You turn on the TV and see pic related going on in Tokyo

>You turn on the TV and see pic related going on in Tokyo
What do?

Stockpile melons because fuck that shit.

Suicide would be a legitimate option at that point since WCS is incurable and there's no way i'd ever let myself go under the Gestalt process

Hope they don't nuke it.

Really, ideally you build a sarcophagus around it until we can safety bisect it and launch the pieces into a black hole.

What is this? A SMT game? Certainly looks like one.

Four is pure!

>You turn on the TV and see pic related going on in Tokyo
What do?

It's the final ending sequence from Drakengard

Have no idea what is going on, call my ISP to bitch that I never ordered cable and they better not fucking bill me for it.

Drakengard doesn't take place in a medieval setting? Color me surprised. I kinda wanna give it a go now.

get extremely salty

It does.

Practically the entire game takes place in a medieval setting but there is a dimension warp to 2003 Tokyo right at the very end, it's surreal as fuck

Start researching cryo freezing quickly and bury myself in underground Vaults scattered across America

>Drakengard doesn't take place in a medieval setting?

it does


>Japanese Air Force
Yes, it really is insane


Why is it always Tokyo? Is it like Prime real estate for otherwordly beings?

Because that shit usually happen in jp media, so its in tokyo.
Also i guess its because EoE also happened in neo tokyo 3

Imagine being her sex slave.

Live would be complete.

Only played Automata, are melons an injoke in either Drakenguard or Nier?

>sex with a boring no one.
She would derive pleasure from gutting you

Desperately try to get video capture of the broadcast

>Find completely isolated place
>Freeze myself for about 10k years
>Enjoy mad future android pussy.