So TNC confirms that RtCW is not a reboot of Wolf 3D. Finally people can stop saying dumb shit like there being multiple timelines in the Wolfenstein series.
So TNC confirms that RtCW is not a reboot of Wolf 3D...
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where the zombies at
where heinrich I at
we concluded yesterday that there is a porridge- and a soup-timeline.
Will we ever see Mecha Hitler again?
Next game after Machine Games realizes they were fucking retarded for cutting bosses in TNC.
Next game will have a timejump, and the Nazis will be being fucked on all fronts by Super American Jew Power.
The plot will be the full Invasion of Germany, ending with BJ fighting the rejuvenated super soldier mecha Hitler on top of the burning Reichstag.
Cool. Wonder if it'll be like the Wolf 3D version with the big armor or something similiar to this one
They cant just bring the main man into the story and have him piss in a bucket and never be referred to again.
Does Wolfenstein even have canon anymore?
Wait, so there aren't multiple timelines?
So Doom takes place in a universe where the nazis won?
It never did it's just autistic children that give a shit about the lore of these games.
>Finally people can stop saying dumb shit like there being multiple timelines in the Wolfenstein series.
nigga there's two timelines just in tno/tnc
Wolfenstein is a single timeline.
>Spear of Destiny > 3D > RtCW > 2009 > TOB > TNO > TNC
Mostly correct except Return before 3D
I think it's a case of everything before TOB "Might" have happened as part of the legends surrounding BJ. Wolf09. TOB, TNO and TNC are the definitive events. It means they can pick and choose anything else.
How could Return possible come before 3D?
so do you kill old hitler at the end of nu-wolfenstein?
And here I thought TOB was a reimagining of RTCW.
No. You kill this bitch.
>kill hitler
>hitler is then alive
is anyone here old enough to know that hitler is the last boss of wolf3d?
he got better
Why does he look like Breen from the HL2 Cinematic Mod?
Given their technology and dabbling in the occult, there's no reason to assume that couldn't have been a body double or they resurrected him. Both of which are possible and shown in game, pic related and RtCW with Deathshead resurrecting that old king.
If you actually fucking care about the "timeline" of some shitty shooter game that was only relevant 25 years ago you need to end it.
bro his body was already gone and you like exploded him into pieces. you can't resurrect shit from that.
His head was still intact.
I'm tired of playing as the rag tag team of sore losers. When are they going to make a Wallenstein about fighting as the nazis?
Bro we're gonna be resurrecting dinosaurs from fuckin DNA fragments soon enough. For all we know the Nazis used the Superjew tech to rez Hitler from a cumstain he left on a sheet.
Red Orchestra 1/2 really seems to scratch that itch for me.
He got resurrected
then why the hitler is alive if he was killed in first game?
It's nice to see Hitler again but why didn't they show Himmler or Goebbels?
Himmler showed up at the end of RtCW and Goebbels according to TNO was still alive making propaganda.
>Bro we're gonna be resurrecting dinosaurs from fuckin DNA fragments soon enough
who would do this
They can choose to explain it away with HE WAS A DOUBLE, or NAZI SCIENCE!
truth told, there were notes you could find in TNO that mentioned he felt cold and strange to touch when he met people, sort of hinting at undead Hitler,
oh how mighty wolfenstein have fallen
Man that shit was cool.
>play as a Nazi
>all the enemies are soldiers from the rest of the world (Guards were American army men, SS were Russians, etc)
>textures changed to reflect the change in the enemy
And as far as I know it includes the entirety of Wolf3D.
Why is he always depicted with black hair and brown eyes in video games and movies
Nah, BJ directly talks about the events of RTCW during TOB.
this game isnt about actual history its about memes
someone who wants to send ninja compies to kill their enemies while dropping circular bombs with fuses from a pterodactyl
Hitler did not have blue eyes, user. He is portrayed in that painting as having blue eyes for propaganda reasons.
This is the same game where they literally stapled BJ's head to a new body.
>These graphics are so realistic. It's like I'm really in the game.
Wrong, even in black and white photos you can see his eyes can't be brown because of the way they reflect light.
there is one actual color photograph of hilter (rather than black and white photos that were hand tinted afterwards) and his eyes are brown in it.
You can actually Kill Hitler in TNC.
You crush his head when he's laying on the floor.
You get instamurdered though.
I smiled when I walked passed him and saw the prompt.
user I don't know if you know this, but that article cites people who were part of propaganda.
How light is reflected? Are you some kind of expert?
You're citing a for-profit website that steals other people's photographs to make money off of top search engine hits. Fuck off, dude. Hitler did not have blue eyes.
That could all easily explain why Hitler is acting like a super Geezer manchild. All that dark magic went to his brain.
Would be surprised if once Hitler died in the third game, Himmler came out and said "HAHA, I AM THE TRUE EVIL!"
I'm sorry but you're wrong
Hitler had blue eyes and light hair
Doesn't the game take place in the 60s? Keep in mind Pong came out in 1972.
