Give it to me straight, how shit is this going to be? Franchise killing? Or bad enough for them to finally give is Japan?
Give it to me straight, how shit is this going to be? Franchise killing...
Just another mediocre AC type of shit. Not enough to change anything one way or the other.
>only 8,5hours until release
fuuuuuuuk i cant wait
It's going to shit, but you know God damn well it'll sell gang busters and be called a success like never before.
It's going to be the same shit AC always is, and it's going to sell more than enough to be profitable, but I think even normies are starting to get tired of playing the same game over and over.
The only thing that will redeem this for me is some really great puzzle/tomb raiding missions, without those its sunk
it will be good for an ass creed game but still bad
Franchise saving
It's the same as it always was except now it has dark souls style combat.
It'll probably be shit, but gear and lootboxes will keep people playing, so it'll still be massively profitable
Be honest with yourself Sup Forums.
It is just going to be another AC: Syndicate and we all know it.
i.e. If you really like AC games, you'll like it. If you don't, then you won't.
I haven't genuinely enjoyed an AC game since Black Flag yet I've played just about every single one that has been out on the console. Why do I keep essentially throwing my money into a pit? I like the game mechanics and I find the alternative history interesting even if it isn't always well written.
I'll probably get Origins, but I'll wait until after launch and I see some reviews on the game's stability. Unity has forever made cautious of the engine stability of Ubisoft titles.
AC is dead to me until they finish Desmond plot properly.
Black Fag was ok because pirates
Unity had great architecture at least
Did not even play Syndicate for more than 30 minutes.
That being said, I'll pirate this one to give it a try.
Well obviously it has a non-white character. It's good. gameplay doesn't mean shit.
It will be enjoyed by people who like playing video games, it will be reviled by people on Sup Forums
It will probably be better than 3 but worse than Unity
Assassins Kangs will be more of the same ol', same ol'. The game remains the same, they just change the setting. It's like a never ending flow of DLC over the course of a decade.
the last AC game sold like shit
>that ranking
nice fucking taste my nigga!!
Because noone cares about 1800s london not even Brits, Settings make these games Boring setting=boring AC game
The OFFICIAL rankings
i remember everyone blowing their load when the first one came out and i didnt get the appeal of it. felt the exact same way with bioshock
Don't listen to the shut-in virgins on the board, this game will completely revitalize the franchise; anything ethnic is popular right now, so it will sell, sell, sell.
This game is going to blow the gates down on protagonist stereotypes and developers will no longer be afraid to feature ethnic protagonists in their games.
I never got Bioshock either until infinite but I love the AC series
Why is there no Ninja Creed yet? I'd buy a gold edition version of that
It was the freeclimbing that blew me away when the first came out. I just hadn't seen traversal so smooth and adaptive before.
Agreed on Bioshock though, for some reason the hype train missed my stop.
Im actually kinda excited for it. Im going to rent it and ive got a feeling im going to like it. The huge desert/tropical/rocky world seems like the coolest world they've done, and the revamped combat and loot system seems better than what they've had before. Story will probably be ass and the game still looks typically janky. But this may be good.
Im no fucking shill either. Ive just wanted to like assassins creed again, since its been boring since black flag, and this seems different enough to maybe be good.
Fuck off to /pol
We're trying to talk here
The creators are withholding it intentionally feudal japan is all fans have wanted since the first game
If they do make that, its got to be the last and best one. Like, it will have had to of been in development for like five years in the background while other games were being made. Anything other than that will just be wasted potential. Itll also just be called Assassins Creed.
It won't be franchise killing, but it will hopefully result in dev team changes and a return to what actually made the games fun.
Hello gaffer.
The ending has already been spoiled.
Surprise to no one, It's just more commie propaganda.
Next game is going to have a black female protagonist, set in the far future, where she travels 70,000 years back into the past
so is the main character an n-word or not. I've seen pictures where he's an MENA looking guy with a beard.
Lets see your ranking
He starts of looking like a really dark skinned Arab and turns into a nigger with age, also voiced by one. It's very strange.
Im not from gaf, never been there. And you can go fuck yourself.
Sup Forums
Any of those formats satisfy you, you grammar faggot?
>2, Brotherhood, Black Flag, 1, Rogue, 3, Unity, Revelations, Rogue, Syndicate
I just don't understand how anyone could've put fucking Unity above 2
What a retard, meant Rogue after Revelations
Bitch you put rogue twice lol but honestly Unity had actual stealth and a beautiful enviroment, I also liked the story and the combat better, but to each his own,
>combat in unity is actually not the best way to get things done and encourages you to play like an ASSASSIN
>people still bitch about the fact that it's hard to go 1v20
I really don't understand.
2>Brotherhood>Black Flag>1>Unity>Rogue>3>Revelations>Syndicate
Sup Forums is pol nigger.
Not a loss for me. I got it for free from buying an Asus motherboard that I wanted for my build.
This, funnier still if you got gud you could still go 1v20
It's either going to be the best in the series, or it's gonna be second-worst (can't beat Syndicate). There is absolutely no in-between.
Why cant they just go back to the old school combat. It worked. Hell why cant they adapt For Honors combat into an AC game??
Unity is underrated as fuck which is sad. If it weren't for the bugs it'd be praised alongside black flag, brotherhood and 2.
People just look for something to shit on when it comes to unity
>People even shit on the baked-in lighting as if that isnt exactly how the sun looks hitting things
>People were mad at the bugs that were fixed within a month
For some reason, Unity's story did nothing to grasp me. MC felt like half baked French Ezio
more like contained to a bearable minimum
How assmad will Sup Forums be if it ends up being good?
I for one will be happy and buy it, I love a good AC game
Can someone give me the quick rundown of the present day storyline post III? I got half way through black fag and saw the hipster assassins in the building, but I had no clue what was going on, why they were there, or what the Assassins were doing post-Desmond's death.
