What do you want to see in Fire Emblem Switch? What kind of setting or cast? What game mechanics would you bring back from previous games or remove?
What do you want to see in Fire Emblem Switch? What kind of setting or cast...
I just want them to make Path of Radiance again with different characters I guess.
I want FE3 to slaughter every last one of their heretical clones, and I want Catria to reclaim her identity as a knight and go Vlad the Impaler on Cordelia.
Any FE game made in the vein of PoR or the GBA games would be much appreciated. Fuck Awakening for ruining the series forever
I want the dating sim shit gone and want more serious tones. Not saying that the game has to be grimdark but damn if I wanted to see the shit Awakening and Fates had, I'd watch Crunchyroll.
I want a regular FE with a story that provides adequate motivation and interest with gameplay that's good enough.
Since that's rather generic, I want cool dragons. Grima, Loptous, and Anankos were cool, random Elibean Fire Dragon, Ena, and Medeus were kind of bland.
A Create-a-character that isn't the protagonist for one. I think Awakening was pretty interesting in that way.
However, I'd like a choice of which faction/leader I become the side kick/strategist for. Give me one or two meaningful story choices.
Aside from that, I'd like to see the Personal Skill system and approach to weapon types return from Fates.
Have faction/nation specific classes that only they have.
As for story, I'm not sure honestly
Fates was more egregious than Awakening.
One of the things I realized when I was playing through Birthright (I started on Conquest) was that the quality of writing for the supports had dropped off the fucking map. Most of the supports in Fates have to do with a character's hobbies, whereas the supports in Awakening actually have to do with a character's personality.
I'd be okay with the Dating Sim stuff if there was only one S rank for each character. That is to say, each character can only fuck one other character. Aside from that, the supports are purely mutual so they can be focused on an actual arc between the characters
more dragon lolis please
>but damn if I wanted to see the shit Awakening and Fates had, I'd watch Crunchyroll.
I keep seeing this complaint, but Awakening was perfectly straightforward in story and tone. All the lighter stuff was completely optional side material in the supports.
Plus it was the first game to let you fuck Anna, and what's not to love about that?
What if FE Switch is related to Fates in some way? How Nad would people be?
I kind of liked the SETTING of Fates, especially the not-Japan aesthetics, it was just executed horribly. I wouldn't be completely opposed to a MotE-like sequel, but I'd much prefer a new setting.
>Owain exists
Yeah, no.
What did it do exactly that ruined Echoes?
If they're going to have an MU/Avatar character, I'd rather have them more like Robin was in the first part of Awakening, rather than Corrin. Being important to the plot is fine, but they shouldn't be the centre of it, or usurp it from the main Lord.
I don't mind the dating elements, but each character should only have at max 3 potential spouses to hopefully allow for more realistic relationship building. None of that falling in love after 3 mildly connected random events bullshit.
And absolutely no kids. The way it was handled in Fates was pants on head retarded.
>platonic supports
>limited supports (i.e. make it like the GBA games but without the awful conversation limit)
>make it so there aren't 15 characters orbiting the avatar if there is one
>Quirky characters made for comedic purposes didn't exist before Awake-
Reduce romantic supports to a much smaller pool, you can keep supports with other characters, but have them end at A. Maybe reduce the total support pool to 6-7 for each character at most.
>only one
I rest my case
Ideally no DLC
Semi acceptabl - full Expansions
not acceptable - awakening style nickel and dime dlc
No Pair Up, thanks, that mechanic rubs me the wrong way and felt extremely pushed on Conquest above Normal difficulty
I would like to see a rebalanced dismounting system.
sorry fags waifushit is here to stay
maybe if you supported fire emblem more before they resorted to having to add it in...
Literally all of these complaints were addressed in Echoes, maybe go buy it
>only Awakening/Fates had waifus
i love this meme. mind if i repost it in the next FE thread?
To me it's past the point of worry. What happens happens. It seems they dialed back on support options and reclass abuse a lot in Fates, which was one of Awakening's core problems. So if we keep the gameplay of Fates with just a few minor tweaks like not having every available mage be ass and dropping all the customization like My Castle they were going for, then we should be set in the gameplay department.
