Hi Sup Forums, this is your new jani

Hi Sup Forums, this is your new jani.
Say something nice.

does he do it for free?

dont make me puke

it's early

Ugly cunt.

>it's early
It's never too early to lose some weight, fatty.

Can't wait to have a janny as based as Gladium

you literally cannot be that ugly without having a 'tism
what's his 'tism, Sup Forums

This guy samefags in so many threads it's unreal.

Damn, so no more tortuga threads?
Are we the cucked?

alternate reality videogamedunky

see here that's his 'tism

>just b urself bro and women will like you

your fathers genes

ive seen uglier people than him get the poonani

if dunkey was white

can't be
my father only wears shorts



anything is better than Beam

This is something that I expect from /r9k/, not from Sup Forums.

>actively shits up threads
>is deleting non-nintendo threads
wow great choice gook-moot.

Is this guy really a janitor? Does that mean we will be banned for posting this image now?