
Cake idols are the future, get those lolis outta here.

All lolis become cakes and eventually all cakes dry out.

Are there any IRL cake idol groups?

Do most Cinderella Girls seiyuus count?

Why not both? You don't have to take a side you can love them equally.

Look at this face and tell me she doesn't do anal.

Why do the two on the right look like they have downs?

d-delet this!

She could cleave a pig in half with that jawline.

I don't get what cake is? Am I a retarded :(

look up Christmas Cake

I can't tell with these posts if they're serious or facetious anymore with all that neoshit happening.

No, we need /jv/

Get this mobile stuff out of here, real games only.

>In b4 "we need a /mv/ board"

Just give me Kaede

More like /nv/, we already have stander Sup Forums, /vg/ /vp and /vr/ but nothing for Nintendo, mobile and 6th/7th gen stuff.

good job retard

You just deleted your previous post to repost it with that image.

korean ones. i'm also korean and i can't fucking stand the live korean version of idolmaster. utter shit. then again, i only like 2D idols

Here you go.


would you give her a back massage after a tiring performance?



They're just alcoholics.

i'm so fucking mad right now, Sup Forums. i had no idea the web versions and TV versions of idolmaster cinderella girls theater were completely different versions. now i have to watch all (eternally ;) ) seventeen episodes again

No, she doesn't. Prepare you anus.

Sexy grown up Arisu.


Praise cake!

i want to be her producer !

Need more cute girlsmale


You think Kaede is soft to touch?

Name of the girls or series please.
Idolmaster is too general.
Executive Director Mishiro best Idol

Got any of that there loli keikii?

It's literally in the OP

She is sticky from spilling sake on herself

is it okay for me to cry at any given moment while watching either im@s series? they're just so beautiful and so perfect, and they work so hard. ranko made me feel the most for some reason

There are a billion idolmaster subseries, user.

It's LITERALLY in the OP

>tfw most cakeposters are just memesters and only actually like two or three of them
>the best ones have zero popularity

idol music is sometimes ok to listen to for a change of pace

never watch it though, holy shit.

voice when

IsnĀ“t heterochromia a sign of incest.

is this for the phone game? if so, why isn't at least one of them gesturing her fingers like a phone, telling the viewer, "you can call me any time ;) ?" wasted ad potential

Anyone else imagine Kaede having an insanely high power level?

Kaede is THE Cinderella Girl. Why wouldn't she have a high power level?

I imagine she would need a liver transplant before she turns 30

This guy draws the best shit

>Cake idolmaster
Shit, I'd buy that.

I know nothing about Idolmaster though, apart from the fact it's anime as fuck and the reason Berserk chapters take so long to finish. What am I in for? Is it a rhythm game or one of those card game pieces of shit?


phone game
anime series
porno generator

3D, not even once

I'm happy for them.

slut bitch drunk whore never should have won MIO should have won


This is for you.

I love Hayamin, so anything for Kaede

>phone game
Cards then, I'll pass



>you will never give Shino a wine enema
why even live

>tfw no idol mommy gf

All of the cakes would make terrible mothers.


No worries, I'll stay at home and take care of the kids.

How is a washed up idol going to support your NEET lifestyle?

Noa Takamine best idol.

shes pretty cool

It's a secret

I agree

Well not with humans but i bet she would take the knot all the up her ass.

I want to challenge Hiragi to a drinking game!

Do they wear spats?

that's a picture of shino, not kaede

Who are these older Idolm@sters? These cakes are right up my alley.

when will she be popular?

Miyuyu on monday series when?



It begins.


Arisu is cute!

Was this taken on the floor of a Japanese subway bathroom?



Does anyone have a better version of this poster?


Kaede no!

Why are all the nu-idols such sluts? why are there no nice wholesome idols like Makoto?


>tfw no nana-tier autist gf
>no cute forever JK to share and enjoy your autistic hobbies together with

Why is 3D such a shitty dimension?


Wholeheartedly agree

Reminder that Nana is a beta womanchild.


Reminder that this one was pulled.

A beautiful beta womanchild made for tender, sweet love and care.

I feel so fucking bad for EOPs. Come on guys, you can do it. It's not that hard, you can escape this awful ESL tier writing if you just try.