>PS4/XBO playerbase has dropped by over 2 million players since launch

>Destiny Tracker stopped reporting playercounts because Bungie told them it was 'fake news'

>PC Players are being banned left and right for using OBS, XSplit, Fraps, Discord, Mumble, MSI Afterburner, & more

>Bungie removed an armor from the game because it was reminiscent of Pepe memes

>The game has egregious gameplay-effecting pseudo-P2W microtransactions in it


Other urls found in this thread:

fucking retarded satania poster


>retarded satania poster
that's redundant

Fuck off dumb brain dead satania poster

>autistic weeb poster
>the thread

>largest digital launch
If they included physical copies would it not be the largest ever?

>only a million daily players
wow, life support!

>counts both consoles

Lol desperate as fuck. Just like when MS said Halo 5 was the biggest launch in the franchise, but they factored in Halo 5 themed controllers, Xbones, mega blocks, etc on top of game copies

I honestly really enjoyed the campaign, but all the mistakes of the first game were repeated. There is basically no endgame content. I'm not surprised the player base has dropped.

>distibutition is shitfting towards digital across all the industry
>it's the largest digital launch guys!

The campaign is still pretty weak
>yo check out this badass Ghaul who fucked you and everyone else up
>oh btw you’re literally the only guardian who got their light back
>those other guys you co-op with and see in the tower? Lol they aren’t real
>and Ghaul dies like a bitch and the raid focuses on the non-threating emperor of the cabal

The disconnect between the leviathan and the dreadnaut is jarring. The leviathan was a huge threat and it was vast, the leviathan is easily 100 times bigger, even just its little hub city is larger, yet the raid is like an extended strike.

I want to impregnate Satania

Destiny 1 live team writer reporting in.

We were responsible for fixing Destiny 1 (all that good shit from TTK and to a lesser extent RoI? Us), while the core team moved on to Destiny 2.

It's still weird for me to think about but there was a very high school clique like atmosphere where the core team didn't really understand or care what we did to make D1 good, and just focused on how they could improve on the core.

In other words, if you forget Year 2 and Year 3 and only imagine Destiny 2 as a continuation of Destiny 1, it looks much more like an improvement and a good sequel.

Activision is buttenraged that the core team dropped the ball this hard. We'll be in control starting with Season 2, and they're being ordered by the suits to pay attention to what we do this time.

I want to fix the shaders and sparrows. They're not a huge microtransaction draw,
like, people don't come back to buy them over and over again, so I'm hoping the team manager will help me make the case to Actijews that it's not profitable enough to offset the bad PR it's given us.

dumb satania poster

>We've removed this chart because people are using it to spread a false narrative of the Destiny 2 player population. Daily Unique users is a misleading statistics to use as basis for the active population of the game, any game in that matter.
What the fuck? This is a shining example of a moralistic fallacy.

Reminder that Bungie was NEVER good.

they were good when it was halo 1-3

lol no

fine just halo 1

>look at me anons, I'm posting an ill considered wilfully inflammatory opinion that I don't actually hold for easy (You)s
Won't work on me faggot

They had so much potential with the campain, but they absolutely dropped the ball by the end of the campaign.
How big the Dreadnaught was again? Remember that Saturn is pretty fucking big.
better yet how big is the planet the Leviathan is stationed?

>PC Players are being banned left and right for using OBS, XSplit, Fraps, Discord, Mumble, MSI Afterburner, & more
But why

>I never played Myth

>PC Players are being banned left and right for using OBS, XSplit, Fraps, Discord, Mumble, MSI Afterburner, & more
WTF? Why?


Potato programmers can't differentiate between cheating and recording

>If you buy a game you a killing the industry

That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard

They ban anyone who used overlay in the game to ban cheating, so instead of removing the aim assist like everyone begged, they just made a cancer anti cheat.

Don't bully my waifu

So people will get a proper experience once a few DLC packs drop?
D1 still seems alive

>Destiny 2 cannot automatically ban you, only Bungie can ban a player after a manual investigation
>Yesterday, we banned approximately 400 players on PC
>Bans were applied to players who were using tools that pose a threat to the shared ecosystem of the game
>We did not (and will not) issue any bans for the use of overlays or performance tools, including Discord, Xsplit, OBS, RTSS, etc.
>We are overturning 4 of the bans that were issued during the PC Beta
>4 people unfairly banned
Someone is lying

They're backpedaling hard.

This is a lie. I hate to say "fake news," but the shoe fits.

There's no such thing as an autoban. Not even an autotimeout. 400 people got banned for having cheat engine and shit like that running and trying to modify values, as well as other exploits from the beta that I don't want to repeat because I don't know if they work, but I do know we'll catch you and ban you.

If you try to use an overlay, the game just won't run. Go try and launch it through Steam. Either it won't run or it'll run but disable steam's bootstrapper. Same for fraps, discord, etc etc. I don't know what the point of blatantly lying like this is, but that's all it is.

If someone was in jail screaming about how they'll arrest you for going out to drink, would you trust hi, or would you assume he did some other shit to get arrested?

Christ you're a stupid cocksucker.

>Someone is lying
Well, there are hundreds of thousands of people that use OBS, MSI AB etc etc yet only 400 people got banned.

Those 400 people claim it is because of OBS MSI AB etc etc.

Yet the thousands of others all using them are still playing the game now.

It really boggings the noggin.

Sorry, let me clarify. When I said "autotimeout" I meant "auto-time out," as in a temporary ban, being sent to time out as a kid. Not "disconnecting automatically for being idle for too long" - I wanted to clarify that before someone twists my words around.

it may be a dumb sataniaposter but he was right on everything

I thought it was people trying to hide using cheat engine and whatnot?
I'm getting a feeling this is like those Xbox Live and Steam bans where the people yelling the loudest actually did fuck up, know they fucked up, know they broke rules and still want to have a cry about it.

as for the game, what the shit, I stopped playing Destiny before the expansions and whatnot but this is basically the same goddamn game with very little new content. I understand it's a money thing but this could've just been an expansion, it doesn't feel like a big DESTINY sequel.

>I thought it was people trying to hide using cheat engine and whatnot?
Of course they were.
>Ever listening to cheaters