How do these games keep going back to the Animus when its clear that they have no plans for the present-day storyline?
but we want a good AC game
its just the last games were shit
btw the game uses Denuvo
I dig the setting, the new parkour, the new questing shit, the new looting shit etc. but that combat just looks bad. It doesn't look difficult at all and looks to be overly reliant on stats while also looking like shit. Previous games may have been easy as fuck but at least they looked great with very nice animations for the kills and takedowns. This game's combat animations look neither smooth nor flashy. Not to mention some of the power moves have you stabbing the fuck out of the enemies but if their health isn't finished, they just get right back up without any lasting effects at all. It just looks lazy. Plus, that controllable arrow is just absolute shit.
From the videos I've watched of AC: Origins its combat looks really silly and bad. I'm shocked it's put out by Ubisoft because they at least usually do animations well.
Wildlands had the same problem. Gunplay was alright, driving was abhorrent but above all else, the animations were really mediocre and average. It was very un-Ubisoft in that respect.
Nothing is going on, maybe the son of Desmond will play a part but he's a Sage.
I think there was something with a female character with fanfic tier backstory, but I forget the name.
But really it will go nowhere the threat is dealt with. So we are back to historical tourism and more and more fantastic elements.
I watched many videos, and though I am impressed about many things in this new AC, the overall animations are not part of it. Imo the movement (running, standing, and to some extend climbing) looks really bad and unnatural. You can see this in the opener of the game - that was ridiculously bad animation work...
Same for the combat. Very exaggerating for my tastes. Lost the fluid, natural looking animations of previous AC games. Always loved the franchise for that. Not to mention that they scrapped animations for looting, opening doors etc.
I did not see anyone else mentioning this. It's a hard immersion killer for me. Maybe not enough to not try the game, but still. How do you guys feel about it?
It's being streamed all over youtube, I think it looks good, the settings look comfy, everything else looks kinda same tho.
Shit, I know they don't have proper animations for looting but not even for opening doors? I don't mind none for looting since it'd be tedious when you're looting several sources but opening doors? At the very least just have the protag's hand push the damned thing like in WD2.
At this point, im not expecting top quality from any ubisoft game. So its not suprising that some parts are worse than before. Im looking at whats better though. If this game does more right than wrong, id call it good. Where in the last few games, it hasnt done much of anything. Just kinda stagnated.
Lets not be too generous here, the game launched in a sorry state.
Sup Forums is always assmad though. It could be free videogame day and Sup Forums would still be mad for some reason.
Some bugs still aren't fixed though and were just left in there. I still can't enter the Pantheon district from the east since it'll ctd all the time.
That literally happened too during Ubi's month of free games back then. I wouldn't say it's all of Sup Forums though, most of the anons here are pretty cool dudes.
The RPG loot and damage number stuff feels really out of place, ubi still haven't learned how to make a compelling open world which is a shame as well. They're still using the "puke up collectibles over the map and call it a day" method.
give it to Japan? or give in to Japan?
I was a huge fan of AC2 and since then, the series has been on a steady decline (save AC4). In all honesty, I'm a lot more intrigued and hopeful this time around. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll be playing ACO before I load up SMO. However, I have more faith in SMO.
Good list. I'd do black flag>2>brotherhood>3>1>unity>revelations>syndicate
Any word on the present day plot for this game? Or is it gone forever now?
Way! Hey! and up she rises
Way! Hey! and up she rises
Way! Hey! and up she rises,
Early in the morning.
*give us japan
No idea.
Give us Japan (for a game setting)
AC:Unity had the best animations
I'd like to see how Japan would make an AC game.
Fun fact: Japan went crazy over AC1. Kojima even loved it and said MGS5 was inspired by its original design.
Asking for a friend....
What would you do with a drunken sailor?
I'm worried that the exploration and parkour aspect will be worse. Exploring historical London, Paris, Rome, etc. were my favourite parts of the games by far.
From what I've heard, there's barely any tall buildings.
As for exploration, it looks better. There's hidden tombs you can find.
Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Put him in the hold with the Captain's daughter. Put him in a longboat until he's sober. Early in the morn'in.
Exploration seems to be a step up but the parkour is a bit iffy. There aren't as many tall buildings to climb up but the cities still look detailed enough to allow some nice chase sequence. That said, the chase sequences themselves seem to be absent, enemies seem to be contained to their outposts, camps and fortresses. I haven't seen any footage of them actually chasing you out into the city or anything like that.
>\Earl lie
Maybe, but i see so many shitposts here. I typically write off Sup Forums when it comes to acutal opinions. There are some honest ones sure, but they're often buried.
There isn't much climbing bar what you would expect for the setting, the main ways of getting around are little boats and camels which have some really strange auto walk to marker shit going on. Like a really janky version of the witcher 3s horse where it would follow the road.
If you liked the outfit from the movie, use a Twitch Prime trial and get it. It appears to be "exclusive".
Sounds like a tasty type of bread.
Regardless of how badly it ran for most people, visually and technically, ACU is a beautiful game. The crowds were great when they didn't chug the game either.
Wow you mean the ICONIC outfit from the movie?!
Did the outfit in the movie have that tacky assassins symbol on the hood? That's hideous as shit. In fact, the outfit from the movie is just a poorer version of Altair's outfit as a whole.
It's a crap movie, but hey, it's fucking free if you use a trial. Honestly, I don't HATE it's design.
Yeah, best looking AC game for sure. My guess is they developed it while thinking the new consoles were going to be stronger than they ended up being. Syndicate was a big downgrade
The lighting was pretty great too. I don't have any pictures, but I really loved how great some of the interior looked too.
It's just a shame the actual game is shit.