You're gonna buy it right?
You're gonna buy it right?
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It's worse than 1070
holy shit dude that block with the r's in the side is so tacky, but at the same time i love it.
Delete this
when's the last time AMD anything wasn't worse than Nvidia anything?
it's a joke at this point to bait poorfags into thinking they can pc game
Guys why is Radeon Settings so shit?
rx 200 series was significantly better price/performance than that years nvidia stuff. And that was only two years ago.
AMD drivers are shit
bullshit fuck off amd shills
>literally admitting that AMD has been the worst options the last two years and for the current set of hardware
>AMD shills
hurr durr
I'm going to see what Nvidia responds with and will buy whichever is better. I have a 970 right now and don't really play anything graphically intensive though so maybe I'll wait until someone releases something that takes advantage of the power that's actually worth playing.
>buying anything but nvidia graphics cards
being a contrarian is not that important
looks like a stretched out gamecube
I have Nvidia and it's ass too.
1050 ti or 1060 6bg?
I don't notice a difference
*blocks your path*
1060 is better, it's no brainer. Maybe you asked about 3gb version?
I keep hearing the 3bg is not worth it. Is it true?
Yeah, it's not future proof.
Is the 6bg somewhat future proof?
PC gaming is for poorfags. You can play 99% of games on a 1050ti and a shitty quad-core. Probably even less.
Yes, 1060 6gb is probably the best price/performance card now for 1080p.
Why is everyone shitting on the 1050 ti? It plays basically 90% of games at high quality and high fps?
It's sub 60fps, in some cases even closer to 30.
I don't even have it and I can already hear the sounds of the tiny little shit fan *VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
a g4560+1050ti will run every current title on high @1080p
literally the best time to get into gaymans setups. 1070 is overkill for the bulk of users.
Only short sighted faggots cheap out.
>2013 was two years ago
I'd happily buy their CPUs but as a 390 owner, I wouldn't even consider their current GPU offering
Should I?
It's more simple, but it's still laggy and everything is restricted to a tiny box even on 1080p.
290 is god like and so is 390.
Go to evga b stock and get one for $100.
for $20 more you can get a 1060 3gb, which is worse than the 6gb version, but still much better than the 1050ti
7970 shat on nvidia, and the 380X basically rendered the 960 obsolete and pointless
>tfw no Baldur's Gate 3 grafix card
Because some people have higher minimum standards than others. It's just that simple.
And having people parrot that the 1050 ti gets 1080p 60fps in all games when that's absolutely not true at all is annoying.
AMD vega looks so sick... but also so expensive...
How is the R7 370?
What's this Sup Forums thread doing on my Sup Forums
>twice as gud as 750ti
>750ti runs all games worth playing at 1080p 60 fps
I smell shills
Looks qt.
AMD has generally been ahead of Nvidia until the GTX 900 series. ATI's HD 6000 series was also fantastic. nvidia won with the Rivaturner GPU's the GeForce 3, and the 8800GTX, that was about it.
What games can't do 1080 60fps?
Im buying the 1070 ti because no news on the aib cards
Whoops meant Riva TNT not Rivatuner
Every blower is like that, I have a blower 1080 and it's ridiculous how loud it is.
>buying cards when prices are stupidly inflated due to miners and GDDR5 shortages
Literally just wait for Volta.
>4GB for a 1080p card
>wait for Spring
Is it overkill?
>being impatient
>frontier edition
Isn't that the non-vidya version
How do I best optimize my settings for smooth gaming? I have a R7 370
mathematically 1 GB is enough for 1080/60 I think (1920*1080*8*60 = just under 1 GB)
High at 30 fps.
>not having an R9 291
No actually, the 1050Ti has a 128-bit memory bus which means even though it has 4GB, the VRAM is still relatively slow which might lead to texture pop-in. The 960 4GB had the same issue, it didn't run games much better than the 2GB version. It's not a bad card, don't get me wrong, but it's not overkill.
Yeah, it's for people that do stuff other than gaming but are too poor for a Quadro or Radeon Pro. Basically AMD's version of a Titan.
But you just proved it's overkill to have such many memory for this narrow 128 bus
Pretty much anything that is demanding and recent.
1050tis fall into the 30s on ultra in shadow of war and total warhammer 2 for example.
