Was it all that bad?

Was it really all that bad Sup Forums? I know Sup Forums likes to shit all over it, and yeah the camera and controls were hot garbage sometimes. But it was decent enough and visual design made up for it in my book.
It can't all be nostalgia glasses can it?

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It definitely takes a bit to adjust to, but once you get to the second half it stops being fun and becomes a slog finding the space ship parts

Yeah, I ended never beating it because of that. Just playing through levels killing bugs and upgrading weapon capacities as much as possible.

>Was it really all that bad Sup Forums? I know Sup Forums likes to shit all over it

what? it was a fucking great game

It was the only good game for n64

It was never considered bad, just the later half of the game has some questionable design choices (finding ship parts, not the tribal thing, that tribal rescuing was a decent challenge, finding ship parts is the bothersome task).
But it's an all around great game still. Multiplayer is a blast too.

>controls were hot garbage sometimes
Go to options and set the controls to "Expert" mode. Now you can move in all directions while aiming. You're welcome.

The controls were pretty wonky but the atmosphere and soundtrack was fucking golden

replayed it a couple of years ago when I still thought video games were fun and had a good time. Even with finding ship parts.

Bad now? yeah kinda, the control scheme is pretty poor and the platforming the game sometimes makes you do isn't the best. Bad then though? not at all, it was great

>I know Sup Forums likes to shit all over it
Wut? I've always seemed it talked about positively besides the tribal hunt.

>tfw going out to the club with the lads

The fuck? It fell apart at the end but the sheer humor and creativity was enough to give a decent 7/10

People are saying JFG is shit? Next you'll tell me this game is shit.

>Space ship parts

Ha. ha ha ha ha ha. No. It's not the space ship parts. It's when you're ready and set to go to the final boss and that fucking chief guy tells you you have to save ALL the ewoks.

I still did it, and I was rewarded with a final boss that took me almost a week of grinding out to finally beat. Still can't believe I beat it as a kid.

OP here. I've only seen it trashed on here for the controls and the tribals.
I'm a nostalgiafag so it really got me buttchafed, but I guess I forgot sometimes it gets a little contrarian around here.

Being forced to find all the little bear shits ruined it

it is objectively one of the best games on N64 -- and it's not because N64 had very few games in general. it's just a good game

Good game. Kinda hard to play it now because the lack of dual analog sticks controller. Does anyone know if the Rareplay version fix this?

>Kinda hard to play it now because the lack of dual analog sticks controller.
Set controls to expert.
You can use the c-buttons to move while aiming in all directions.

I did that when I was a kid.

same. i forgot that this wasn't the original settings

kiiiinda. it does let you use the two sticks for control, but the game wasn't made for that so it feels a bit janky. I think it's really just setting the c buttons to the second stick or something. so it's better than nothing, but the game would need a complete rework to not have awful controls. the framerate on replay is rock solid though so that's a huge plus

Water Ruin, mang. It was just a little hub but I always hanged out there because of the music.

It was such a bleak place. Sometimes I just went around killing all the tribals to put them out of their misery.

fun fact: one of the inspirations for the setting and character design of JFG was Gatchaman/G-Force.
Most noticeably in Juno's helmet design.

i think this game should get a chance at a remake / reboot with today's technology and shit

It just wouldn't be the same.
Things will never be the same.

>Shit on it

It was awesome. The music is Robin Beanland's masterpiece. It was hard as fuck to collect the little bears but it was pretty good. Has aged though.
Sup Forums knows SHIT about videogames indeed.

>Not Rith Essa
>No Eschebone OST