn't even know you could say nigger that much on tv, let alone in a commercial.

Why Toddrimmed

>2003 Maxima
Good taste.

Such a surprise for them to come out as pro-alt-right.
Not a fan personally, but even I will admit that Richard Spencer amiibo looks sweet.


looks good

the thumbnail alone already gave me aids

Black people play rpgs? learn something new everyday


You'd be surprised at how many black weebs there are.

There's plenty of niggerboos

Pretty standard commercial desu

a black, an asian, and white
no brown

It's so odd for them to be advertising solely to the young adult demographic, but it's smart and honestly about time they realized the type of people willingly to spend their own money on their products.

>Black people play rpgs?

How fucking new to life are you? When it comes to games we love the following genres


These people almost fucking died

I hope they make another one that includes Doom.

Doom amiibos when?

Will you buy a doomguy amiibo?

I would buy the fuck out of a Doomguy and a Cacodemon amiibo.

No, fuck amiibos.

Amazing how desperate Nintendo are to get anyone to buy their tablet.

Hell yeah I would.

>advertising your latest console

hmmm, really activating my almonds

>for fucking vidya
>not desperate

What about a retro doomguy amiibo?
Would you buy it?

Maybe, depends how it looks. The 8-bit Link amiibo is pretty nice but it bothers me to no end that it has no feet.

Sheeeesh bitch ass nigga imma mah limit cracka imma pop a cap if you ass muffuga justa get some exp

>people playing their switch out in public
Do people really do this? Jokes about playing in public aside its not very portable, the battery life sucks with higher end games and it gets super hot.

Dumb Leni poster.

>didn't include fighters
Quit larping faggot

Most likely because that's Doom to me, 2016 is a nice design but not what I know Doom as.

>implying normalfags like this will go anywhere near xenoblade or fire emblem
>implying they wouldn't immediately start spouting "CRINGE! CRINGE! BLECH ANIME IS CRINGE!"

The way these questions are paraphrased... Reggie?!

Dumb The Loud House poster

>Do people really do this?

anime is normie as fuck user

love how it starts with a black guy playing a weeb jrpg

nintendo really knows their audience

Is there any stopping the amount of momentum the Switch has? They have two games of the decade all exclusive to this system. How the fuck did they do it after the failure the Wii U was?


Honestly this. They are too fucking stupid to figure out how RPGs work and probably don't even have the patience to play them.

>Over the years black people have had their secret hobbies exposed to the masses
>Anime Fighters
>Interest in Japan pop culture
>Kung Fu
>Country music
>tfw nothing left to hide

Wii U was a sacrifice.

What the fuck are you talking about? Especially the country music part.

>Playing vanilla Skyrim in console mode
>Almost a decade after the initial release

What white teen is going to do this?

Black people like modern country music?

Aw sheeeeeeeit


Their marketing team was on the ball this time for starters. I also think Mario was intended to be a Wii U title but they switched development to Switch given how fast its coming out.

Are you implying video games only make commercials out of desperation? Because video game commercials have been a thing for fucking forever now.


More like they are trying to attract more niggers to their system and away from PS4.

No way is it the same marketing team from Wii U. I'd bet hard money they outright let their old marketing team go and hired a new one. Nearly all of their new marketing material is pretty damn good. In comparison the Wii U era marketing made me fall asleep.


>but it bothers me to no end that it has no feet.
But it does.

>Fighting games isn't the first thing listed

You're not a good representation of black people.


Yeah I was wrong. Didn't realise he was walking.

>Can here Rex yelling "spinning"
Talk about loud


How do you get selected to be in one of these commercials? I want free games too.

Don't even try to compare yourself to that. Toddposting may as well be board culture at this point.

Email Nintendo with a video of you acting. A Youtube Let's Play should suffice.

What a waste of money
Everyone who wanted a Switch already bought one

>property damage is cool
What the fuck happened to the marketing?

It is board culture. Toddposting is to Sup Forums like Baneposting is to Sup Forums.

If Zelda could get into Skyrim, think it'd be possible to get Metroid into Doom?

Payday 2 devs are teasing something Nintendo-related for their game as well and we alrady have Rocket League supporting Mario and Metroid.

As a marketing insider I can tell you now, commercials are for potential investors not customers.

Interesting that they would outright show a swastika in a commercial like that

I took it camping during the Summer and played SF2 and KoF with my campmates into the night.

It's actually quite a riveting experience.

It's not.

They specifically hired Doug Bowser (a former head of EA marketing) to make the Switch the success story that it is.

What are you talking about?

i played breath of the wild in NY Penn station during rush hour.

yes, i have a lisp

>Condemning black people
Holy fuck Nintendo, take it down a notch.