What I'm curious to know is what they'll do for the story and other shit. I still believe kids can be OK if it makes sense in the narrative. They were fine in Awakening, they were not in Fates. Or if we're going to get another MU, and if it'll be like Robin or Corrin.
I disagree, I like pairing up units, not so much for the battle bonuses (Although they're nice to have) but more because I can pair up an armor to a pegaslut/mount and stop worrying about that slow fuck catching up to the main force
I did but I want to make sure Pair Up is gone for good
Mia. Nephenee. Kieran.
>They were fine in Awakening
>pair up is bad
Focus on making the whole cast feel valuable again. Don't make anybody the center of everything, not even the Lord of MU. Fire Emblem plots and casts are at their best when you can deploy anybody and at least pretend they're still relevant beyond "this guy helped me one time so I'm eternally loyal to him now" Now obviously it's not feasible to expect this of an ENTIRE cast, there's always going to be some duds who don't go anywhere, but I want to see at least an effort to try this direction again. Fates was especially bad about this as everybody was merely acting on Corrin and Azura's behalf. Awakening had this problem to a somewhat lesser extent too.
I also think they need to ditch the marriage thing if we want good variety in character interactions again. The way they handle shit now is just too firmly structured and ensures everybody has to be in the same age group, single, and open to close relationships. If they don't follow that criteria, they only get the MU for a support it seems, and this severely limits the kind of character relationships we can explore within an army. If they do have to keep marriage available, at least keep it more restricted in who can marry and fuck, and don't restrict non marriageable characters so hard in what they can have after joining.
I came for a power fantasy, not to actually fucking strategize.
>He doesn't know about Sera
>He doesn't know about Neph
>He doesn't know about Amelia
>He doesn't know about Sain
>He doesn't know about L'Rachael
>He doesn't know about Meg
I could go on, but holy shit did you show your colors as an awakeningfag.
Because it worked in the narrative. Kids jumping back in time to help fix the world from getting fucked is fine, since they decided Lucina would be the catalyst for this. It makes sense that other kids would join in to help. The kids themselves could have been better, characters like Cynthia could have been a bit more serious given what they've been through, but overall not that bad.
Alternate time realms where time passes at an extremely accelerated rate is not.
What was wrong with My Castle? As a story thing, it was obviously flawed, but you could just make it a customizable home castle or camp or something.
I want to deride specific gen 2 characters, but I know you or somebody else will label them as "mai waifu".
Also should add that Robin himself is in this. It's not just the kids time travel out of nowhere for no reason. Time travel is a key plotpoint for why things happen this way.
How? All it does is facilitate amnesia and Yurius recycle.
But I'm not talking about the kids as characters, I'm talking about the concept of marrying G1 units and having G2 kids down the line. I'm not saying that the kids have good characters. Feel free to nitpick away, because I don't like a majority of them. They were serviceable, but not offensive to me.
...Okay, I admit it's a good idea for getting the units. I still fucking hate FE13, though.
Felt like it ate up dev time that could be put to better use in my opinion. It felt really half-assed to me. Then again, Fates to me as a whole was littered with this.
Mandatory grinding for resources in order to give all your units stat boosts for the next levels.
Eh, I thought it was a fun idea that wasn't done as well as it could have been. I enjoyed the idea of customizing my base, and being able to put cosmetics on my units was silly but kind of enjoyable. Too bad you had to grind for resources to get most of the accessories though.
Never had an issue with this. The food sources restore after each map and naturally over time, so you always have enough.
I wouldn't know. I abandoned FE14 after I couldn't beat Hard Conquest. I'm not gonna sit through a game that just makes me consistently angrier with nothing to show for it.
So this is the average anti-14fag
From the top of my head, it gives Robin amnesia which lets him bond with Chrom overtime and the other units, snowballing into a Robin that rejects Grima rather than apparently accepting it. Lucina stops Chrom from getting seriously wounded and delays Em's assassination, postponing it and making a scene to a point where Plagia's army falls, gives leverage in the north so the Khan can give Chrom more support, and possibly a few other things I'm blanking.
