John Richardson
good. maybe they will make a good game next
Gavin Cox
Dumb Sataniafag
Leo Taylor
>tumblr filename
Justin Powell
Dumb satan poster
Angel Rogers
WE DID IT slashvslash
Isaiah Cruz
>reminiscent of Pepe memes It was obviously a reference snuck in by an employee. Why are they banning stream and chat software?
Isaac Wilson
wow im shocked
Dylan Brooks
Jonathan Sullivan
>Sup Forums kills ANOTHER AAA franchise
Kayden Mitchell
Daily reminder old bungie was shit too, and Halo was never good.
Anthony Bell
these if op didn't out himself as a humongous faggot i would've agreed with him.
Brandon Thompson
The official explanation is something along the lines of those programs injecting code and they don't want programs doing that to cut down on cheating. Whoa now, man. The music was fly.
Jacob Butler
The first game was an average shooter with some fun mechanics. The problem is that they never expanded on any of them, and instead made nothing but pure dogshit from that point onwards.
I'll never understand how this company got big, but I guess that's the power of marketing to children.
Parker Harris
>playerbase has dropped by over 2 million players since launch
Why does it matter, if over 2 millons already paid 60$ for this shit?
Carson Gutierrez
>retard reddit and nu Sup Forums ruin a original world of warcraft meme remove Sup Forums when?
Tyler Hall
you don't have to direct download an image to upload to Sup Forums. if you put in a web link it will search the temp cache folder and upload it from there. so you can upload from google images effectively.
Parker Carter
Cute sataniaposter
Zachary Cox
>yfw you didnt buy the literal shitpile that is destiny 2
Kayden Roberts
for the people that want to play multiplayer content with others.
Nolan Johnson
Grayson Scott
>a section of Sup Forums was right again >so all of Sup Forums was right again this is why i love you guys. haven't been wrong about vidya in like 8 years
Cooper Rivera
>you guys You should leave.
Charles Hill
it's the jon stewart / john oliver approach. horribly wrong about something ? "its just a comedy show bro don't be so uptight". right about something ? "o-m-g absolute genius! these people should be running the country!"
Wyatt Fisher
its because they churned out the exact same game
they didnt even make new enemies
people will go back to it though, they play to beat the raid, drop the game, come back for new raid, repeat
Luis Anderson
Literally American baby's first fps
Carter Cox
Okay, they're faggots, but don't be guilty of the revisionism they're so fond of. Sup Forums ran it into the ground. Then /s4s/ came and raped it some more. And some more. And some more.
Eli Murphy
Fuck bungie and fuck destiny. Glad i didn't fall for destiny 2.
Alexander Mitchell
this. halo fags on suicide watch
Angel Cruz
This is why there isn't a WoW 2
Thomas Bailey
Is there a single company filled with women and nu-males that made a successful game?
Ayden Morris
Marathon, Myth and Oni were great games, you crazy
Brayden Smith
>Got this thing for a about a dozen thousand tickets at a D&B prize counter. >Now all of them are gone. Eh, I figure it's arguably worth it at this point. Having a couple dozen quesadillas over the rest of the year seems more enticing at this point, but I can't be having too much chicken meat in my diet these days, and the cheese excess would likely make me even more fat.
Cooper Jenkins
No. Once a company has been infested with feminist "diversity" in lieu of meritocracy (how actual successful companies are run), the company in question goes bankrupt in a matter of years after that point. Yahoo is probably the biggest past example but there are many more.
Jeremiah Johnson
What the fuck happened to them after halo 3 exactly?
Brody Jones
they became big for two reasons.
1.Marathon was good 2.Microsoft
Ayden Cruz
>only 2 million people to do shit with instead of 4 million
Mason Nelson
I bought it for ps4 and PC. I'm so sorry Sup Forums, I'm weak. Never trusting bungle again after this debacle.
Hudson Campbell
Yeah but I really like /dg/ and I've already wasted a solid year on the first game so I might as well stick around.
Brayden Stewart
PS4 ok, but why PC? Didn't you have a full month to notice its shit?