Stealth game has boss fights

>Stealth game has boss fights

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Depends how they're implemented.


based chadman

What was the point of burial at the sea 2
Who thought that stealth is good in a bioshock game the worst one especially already
At least elizabeth died
That was fucking satisfying


Enjoy your shadban

It's nice when Stealth games give you boss fights. You get to use all the resources you saved up because you ghosted the entire time and it's very satisfying.

Like on the first Splinter Cell, on the Abattoir level, after you rescue the US Soldiers. You get a boss fight with Grinko.

Because these fights can actually be interesting.

Deus ex HRDC had some redesigned boss fights that were actually decent and games like mark of the ninja had a boss that was pretty much a stealth puzzle.

Shad is unironically good.

Mr. Freeze in Batman Arkham City is a fantastic boss fight, although it's not the kind of boss you could do more than once in a game unless you learn a lot of new stealth skills between each boss.


For a shadman pic the face doesn't look like total shit for me to recognise it's his art at first glance.

There's a way he draws eyeshadow that's a dead giveaway, even from a thumbnail. He tends to draw mouths with lipstick on them in a way similar to the OP pic a lot. Throw in the way the bridge of the nose is shaded and that's a Shad pic alright.

>stealth game has boss fights
>can actually kill them stealthily