So without the time travel as a plotpoint, most of Awakening would happen differently.
I think we're about due for a compilation, so I'm hoping that maybe there can be some traction to get such a thing requested.
Outside of that, the Switch game will hopefully have full voice acting, so it becomes painfully obvious early on if the writing is acceptable or not. It'd also be nice to step back and not have an insert character beyond something like FEH does, where you're strictly the tactician behind the scenes, since RPing as Corrin was horribly stupid with how little control and impact the player had in Fates, despite being the top billing. I rather have a story that flows naturally, as opposed to trying to power trip the player inbetween horrible writing.
I also would like the DLC to not cost more than the game itself, and for the amiibo to not be completely stupid due to how rare FE amiibo tend to be.
Dude, sometimes hard difficulty ain't worth it if you aren't having fun. Especially when this game feels like it's offending you personally as a Fire Emblem fan.
I meant how it applies to MU. Honestly, I'd prefer the story a lot more if that cancerous libido vessel was completely excised from the entire fucking story. Lucina recycling Future Trunks doesn't offend me.
dual audio at least
american accents in medieval setting need to stop, doesn't help it's not even good american actors it's bottom of the barrel anime dub tier american shitters
I just hate how it works in practice in Fates. Even though pairing up does lower your overall damage output since the other character is focused more on defending the person they're paired up with, it's either too easy to turn other units into even greater monsters with it, or as I said before it seems pushed hard on higher difficulties due to high volumes of adjacent enemies and thus more potential for incoming dual strikes as well as debuffs on certain maps. Plus you can potentially get support bonuses on top of the already high class bonuses you get. It was as if the design team was aware of how good it was in Awakening and wanted the harder of the sequel games to still be challenging to those who would use it often, which would be decent design philosophy but it sort of feels like balancing Nu X-Com around Overwatch before they nerfed it in the sequel (by adding timers everywhere). It didn't really address the mechanic and felt like a step in the wrong direction.
Radiant Dawn remake. With proper supports instead of the bullshit we got.
New cast and world unconnected to the rest of the series
Gameplay of Conquest
Presentation of Echoes
Well it is an anime styled game, so it makes sense they'd use voice actors from that field. I'd much prefer they used voices from anime rather than whatever gutter they fished BotW's VAs from.
Yeah it's much better with a bunch of squeaky voiced ching chongs all over the place.
There is nothing wrong with Robin, he/she is a precious cinnamon roll
There was nothing to ruin since Gaiden was a horrible shit game to begin with.
I disagree. Robin being the vessel allowed for some tension. The main villain isn't some nobody waging war just because, it's someone the cast knows and trusts. And it cannot be put down unless they opt to kill this person who they've bonded with and fought together. Bonus if it's FeMU married to Chrom, because now it's not just best buddies, it's his actual wife and Lucina's mother. That extra bit of flavor makes the whole thing a lot better.
>stuff that never happened
Where is the joke dobson
Is that filename your Mario Maker level code?
>I didn't play the game
The villain an evil dragon using the Bad Future equivalent of Der Fuhrer as a body.
Literally nobody brings up any kind of angst like you are outside of the scene at the end of Chapter 21.
I vividly remember scenes where Robin suggests self-sacrifice and Chrom/team disagrees.
>Chapter 22
>>Chrom: Der Fuhrer sees beyond himself/herself, to the larger reality. One person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions.
>Chapter 25
>>MU: What is one life, when weighed against millions?
>>Chrom: Stop it! You're one of us. You'll ALWAYS be one of us. There has to be another way. We just have to find it. Promise me, Mein Fuhrer. Promise me you won't do this!
American accents are fine. English accents are cancer
The only one who disagrees is Chrom. And even if you do "sacrifice" "(You)rself", it's painted as the objectively right choice, the entire playable cast mourns for (You), and the after-credits scene shows that (You) somehow survive.
