Post absolute garbage collector's editions

Post absolute garbage collector's editions.

Other urls found in this thread:

>game not included

Every collectors edition besides

Persona 5

>cuts off right below the pussy
What a waste

>Steel book
>Art book with nothing interesting
>Booster DLC
>Art cards

All instant shit tier.

Ni no Kuni's book alone is fantastic.

yes we also watched the new dunkey video

now fuck off


>tfw not allowed to talk about video games on Sup Forums

>stooop taaalkin abooout virdero germs

>Men like tits
>let's sell them some decapitate corpse with focus on the tits.
If it just had the head and was a zombie it would have made sense.

Look at this retarded faggot trying to moderate the board. We have fucking mods for that you fucking brainlet, haha.

when games not included


kill me pete

No you arent, so SHUT THE FUCK UP

Any CE that contains more than the following is superfluous garage

>All DLC if applicable
>Tasteful artbook
>Sound selection CD

>Below the pussy

I see that OP saw the newest Dunkey video.


No I didn't? I was just reading some article about awful collector's editions.

Its fake though

This fat lazy non white piece of shit is now doing Clip shows for christs sake?

>Sup Forums makes a thread on a movie when they see a movie or watch something related to said movie
>Sup Forums talks about a videogame when they play a video game, see a videogame or watch something related to said videogame
>bears take massive brown shits in the woods.

>Actually watches youtube e-celeb garbage
>Has the audacity to condemn other of it despite having zero evidence to back his claim

I'm gonna start punching real soon

>below the pussy

is this bait

I'm far from an SJW but this is pretty tasteless desu

I love this post

that would be too far.

I forgot the reason why they did this. Does anyone remember?

kill me Pete

Good job outing yourself as a faggot, faggot.

I would add full color manual to that list and your golden.

extra sheckles

To get more shekels out of people who are stupid enough to buy collector's editions.



Whats the point then?
It's just overpriced toys.

It's supposed to be so that instead of releasing different collector's editions for each console, you buy the game for the console you want and all the collector stuff separate.

In other words, extra shekels

>Chicken will never post his Max Payne statue again.

But that implies that the deck of cards that came with the New Vegas CE is superfluous "garage."

On paper I actually like the idea of selling the collectors edition without the game since it gives you the option to pick it up after you've played the game and decided you like it. Imagine if Andromeda had a standard collector's edition that came with the game and you picked it up only to realize that not only is the game trash but you have a bunch of knickknacks for a shitty game as well. It's also nice for poorfags and thrifty people since you can pick it up in two installments and/or wait to see if either the game or the stuff takes a price drop.

Did these goggles even work?

>implying thats not a good thing

Go back to bed, Donsley.

nope, they were literal toys.

>zero evidence
>OP and fp list two of the games dunkey memed in his new video, which was released just today

green leds, that's it

no bidru gaems allluwd nuw fock ufff

this one was good

Murder me Peter

yeah we (Sup Forums) also saw the dunkey video too

to a degree
i fell for the meme

Whenever I see this I always hear James Rolfe saying "What were they thinking?!" in my head

I got the fallout 3 one just to get the lunchbox still use it and my venture bros one till this day

>newfags thinking that the ME andromeda CE was the first time that there was a "game not included" collector's edition

>no one posted the best one

I bought an old opened one from Gamestop for $40 a couple years ago, I just wanted the goodies, sold the game back to them for $10.

>those playing cards
Literally gave me the biggest boner.

Find the post where someone said Andromeda was the first.


yeah I bought the collectors edition off of ebay just a few years ago, it was cheaper than the retail game and basically like new. really lucked out with it

Why do they call it [Game]: [Subtitle] edition if it isn't actually an edition of the game?
Why not just call it "The Big Box o' [Game] Merch"?

That dark souls one with the shitty estus flask

Someone post the video of the unboxing where the dude breaks the shitty sword


Almost sperged out until I actually read the caption. The only CE purchase I don't regret

>$140 US Dollars
>Does NOT include the $40 Season 1 DLC character pass that all of the other special editions come with

Because they more that way.
They probably only put the "game not included" disclaimer because some customer rights organization complained or something.

The soldier one had me laughing for 10 mins straight when I first saw it.

no fucking way

>Because they more that way
sell, they make more sales if they lie.

if you attach this to OP's pic, it would be 10/10

>went in to my local eb yesterday
>saw that they were selling shadow of war mithril collectors still for PC
the size of it was impressive but fuck me, that's a lot of coin to spend.
Might fall for the meme if it goes down in price.

I picked up a DS3 collector's with the statue, artbook and steelbook for $70CAD at EB.

To be honest the figure there is pretty fucking legit and does cost around 70 bucks

This was hands down the worst, but I also think it's the first time I see them release a collector's edition of the Strategy Guide. Usually it's just a limited hard cover edition.


All PALbros ever got was less than a fraction of an art book for the first and a pin for the second.

This can't be real, this has to be fake, it's too good to be real.

I really want this lamp here but can't be fucked if it's using an international plug. I suppose all I really have to do is buy a converter plug and I should be set.

Until I see someone take a picture of that actual statue I will refuse to believe it isn’t a bullshot promotional image.

I forgot to mention that it was in AUD.
Shit is rare and more so expensive here.

>"Estus Flask" buttplug that looks like some cheap shitty dog's chewing toy
>A sword which autodestructs 3 seconds after unboxing
>A notebook you could buy for pennies at any paper store with a dick already drawn inside by one of the devs
Holy shit, those japs made this edition specifically to fuck with people for shit and giggles, haven't they?

bideo gaaaame


That looks like a fucking lime juice bottle

To be frank, that's an improvement.


Cheers for the quality reaction images

oh my fucking god i bought that.
im still mad.

Maybe I have shit taste but I bought this the day it game out and I still think its pretty cool, I like zombies and I have a lot of monster movie props in my office, fits right in there.

Dude it's a rebranded fucking banpresto statue, those things are as legit as can be


I bought kiwami steelbook edition and it's shit. steelbook looks cheap but the worst part is fucking sleeve. It's so loose that case can slip when picking up. This is last time that I bought something like this.

It was a special edition of the prima guide, not the game

Aren't estus flasks made of translucent glass in the games?
They didn't even try, Jesus.


its not, TDPR got back to him with a new sculpt+a ton of witcher merch


These things are 30 bux at most you dingus.

Do you really think it would’ve been a good idea to put a glass bottle in a collectors edition box? Especially when half of the stuff already included breaks to a moth’s fart.

>Game not included.