Asides from Skyrim, what are some games with a 10/10 magic system?

Asides from Skyrim, what are some games with a 10/10 magic system?

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trash webm
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kill yourself

you just want furry porn.
shame since the topic is interesting


But it's a legit good magic system


I mean Morrowind


>10/10 magic system

It really isn't. The magic systems post morrowind are inferior.

Gauntlet on pc was only fun with the wizard. Made for interesting gameplay. Other classes were just run around and mash buttons. It was made by the magicka dudes so no wonder the wizard is the only good thing.

No you don't.

Kings Field 4

Why do you think so?

Final Fantasy VII had best magic system of all time. Much better than Skyrim.

Legend of Grimrock gas a pretty great rune-based system.

I'd like to solve the puzzle!
I want to fuck that cat!

Every single one of you don't know nothing about magic in videogames.

Only if you're using mods.

Eternal Darkness had a pretty good system. It could've been great, but it was still decent.

I really like this webm

Look, Skyrim's magic system is good at what it does: it's efficient and solid. All the magic schools are balanced, all spells are useful in their own way depending on the situation and the mechanics and spell effects aren't unnecessarily complex like in Wizardry and other TES titles. Playing as a mage is an extremely rich experience if you know how to take advantage of it, especially on Legendary difficulty, where you're forced to make a strategic use of your spells if you want to survive. I'd go as far as saying that this game has the best magic system of all RPGs, and other games should follow its example.

But Skyrim's magic system fucking sucked. Especially compared to previous installments where you could make custom spells. Also magic is pretty fucking weak after a certain level and you're pretty much forced to abandon it because it's not doing jack shit to enemies.

>elemental shit
>white sparkling healing shit
>dark necro self-damaging shit
>green hippie shit

Why is magic in video games so shit? It's literally always some variant of this. Are there any games that actually do something cool with magic?


This is the 3rd webm you've posted without giving any source holy shit you troll GTFO


i always liked the magic in arx fatalis cause it made magic feel difficult. you always had to re-read your spellbook to remember how to cast spells, it was legitimately immersive flipping through it finding a spell then practicing casting.

What do you gain from posting such weak bait?

>All the magic schools are balanced
Fire, electricity and ice is balanced in the sense that its just the same with a different secondary effect.
Conjuration is imbalanced as fuck.
Alteration is straight up complete trash except when you really need to be even more of a giant sponge with armour soakers.

Magic is shit.

Morrowind has a 10/10 spellcrafting system. It gets worse with every TES game.

Dragon's Dogma and Magicka 1/2 are the only games with a good magic system

Kill yourself.

>All the magic schools are balanced

Nigger this is FACTUALLY untrue. It is the most imabalanced systems in any of Bethesdas rpgs and it isnt even up for debate.

>needs to abuse cheesy perk combos, chug potions, and invest heavily into enchanting to just barely match the DPS of a decently smithed 1h sword
>10/10 magic system

Skyrim's magic is absolute trash without significant modding to unfuck it.

Today I thought about committing suicide while I worked with my dad, and I started crying on the car ride home because of how badly I would hurt him, and how much he loves me. I would never abandon him like his family abandoned him.

I'm disgusted that I'm having such ideas while not having clinical depression.

Life is just very hard, and I don't have anything to look forward to. I don't have anyone to really talk to, and my dad just wants to talk about money.

I'm so grateful just to have the chance to work with my dad. So many people don't get to have such a thing in this world.

I can't hate him for bringing me into this world. He's a Christian, but he didn't teach me any of it because he was too busy drinking, but he would've done it if he wasn't.

I wish the world I live in could be different, but it's not. Living a moral life is the best I can do for the rest of the time I have on this world.

Pussy, who has daddy issues these days?

Literally none of that is actually related to the system being good though. Seriously, what have you actually said about the system? You've said the spells are 'balanced', 'efficient' and 'solid' but that's effectively meaningless for one thing, and entirely to do with the balancing of the individual spells rather than the way the core system is designed.

The simple fact is that the core system is simplistic to the point of being braindead. Having each spell need to be individually coded with no parameters behind them results in a pitiful array of spells. Most of the spell types are literally just "do damage", the only two relevant factors to that in any way being it's DPS and if you have Magicka. Literally the only upside to Skyrim's spell system is that it looks pretty. There is zero depth and playing a mage is a braindead experience.

Games with spellbooks and spells inscribed on scrolls to be put into said spell book, with unique spells for combat and non combat related things instead of copy pasted lighting effects that do different amounts of damage and secondary damage.
Also the spells require materials and mana to cast.

Was exactly what I was going to post. Word for word.

Todd, get the fuck my internet.

I just end up spamming the biggest fireball I can consistently cast, stunlocking opponents.

The ones who have 2 moms

>fire 1
>fire 2
>fire 3
>fire master
>repeat for all schools even though you'll only use destruction and restoration

Lightning drains magicka and hits the enemy instantly, making it extremely useful against mage enemies and for newbies who cannot aim. Fireball burns the enemies, dealing extra DPS, making it the choice for experienced players. Ice slows your enemy, which is very useful against fast enemies. Comboing these spells requires a lot of skill. All these spell effects have unique and complex combinations when you take in consideration the other schools. Skyrim's magic is fun and solid, and you know it deep inside.

Everquest did that.

Fable 2 changing the spell based on what you did with the joy stick was pretty cool, but they didn't do much more than "area attack, targeted attack". DotA get's a mention as well since Invoker's abilities represented casting spells. Also see though I can't personally comment about what it does specifically because I've never played it, I've heard it has interesting mechanics with regards to spells.

>Comboing these spells requires a lot of skill

Skyrim's magic is legitimately bad. Try Arx Fatalis or Dark Messiah if you want something innovative and good.

Haven't seen this pasta in a while

>10/10 magic system
Oh god user my sides.

No really user joke's over now. If you keep going after the punchline it gets less funny.

I want to pin this pussy down and do things to her
Is this normal

>having each spell need to be individually coded with no parameters behind them
What the fuck does this mean?

You literally only use fire and chug potions

I means that you have a x spell specifically coded to shoot a cloud of fire, rather than a generic spell of form a with effects x and y for z length.

Yes user its not just you