>Conquest's map design, enemy placement, and enemy skill distribution
>more mission objectives
>HD waifus
>SoV's voice actors
>no casual OR Phoenix modes
>zero censorship
Literally 4 other characters from the same game, user.
What's wrong with Casual/Phoenix? It's just an option for people who suck.
Needs full VA like SoV. I can hardly go back to previous titles after that, it was great.
A non-retarded story would be fantastic, but I also like the self-insert and child units. Those two things conflict with each other really badly, it seems. Then of course I want good map and character design, but who doesn't?
It's been awhile since I've played Awakening, but why did Robin end up in the past again? Or rather why did he diverge from the Robin than became Grima?
I'd like to see a se/prequel to one of the games that was a standalone.
Gaiden just got a remake, so it would be good for a setting fresh in people's minds, perhaps focusing on Duma and Mila and how they were banished.
Or the Sacred Stones, maybe making it more relevant than being the host of Mr. "Disgusting" and his wife.
You'll get casual, Phoenix AND Mila's turnwheel and you'll fucking like it.
Hey, I don't play fire emblem at all, but if you put more homo options in the game, I'll play it.
Robin always existed in the past. Grima's consciousness went back in time and tried to merge with the Robin in the past (the playable one). For some reason or another, it didn't work out, which is why Robin has amnesia.
Fire Emblem 4 remake with Oifay as the customizable self-insert.
Mila's turnwheel was great, I loved it. It felt better than casual mode and I didn't have to restart hour-long chapters because some retard couldn't hit his 95% on the boss and died.
I guess you're right. Maybe I'm reading too hard into it, but I just think that Robin and the twist is better if Robin is of signifiant importance to Chrom rather than just the tactician they found sleeping.
IIRC Lucina jumps back, Robin/Grima follows to stop her, lands on his head, and loses memory. I believe it's lead to imply that Robin was always found by Chrom, but events in the past shape how Robin turns out and how strong he is to resist.
Stop wanting self-inserts. Why the fuck can't you project onto one of the other male characters in your fucking hentai fantasies? It's what I did back in the day.
I want full VA back assuming we don't get NoA to do the casting.
No, I think the story is implying that this was Present MU, but something about Yurius going to the past caused MU to get amnesia. The story is really fucking vague, especially when it brings up the fact that MU's mom apparently fled with MU when he was two years old.
You're right, I don't know where I got the hit head thing.
It's a not-issue since at the end of the day Robin and Corrin are actual characters no different than previous lords other than being customizable.
Needs more abandoned laboratories.
Thabes was great but I need to see the atrocities committed in Izuka's labs or by the followers of one of the evil dragons in the series.
Playable Robin never ended up in the past. He got amnesia because Grima, having followed Lucina in future Robin's body, tried to fill present Robin with himself but fucked up because Robin was too weak, resulting in amnesia.
I just like messing around with the customisation options. They're not really self inserts either - they have a set personality. You only get to make a proper choice in-game maybe 2 or 3 times.
>You only get to make a proper choice in-game maybe 2 or 3 times.
This is something I want to see change in the next game, I want choices that matter and branching pathos.
So is it safe to assume that prior to getting amnesia, the playable Robin was a Plegian tactician?
>Robin and Corrin are actual characters
So present Robin wouldn't have become Grima anyways?
But whatever floats your stupid justification to claim (insert waifu here) as canon.
I doubt it. He was wandering around in Ylisse when the game started, and it's said his mother fled Plegia so Robin wouldn't be brought up to be a sacrificial vessel for Grima.
I want them to make some mass appeal glob of a game that everyone loves like Fates, complete with version split, an assload of supports, child characters, marriage and petting, online pvp, custom home castles, and maps composed of single spaced corridors, plus whatever else it was that made it so loved.
Then a small remake made with passion and love afterwards that flies a little lower, like SoV.
Preferably of another "literally who" FE this time.
>that everyone loves like Fates
Depends on if Robin was found. We're venturing into speculation here, but if Robin wasn't with Ylisse, then Plegia would have conquered without Robin and maybe stumble upon him.