What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?

I paid him to write that.

Eat shit, Nintendorks.

Ok which one of you fags wrote that.

So... How easy is it?

He can propably speedrun the other ones.


No seriously, it's some 3rd worlder


Who was redpilled enough to write this?

He likes to make himself feel superior than others by saying shit like
>It's an ok game
>But you retards will eat that shit RIGHT UP
You know, a review is supposed to get people to empathize with your point of view, when you insult the consumer base of the game, people arent gonna want to agree with you, they'll be more likely to despise you. What a fucking shitty reviewer


C'mon Kevin, why do you have to be like that? By the way you can visit our new theme park petulance land for only a quarter!

He needs the publicity.

Fucking Gerstman did the exact same shit to Zelda more than a decade ago for the exact same reason and you naive fucks still wonder why this happens

Are video games even sold in serbia?

>Empathize with brainlets.
Yeah. No. I actually support that review and would have a beer with him, as would many others. The only ones hurt are the special snowflakes who can't take a joke and disagree, which happen to be one and the same.

Someone that has played plenty of Mario games and seen how stale the games are.

>There exists somebody who is still mad that one of the worst 3D Zeldas got an 8.8

Pretty much every 3D zelda game is way too easy though.

Are you illiterate? I specifically wrote that the audience should be able to empathize with the point of the person reviewing the game. Jesus christ, this is 1rst grader level of reading comprehension

>implying he's wrong because he's right
>implying retards that will eat that shit right up will even care about reviews

I can feel each of my almonds activating

More importantly does the gamecube controller work with odyssey?

it's for publicity.
>everyone gives it a 100
>hey, if our website gives it a poor score, we'll stand out and give ourselves a name!
>then people will browse our site!
we need to put pressure on metacritic to remove this shit review that's not even genuine.

He and (you) have no way of proving any of those claims

Less that and more that it's not that hard to fathom one website needing the traffic and stirring controversy for it. It's the same reason why they sometimes break embargos and then go "woopsie!"

>I can feel each of my almonds activating

All 2 of them

>game journalists can never be argued with when they give a Nintendo game a positive score
>but if it isn't a 100/100 then they're evil scheming sonybros trying to kill fun and ruin vidya

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

I agree with the public thing, but fuck it leave it in. why do you give a fuck?

Just how fucking miserable are your fucking lives that you get enjoyment out of a game getting "bad" reviews?

For the you are the good of the game, but what is the oddyssey of the mario? No seriously but, game is for the bad and the way you play is out of the world! 6/10.

Sup Forums it's not a consilium of experts, it's more a cage a screeching kids, don't take any opinion here too seriously.

V didn't say any of that, false flaggers did, and I bet you're one of them, you guys set up this whole "100 score on metacritic" thing knowing that the game would never be able to reach that score so that you could literally shitpost about the game all fucking day

>Posts Reggie

Says it all, really.

Just how fucking miserable is your fucking life that you get enjoyment out of a game getting "good" reviews?

TP deserves worse than an 8.8 in retrospect, it was the first 3D Zelda to be "meh" although Jeff also hates MM so fuck that guy.

Your image says it all user, Sup Forums now is just a bunch of retards trying to bait other retards endlessly. That's all there is to it.

Because it isn't a genuine review score, they're just scoring it low for publicity. Jim Sterling did the same thing when Breath of the Wild came out.

Why do people care about reviews at all?

Game deserves every bit of praise it is getting. Literally another genre defining moment from Nintendo, but you're just letting you console bias get in the way of seeing that. Then again, I'm on Sup Forums. Shouldn't expect more from this shithole.

If the game is so amazing why are you here getting assblasted at a """""""""""""""bad"""""""""""" review instead of playing it?

Do people actually care about reviews from game sites anymore? I feel like there is enough word-of-mouth, user reviews and gameplay videos to give people a good idea what a game is like.

(You) have to go back.

It's just a blue coin collectathon no? Was thinking of buying it

Because most people don't. False flaggers on the other hand fucking love that shit, cuz it's perfect shitposting material

I'm not gonna let little shits like you try and spread bullshit reviews an opinions on this game to try and deter others from buying it.

>Super Mario Odyssey is an utterly underwhelming adventure for every long-term Super Mario fan in existence.
That's a 100% accurate description of the game. The game looked so boring and empty at this year's E3, and the brainlet leak streams proved that's exactly what it was.