The Nazis only managed to avoid defeat by using half-assed Chinese bootleg versions of ultraadvanced ancient Jew tech. I think it stands to assume they could invent video games with their level of technology.
Please tell me best game is disconnected from this poopoo
the super secret jew science the nazis stole allowed them to significantly advance technology in many ways
>kill Hitler
>BJ monologues about how it's all over
>suddenly a portal to the Black Sun dimension opens
>Deathshead emerges from it
>murders Anya
But can you imagine the amount of memes if Himmler and Goebbels were in the game?
>a scene where Himmler visits a concentration camp so he can make fun of some jews by giving them a bag of coins instead of food
>a scene with Goebbels watching old American movies so he can understand American culture better
>dumb shit like there being multiple timelines in the Wolfenstein series.
>when Wyatt is about to go full Bioshock Infinite
could say the same about Engel
I'm just saying that 90s-era graphics in the 60s would indeed be very good for their time.
Mr. Hitler did have blue eyes.
Look at high resolution black and white photos of brown eyed vs light eyed people and you'll see the difference. Here's an image of Goebbels who had brown eyes and Hitler.
>Hitler having blue eyes
It's the other way around, buddy.
user, are you one of those un-american faggots who thinks Hitler was right and the jews are behind everything?
Because my grandfather killed a few of your kind for fun on D-Day.
>for fun
sure thing bud, seeing his buddies brutally die on the beach must of been fun too?
Are you from Arizona OP ?
>must of
Half of wacky Hitler is probably just because they already cribbed Mecha Hitler for New Order's final boss, complete with the "Die, Allied Schweinhund"
>Hitler censored by just removing the mustache
>Not just giving him sunglasses
Thanks Todd
No, I just prefer objective fact to propaganda.
I have been here for over 10 years. I do not think I've ever visited NeoGaf. Ever.
Probably not. Which is why killing the Germans was rewarding.
But that's okay. I'm sure your grandfather sat out the war due to being medically unfit or something. Seeing how you are here 70 years later praising Hitler's eye color, I'd fashion a guess that you're from a weak family line with no military history.
i'm guessing hitler with his head transplanted onto a super solder body the same way BJ is now will be the final boss of the next game.
Not even the guy you were talking to about the eye bullshit, grandfather was a messenger
I hope someone will make this into a mod because I don't feel like paying $60 for a Wolfenstein 3D recolor.
>a pog in WW2
That is fucking hilarious
>Hey guys, look at this #TRUFACT
>No, thats a lie, here's proof
Fuck historical revisionism
There is ONE color photo of hitler that circulates the internet that has us to believe his eyes were blue. ONE. Then there's the bullshit about "how much lighter his eyes are" in black and white photos.
It's not revisionism. Nobody before 1933 every commented on his eyecolor. Not a soul. Then suddenly after 1933 a bunch of accounts stunningly come out that he has piercing blue eyes... Sure thing. Sure.
You're pretty much a nigger of the military if you say that
But I thought the reboot thing was confirmed with the old blood. you literally start the game in castle wolfenstein
>Nobody before 1933 every commented on his eyecolor.
>Then suddenly after 1933 a bunch of accounts stunningly come out that he has piercing blue eyes
Wtf, I got BTFO!
Except he's a Lovecraftian Nightmare!
Or he reveals he's actually Nylanthrotep himself!
just fuckin with you user
It's just a joke. They used to advertise even fucking vector graphics as having "immersive realism"
who gives a shit about hitler's eye color
it's more important to memorize youre waifu's eye color instead. chie's are brown
He looks like Dr. Breen from that one mod with all the ferns and the FULLY
My husbando is Hitler
>who gives a shit about hitler's eye color
>it's more important to memorize youre waifu's eye color instead
But what if my waifu IS Hitler?
>no mustache
Hitler's syphilis would've either killed him or fucked up his body to an absurd level if he had it for over 25+ years like the game suggests.
Is the story meant to be taken seriously or is it supposed to be more cartoony like inglorious bastards?
She needs a feminine mustache or it just won't look right
After reading 20 wolfenstein threads I think people take it way too seriously
It has the same ironic sense of humor as Inglourious Basterds. It doesn't shy away from the monstrosities that the Nazis partook in, but there's a lot of humor whether light-hearted or morbid, even in some of BJ's execution animations.
It's kind of necessary, given that it's a story where Nazis are exterminating people as they typically are, but there's also giant flame-breathing robot dogs.
>tfw Sup Forums is having a mental breakdown
why cant they undestand humor even if exagerated like this ?
>make jokes about communist ? hillarious
>make jokes about nazi ? REEEEE JEWISH PROPAGANDA !
they really are the far-right version of SJW's
>Those nazis are just like SJW's!
This will surely destroy Sup Forums for good
never said it would destroy pol but their reaction is uterly stupid
Its definitely too cartoony to play it straight. I hate that saying because it really does excuse it but you really need to turn your brain off, you cant apply realistic logic to this scenario.
that's a shame. ever since i watched downfall, i've wanted a game to do a serious/realistic portrayal of hitler. i mean, games are an art form right? we should be more than capable of doing that by now.