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When is this game gonna be on virtual console? I never beat it because I never bothered looking into the sun and finding Noki Bay.

It's on Dolphin RIGHT NOW

Finally got around to playing this game and this little bastard net me about 10-15 deaths. Prolly the cumulative of all other deaths in the game.

Not even sure if I killed him the proper way. Ended up getting a few lucky hits in the second phase.

I'm not smart enough to set up that shit.

This level gives me a fucking headache everytime I play CD. It is an otherwise really fun game.
This was a really fun boss, easily the best boss in the game.

Did you not have an upgraded set of rubber armor?

I have bad news for you. If you can't use dolphin, you shouldn't use a computer unsupervised.

Jeez. That's depressing.

If you throw a metal weapon when he teleports he'll go there instead.

Damn it this game has so many neat features.

I don't know. His swift attacks were intimidating, but throwing the little lightning balls and sitting there in the air.. Parry/Dodge felt like my only approach. He wasn't exactly as free form as the other bosses were. That said, the other bosses weren't nearly as difficult probably for the exact same reason.

Naw, I went at it with electro food buff. Wasn't sure if metal increased electric damage or something so I strayed from that as well with guardian weapons.

Sick, dude. I played this game entirely blind, so I still can't say if I was even entirely prepared for it haha.


I didn't realize it wasn't the same thing as breaking into your 3DS, etc.
But apparently it's illegal to download games

>But apparently it's illegal to download games
Well no shit.

How did someone as soft and pure as you even find this site?

>this triggers the pirates
God I can't wait to read the responses
There is virtually no risks in downloading Sunshine, in fact, I can guarantee that you'll get more out of it since Dolphin does increase the quality of the graphics just a tad bit, but I'm not gonna be super autistic about convincing you otherwise

Well, you guys were acting like it was no big deal to illegally download shit off the Internet.

To us, it really isn't. There's minimal chance to get caught and we don't judge the consequences to the companies be severe enough to concern us. Particularly with games this old.

>download dolphin
>download rom
>launch rom with dolphin
You must be legitimately retarded if you can't manage this

am i the only one that thinks that the gachapon machine is really fucking easy? when i was 7 i did it my second or third try

You can play Gamecube games on your Wii you fucking mongulous

No one is going to arrest you for piracy. It's generally a waste of time for something no one really gives a shit about. Companies typically aren't going to sue you or anything for it because that's just a lot of time and money wasted, more than they'd make off of you in court. The worst you'll typically get is your ISP telling you to cut that out.

Piracy is mostly one of those things that, if they arrest you for a completely different thing, they'll toss onto your charges to put a couple more years on your sentence, but that's about it.

I've been replaying the game in anticipation for new Mario
I would have killed myself if I didn't use save states in dolphin to cheat
The physics just don't work
You get to the top of the machine and mario just jerks in a random ass direction
It's horseshit

>Dolphin does increase the quality of the graphics just a tad bit
It can play Gamecube games at 1080p and beyond on a relatively low end machine, that's more than a tad bit.


I killed this guy on my first try at around 10 hearts but when I went straight to Hyrule Castle on my Master Mode playthrough I died probably a dozen fucking times. His electricity blade phase fucking terrifies me.


and I'm sure you act like it's no big deal to illegally walk across the street

If you care about jaggies that much I guess.
I never really notice it in movement.

I didn't even know this level existed. I beat it on the third try, wasn't even that hard.

I never had much trouble with Thunderblight.

I struggled with Waterblight the most, but I am in the subset of retards that never realised you could use cryonis on the projectiles.

>heh...I beat it on my second try...hehe git gud kiddo

Spent a solid hour trying to fill that gauge.

Broodwar. Final Zerg level. Omega.

You can also play them on Wii U as an injected Virtual Console title as of last month
It uses the extra fourth shoulder button to vary sensitivity of the formerly analog triggers for games like Sunshine


Dark Bomb kills the robot and you can hoverboard out.


I can beat this mission now, but I remember how painful this shit was.

To the north was the white Terran with a massive air force. They would send countless Battle Cruisers escorted by Wraiths and Valkyries. Their base was protected by Goliaths and missile turrets. Impossible to attack by air.

The west was red Terran, and they had a shitload of Siege Tanks, Firebats, Ghosts with nukes and Science Vessels that loved to irradiate your Overlords. Impossible to attack by ground.

The south was blue Protoss, and they would hit you with fucking everything. Carriers with Reaver drops and Dark Templars mixed in. Corsairs doing that web thing on your sunken colonies.

What made it the worst is when you'd attack one base, the other two would launch an attack on your base.

That wasnt the hardest boss but it surely was the shittiest.

This narrow corridor on the arcade version is the single hardest part of any video game ever invented, harder than anything in Daimakura, harder than Battletoads, nothing even comes close.

CUUUUBES are a close second though.



These 2 levels can die in a hole

>trying to find the robot generator in act 1


I play them on dios mios works a charm the exact way it did on GameCube


Use Nintendont, is many times better than DM

I wish I could play it for the first time again.