
>3 hours of cutscenes
>about 3 hours of gameplay at best

Other urls found in this thread:


it says part 1 you fuckin retard

>skip to end
>b-b-but part 1
Nice try bethesda employee

>part 1 of 1

The ending of game is at 5:47, retard.

It has the ending and the final scene you dunce.
>3 hours of actual gameplay
>large parte of those are scripted sequences
>no multiplayer
>fps designed for consoles
mfw people actually payed 60 dollars for this interactive slow movie.

Your desperation gives me a erection

If you skip to the end it shows the credits, numbnuts.



No wonder they tried to spur controversy to sell.

Fake news, there are cut parts from this video

From start to end its like 4-5 hours. Collecting, side missions, and maxing out skills I give about 2-3 more hours. Minor spoiler there's a choice of powers that change how you go through a level but they are minor at best.

that's only the campaign, there are side quests in the hub world. Also, he skipped some cutscenes

does it have a big hub world like in Wolf 2009 or a tiny one like in TNO?

I spent more time on a fucking half priced DLC...

No, you are fake news.

Nothing was cut, the video was the full storyline

It's a hub submarine actually. So not a big one but they give you side mission and you can also grind for achievements

Even the uploader admits that it's over 12 hours lol. What fakers

>all deaths cut out
>no collectibles, exploration or optional content
i can't wait for the first speedruns to come out so we can start shitposting about the game only being 2 hours long.

>If you go for collectibles and take your time with the Nazi targets, it could easily last that long. However, my video is here to show the full campaign, not all collectibles and whatnot.


the full campaign in TNO an TOB was still longer than 6 hours, this is not acceptable

no it wasnt

This fucking reaching holy shit my sides

Commies try to justify anything that fits their narrative

So 4 hours of gameplay and 5 at best.
>mass replying
gb to reddit faggot

>basically a speed run

you kys, faggots

3 and 1/2 hours of the 6 hour main story are cut scenes

>b..but muh collectibles

I hope you're at least getting paid for this

Are you bulgarian?

did he play on the easiest difficulty?
and speed through the sneak sections?

Remember how the new order was 15 hours? Look no further

Sup Forums was right, as always.

>muh side mishuns


wow its almost like a youtuber playing through the main campaign ignoring all optional content and editing out all deaths or exploration might not be the best way to measure a game's length

see this

They're not "spurring controversy" to sell. They've literally censored their own trailers of anti-white language because they know they need to slip the poison to the consumer in-game and not bombastically in a big hype trailer. So while BJ doesn't mention "WHITE ASS FASCISTS" in the trailer he does in game. This game exists for the purpose of propaganda, everything else comes second. Suggesting that racebaiting shit is just to spur controversy pre-release over a shit game is wrong. The purpose is propaganda. Though you're right that all of the loyal ZOGbot "GAMURS" will love this shit and praise it to high heaven.

is the part with the kkk guys even in the game ?


и aз cъщo

>less then 5 hours of gameplay for a 60 bucks game
what a rip off. it´s not even as if it is offering any thing groundbreakingly new. it´s just another fps


Have memes gone too far?

no, even Swedes know when to tone it down

Why do people factor this collectibles shit into play time? it's not fun, it's just busywork.

>This game exists for the purpose of propaganda

The game is literally longer than the previous 2 games as seen by the videos. What's your deal?

>he thinks actual poles would ally with commiekikes

poland despises communists far more than nazis for a reason

MGS 4 levels of cinematic here, let that sink in senpais

>needing to press X to loot ammo in an fps

Хyбaвo e, чe нe cъм eдинcтвeният.

Not even close.

lol you think he dabbed after saying that
i would dab after saying that

that would mean that the side stuff is three times as long as the main quest. has there ever been a single game aside form open world collectatons or rpgs side quest hunts that do something like this?
I find very hard to believe that a fps would do something like this

This game is just stupid. Every cutscene, every written line of dialogue. I'm like a hour in only but was it always like that? Like some kind of silly cartoon? I remember liking previous game.

how many levels are there compared to TNO?

This will be my final metric for judgement because I love exploring Wolfenstein levels

>shoehorn trump political slogans
>not political

Why are neofaggots still here? Your pedophile site is back up.

>More than half of game is cutscenes and story is only 6 hours long
>What's your problem

Prove me wrong, you fucking can't, all you can do is pretend you belong on this board by posting shitty memes. Everyone who does fucking belong here and isn't the actual living embodiment of that would-be self-portrait of yours knows this to be true.