Hell, it can't even 60fps witcher 3 or Tomb Raider.
Not them
Witcher 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider, GTA V, most cpu intensive games, almost all the current high profile 2017 games right now.
inb4 thosegamesareshit.
Nvidia 4 lyfe
>fell for the ryzen/nvidia meme
Yeah well not all of us are richfags
brand loyalty is stupid as fuck and makes no sense unless you're actually getting paid for it or sponsored with products.
Always go with what's best at price/performance at the time you're upgrading regardless of brand.
Nvidia is currently better for price/performance.
As a poorfag I'd buy 1050 probably.
is it better than the 580 at that?
Price/perf is only objective based on region especially when it comes to gpu. I remember going on Sup Forums when the rx 480 and gtx 1060 came out and the 1060 was a bit faster but I was reading about Americans who were saying it had better price/perf because of the dollar even though the 1060 was cheaper here.
>tfw on a meme 3.5 card.
When the fuck are the new series coming out? its been 18 months since Pascal came out and theres barely any rumors about the new series or anything.
Already got my 8600k but I'm not gonna spend premium for a card thats already old.
It is but 4GB in general isn't overkill. Games like Rise of the Tomb Raider and RE7 use over 4GB at max texture quality at 1080p. Of course it you have a 1050Ti you probably can't max those games anyway, but that's besides the point.
I still have r7 370
580 costs 2.5 times more. Compare it to 560
Just poop on it
People don't realize that AMD GPU's generally have terrible price/performance outside America, not sure if their distribution channels are just fucked or what.
RX570>/1050ti for the same price, also AMD makes sure their cards evolve with time compared with nvidia's trademark gimp drivers
you're full of bullshit
Maybe not on ultra in some games. I meant not being able to period.
The gt 1030 can do gtav @ 1080p and between 50-60 fps. Why couldn't the 1050ti?
The 380x used 970/980 levels of power and wasn't only more expensive than the 960 but ran considerably hotter too. Since the 380/380x/960 were literally moba cards, the 960 was probably the better buy unless you were stupid enough to buy one of those gpu for actually demanding gaming because they were ass and the 970/390 were not all that much more expensive but offered massively superior performance for little more in price. The 960 and 380x struggled in games back then and are dogshit for games now.
It's almost 2 times more pricey.
Saying the 480 had better price/perf*
Yeah AMD pricing is very unreliable outside of the USA because of taxes and stuff. It's weird because their processors have always been competitively priced globally just like how they are in America but the graphics cards are always nothing like their American prices.
AMD doesn't have enough mindshare to inflate their profit margins like Nvidia, so their MRSPs are less profitable. Retailers and distributors jack it back to up because they don't give a shit and miners will buy them all anyway.
over here the 570 is the same price of the 1050 ti
Volta when?
If the 570 is the same price as the 1050Ti then get the 570. 570's prices are absurd in the US because of mining making the 1050Ti the better option.
In US? In this case it's better, can't argue.
In my land 1050ti is 220$, rx570 is 300$ , I was wrong about twice the difference, but it's still big.
Not until next year. Volta is Q1, Navi is probably Q3, although knowing AMD it could be delayed.
My friend the 470(570) has been out since 2015 iirc and it's nearly 2018 but it's still not gained much performance over time aside from the expected performance gain from overclocking the 470 to make the 570. Hell, remember when the 1060 was 10% ahead of the 480 and then the 480 caught up and took the lead on average by like 10% and if you look at 2017 benchmarks the 1060 is faster on average than even the 580 now which is basically a 480 with a meaty overclock which means the well 1060 is definitely faster than the 480 then.
Volta might be pushed back too. It's not like Nvidia is in a rush with the disaster that was Vega. And it seems like they will considering they are just shipping out a 1070Ti
AMD poured all their money into Ryzen, it's a shame their GPU's haven't improved all that much since the 200 series but it was probably worth it to absolutely BTFO of Intel in everything except gaming. Epyc is targeting Intel's jugular by destroying their Xeon's in price/performance, and don't forget Vega is very good at compute, even if its gaming performance is held back by AMD's mediocre drivers. .
>The gt 1030 can do gtav @ 1080p and between 50-60 fps
It's called youtube when you decide to learn how to use the internet.
All games are shit