What games can I make society a better place?

What games can I make society a better place?

Victoria 2

What are they protesting?

against islamic sharia

Why are they acting like retards tho?

Pretty sure it was something in favor of Islam.
Honestly I feel they were a bit harsh with them.

>something in favor of Islam.
I thought so to until you said that

based slavs

they didn't even hit their faces
pretty average lesson

Eh, honestly white men (yeah slavs are white fuck off) are above such savagery.
Just throw them some pepper spray and sent their asses back home crying like babies.

>What Can We Learn About Islam: The Benefits of Public Humiliation
It just works. Multiculturalism is good because we can learn from other cultures


In fact it was far too tame. If this was in the middle east, those women would have received 40 lashes for unbecoming behavior and breaking the peace. Women should stay at home.

in better days perhaps

when it comes to women Islam didn't allow their doctrine to be tainted by western enlightenment
I hate islam but I have to respect them for doing the right thing no matter what others say

Red orchestra 2
If you play as the correct side.

Some contest, this is attention whores from Pussy Riot girls getting slapped by some shitheads who call themselves "cossacks" back before Sochi Olympics. Imagine if some guys dressed up in a Civil War era uniform and decided to police the region as they like.

It's time.


I'm gonna laugh to death when the newly Muslim overlords impose Sharia law worldwide and millions of women being beaten to death on the streets.
Truly the weirdest of timelines.

probably will never happen as much as it would be awesome. Women are going to find ways to subvert the islamic leaders and convince them to support equality and fraternity

It's starting to happen in Sweden, and to a lesser extent, Germany.
Though, it will only probably happen in yurop, I think America will have something totally but not so different story with communism.