>the state of Sup Forums in a single post


Skyrim main quest is like 10 hours long and the side stuff are 50-60 hours. Most RPGs even do that. For an FPS.. not sure

Maybe if the fucking chalkies would stop cooking meth and shooting each other up in the trailer parks, this decades-old franchise about killing Nazis would be more inclusive to your precious "people of lack of color".

Repost from another thread to spark the question whether or not the Heroes are even heroes.

I had a thought regarding why the Marxists winning bugs me so much.

Marxist-Leninism wasn’t even kind or a net benefit to its in-group where it was practiced. Russians were actively killed, starved, tortured, and their very culture shit upon by the Communist regime.

On the other hand National Socialism privileged most ethnic Germans and fetishized its history and culture.
It’s an interesting contrast between two failed ideas, but I can tell you which one I’d take over the other.

so those pictures that where all over pol like months ago of the kkk guys wasnt even in the game wtf is that about.

>blablabla Sup Forums is right blablabla I'm a humongous faggot

>white ass fascists
...does he actually say this?

Are you implying that in previous game there were NO cutscenes at all?

>This game is comparable to MGS

Imagine what it must be like to be a person who believed this

I'd love to know if you thought TNO also "exists for the purpose of propaganda".

a scene was in the reveal trailer where BJ shoots a KKK member in the chest, so at one point they did have them as enemies in the game

About the same amount of chapters

in TNO there was no conflating of the Nazi regime with White people in general like there is in TNC

I was always a hippie Libertarian, but at this point i'm one WIPEPO meme away from unironically getting a KKK ghost suit.

Thanks for shitfting that Overton window, i guess.


>ass creed and shadow of war come out
>TOO MUCH CONTENT, padded out shit, fucking boring as shit
>wolfenstein comes out, condensed and perfectly paced so everything comes at you at the right time

>conflating of the Nazi regime with White people in general like there is in TNC
And when does this happen in TNC?

60 fuckin' dollars for 5 hours of gameplay. The absolute state of the vidya industry...

can you name a time in any other Wolf game where BJ brings ups the Nazi's race?

Wow, what an argument, I'm totally destroyed

>I talk shit out of my ass because it's easier

>3 1/2 hours of cut scenes to 2 and 1/2 hours of ACTUAL GAMEPLAY


Am I suppose to hate white people now because of that line?

uncharted has the exact same amount of gamepay and it's praised as the best PS4 game ever

>>ass creed and shadow of war come out
>>TOO MUCH CONTENT, padded out shit, fucking boring as shit
The fuck are you talking about? People hate the new AC and Shadow of War because they hide content in pre-order exclusives and lootboxes.

You literally are though, your strawmanning was pitiful

"Hey there's more cutscene than game"

Sup Forums always wins

Now stop buying and playing western trash instead of sticking to superior japanese and eastern european games

Don't be obtuse on purpose like this wasn't the intention

Did you play the game to know how the pacing feels?

game looks fun

yes the marketing campaign is blatantly obvious and feels forced

but i'll keep my politics outside of my purchases

Uncharted is triple the length though.

> 4 hours campaign
>no online mp besides mongolian cartoon forums to gas Swedes online
this game is LOW TEST

These Wolfenstein threads for the last month have made me honestly believe most of Sup Forums's userbase is underage.

I think this line was meant as a joke because this exact line is used by that crazy super spesh guy earlier and BJ sounds incredibly awkward using it. Still, considering the political climate of today, it probably wasn't a wise choice to put it in there, even if it's just a joke. People are understandably going to get upset.

No one but autists gives a fuck about worthless collectibles.

You're right, guess I better go spend 60 dollars on this probable abortion to find out

shills in complete damage control
lmao shitty sjw devs cant even make a long enough game

Is this game any good?

Because I was comparing this game and the previous two instalments. They had cutscenes as well and, as evident by the vidoes, they are shorted.
Can you follow a conversation at all?

why would you want a tacked on multiplayer

Being upset by anything in this stuff is childish. People these days lead such empty lives if they're legitimately upset by stuff like this.

The Uncharted games were never good.
That was a literal NeoGAF meme.

They were really mediocre TPS games with small, press X to win, climbing sections to break up the monotony of killing bullet sponge enemies.
The stories were cliche and the formula was tired by the second game already.

>searching for treasure
>bad guy also wants treasure
>treasure turns out to have super natural ability
>now Drake must save the world by getting it first
>2/3rds of the way in giant Purple men will show up as the new bullet sponge enemy
>et cetera

No one ever said that the previous games didn't have cutscenes, are you pretending to be retarded?