From everything I've seen, 75 is an entirely fair score.

I wonder wa-who could be-bing behind this post.

Do do you work for nintendo? Or are you doing their job for free like a good little cuckboi?

Doesn't matter who I work for. You're desperate shitposting isn't going to kill the hype for tonight, dumbass.

>genuine review score
Sweetie, there's no such thing as a "genuine review score". that's the whole point.

It's sad that anyone even cares what anything gets as a review score.

If you like it yourself, is that not enough? I guess anyone who takes any of those numbers to heart is just an idiot.

>Literally another genre defining moment from Nintendo
Yes, because if there's anything the 3D platformer genre needs is a return to focusing on meaningless collectibles in barren open worlds.

What hype? Not that guy but it just seems like another go and find things in an empty space game

>Opinions = Facts
user, subjective material isn't objective. You know that, right?

The second I realized there were more than 120 Moons I knew it would be casual shit. Of course it's getting high scores: reviewers want an easy platformer.

It's the same reason that once I realized there are only 4 main dungeons in BOTW I knew what it would be.

Same thing as when I realized there weren't any Skills in Fallout 4, I knew what it would be.

Overhyped shit.

Even in Mario threads

>gives botw 100
>gives mario 75 for being easy

>mfw people think game journalists are reliable

That's how butt blasted these drones are, they just can't get over it

>i am retarded and have no argument.jpg
yes user we figured that out after the first 50 times you got assblasted and posted that image

Doesn't matter. This dumbfuck's review is on the process of being taken down as we speak.

Is this the true score for Odyssey or will it later be corrected even lower? I could see 6.5 judging from the streams I've seen.

>Sup Forums
um...I think you mean sony ggers. everyone got cuphead but them, and pc bros + nintenbros can play BOTW.

>um...I think you mean sony ggers.
Then why throw a bitch fit when I say Cuphead is better than Mario or BOTW?

>every super mario fan inherently agrees with me
the sheer arrogance of modern video game criticism

THey gave a high score to BotW.

Nintendo probably thought it wasn't worth it paying them this time, so as a revenge they gave Mario a bad score

Your opinion isn't an argument. Facts are and can be used as concrete arguments, that other user put just as much effort as you did in your shitty post

It's the first sequel to a 3D Mario game since Galaxy 2. Nintendo NY is expected to have big lines for launch. Also expected to surpass Zelda sales within its first month.

Is he just trying to be the Jim Sterling of Mario Odyssey?


Chris-chan's brother in law is a shitty movie critic with a huge ego. He does the same thing with popular movies; he was the only critic that gave Toy Story 3 a rotten review upon release.

you what?

>Zelda was a blunder
>Odyssey failed to deliver
>Xenoblade 2 looks like the worst one yet
>2018 lineup is a barren wasteland

Is there anything on this overpriced paperweight that's actually decent?

>for every long term super mario fan in existence
>literally the only person who things this way.

I think he said what his problem is right there.
Not everyone can enjoy games that are novelty heavy with 0 difficulty

>Cuphead is better than Mario

>75 out of 100
you need to kill yourself

Pretty bad dog.

Or the Jeff Gerstmann, or one of the forgotten heroes who gave Skyward Sword 7/10s. There's always one guy who gives the new main series Nintendo game a bad score and they're vindicated 100% of the time. There's never been a case where the shills handing out 10/10 scores looked reasonable 5 years later.

It's technically a shitty review as he gives no supporting statements. Insulting the game and it's players are fine, but only a brainlet would not back up their reasonings with facts

I felt the same about Super Paper Mario. Good but disappointingly easy. I hope he's not right about Odyssey. If it's at the very least as challenging as 3D World then I'll be happy.

It's like any other Nintendo game. Easy to beat, hard to master/collect every single little secret.

>"for every long term super mario fan in existence"
>literally speaking for an entire fanbase of millions

This is some top tier clickbait.

Leave out the bing next time. It's funnier

seeIf you guys were truly idorts who had PCs, you would understand that some people just hate Nintendo exclusives and don't consider them GOTY.


Good trolling, my man! It doesn't even make sense, he is sure to reply and correct you. Keep it up!

>y-y-y-you must be a z-zombie if you like this game
>7.5 p-please let me keep my job, I just get so worked up over console wars!


What did ACfag mean by this?

He's a Serb

Nah my man this is my only other post itt


It’s not out yet, friend.