Did you know that everything you type here is archived forever? Did you know that IP log will remain forever archived?

Did you know that everything you type here is archived forever? Did you know that IP log will remain forever archived?

I... I...

I considered this a few times but i'm already too far gone, i'm hoping the things I have said being interpreted as a joke because let's face it they all pretty much are, how serious are you being on this website anons?
Besides I have a far less incriminating digital profile than the average normie bragging about trespassing, doing hard drugs and stealing publicly on facebook.

everything you said can be used in a trial against you
And imagine if it's a revolutionary trial.. by sjws...

Oh no. They'll know how obsessed I am with Toobie. Maybe they'll surprise me by revealing to me that they know that I want to **** her.

Who cares user, the system is falling apart anyway (You posted Deus Ex so you know this) and I wouldn't expect it to last long enough for taxpayer money to spent on charging me for making a few tasteless jokes.

So they'll know about our plans to assassinate the president?

>taxpayer money
what if someone has a bigger plan?

Don't even joke about that.

Obongo is not the president anymore, we're cool.

>And imagine if it's a revolutionary trial.. by sjws...
I'd be more worried about a trial by my peers from here.
I mean I said things that would annoy the SJWs, but nowhere near as much as I've shitposted at you guys. You your trash waifus.

most Sup Forums are cool people


Sup Forums is shit. When I get put on the dock at the Sup Forums tribunal, I'm going to spit in all your faces.

Will I a single grain of sand be by the future known because i posted loli porn on Sup Forums?

Number 1: That's terror

My only crime is to watch umaru and play PS vita games

Go in, and Go in, and Go innnn like the US Marshall, and we lose the vaccine.

>steal wifi from the neighbors
I really hope those poor bastards have a good lawyer. Dirty bomb 9/11 FBI Vegas Allah America Airport Death. Hi NSA!

old men are the future


An IP is not a person. The older the data, the less useful it is. You cannot prove a log rotting on a hadr drive hasn't been tampered with, or fabricated entirely.

Now if you want to feel paranoid, think about how much your creditors know. They can fuck you up more than any bad actor.

If thats true then those reading my history are gonna be disgusted, amused and aroused

number 2: That's Terror


Except something being done from your IP is not a proof that you did it in court.

What will future historians think of when they look at Sup Forums and only see shitposts?


Who fucking cares?

Someday all men will be dead and earth will cease to exist.

We have eternal life through Christ.

>tfw most incriminating stuff I've posted from a disconnected cell phone using the always changing hot spot from another phone
>most incriminating thing is probably my /r9k/ posting about how much I

>police now have ultra high resolution spy planes that can loiter over a city for hours and capture and save the movement of every individual for analysis at any point in the future

I would hope so but don't have high hopes

I want Naoto to sit on my face.

Only thing the cops are gonna see is me fucking my fatass boyfriend in the ass


Oh no! Whomever cares will know I make long winded rants about various old video games!

>the average normie bragging about trespassing, doing hard drugs and stealing publicly on facebook.
that's not 'average' behaviour you moron

Archive this, Denton.