Do you do anything special for game releases? Or am I the only one autistic enough to do it?

Do you do anything special for game releases? Or am I the only one autistic enough to do it?

Tonight's Super Mario Odyssey supper includes:

Honey Siracha meatballs (pictured)
Garlic Butter breadsticks (cooking)
Vanilla Caramel Gelato (dessert)
I've never had gelato before.
I also didn't measure ingredients with the honey-siracha sauce.

I don't want to drink wine with this so I'm just having water.

I'd rather have buffalo wings.

I'd be your friend

Just had one. They're actually good! I'm pretty surprised!

Aw thanks, pal.

Those are some tasty looking meatballs, user. Enjoy your meal and vidya.

That sounds really nice, and the meatballs look good.

I've never done anything like that, but you've inspired me to try. I'm going to whip something up for Halloween when I start Mary Skeltar.

Shit that's good. You're in for a treat with gelatto too.
I can't cook for shit so I prefer to get really high before I play any new game

I took days off of work for Dark Souls and Bloodborne releases. At my job I get around 2 weeks of vacation time. When a new game or DLC for said game is releasing, I'd usually take off 2 days during the week if the game was launched mid week, or a Friday so I can have a 3 day weekend for the game. It was basic knowledge at my work place that user was taking off for his game. People used to poke fun and make jokes all the time. Especially when I'd show up on Monday with bloodshot eyes, bags under my eyes. But it'd usually go like this
>Take off the day(s) required
>Game has already been bought and pre-loaded on my computer
>Wake up at 10AM
>Don't change out of boxers. Put on my hoodie, wireless headphones on, hood up
>If it's summer, turn my air conditioning to extra cold, if it's winter, open the window
>My Gevalia branded Espresso brew has been ready for me for the last 3 hours as I set my coffee maker the day before
>Extra dark iced coffee made with a dash of creamer and 1 sweet-n-lo
>Sip on my brew until around 1PM.
>Once my coffee is extinguished I call for take out
>Usually Chinese food (Singapore Style Mei-fun, no veggies, extra shrimp and a shrimp egg roll)
>House my food like the starving man I am with 2 pints of Lech beer

The food changes sometimes as does the choice in drink, but the schedule stays the same. 99% of the time I beat the game/DLC within the time frame I set myself. Except for Bloodborne. I had to keep taking breaks due to motion sickness

Thanks and good luck!

I can't cook for shit either, hate reading direction.

Ingredients to this:

Family Size regular Great value meatballs
$4 of honey, the small one that's shaped like a bear.
the rest of the siracha I had (like 30% of a big bottle?)
some sesame oil
some low-sodium soy sauce

Friend's coming over so hopin he brought stuff to get high with, i'm feeding him.

I do the same sometimes user! I'll be the sperg that tells my boss what game I'm taking off for and why I'm excited for it. Didn't do it this time around, though. It was a slow friday, so I figured I'd bring my switch to work when I grabbed the game at lunch! Unforturnately, my boss spent the afternoon teaching me subnetting. Useful stuff though.

At what point do you play the game?

enjoy looks gud. I'm on the sand world atm. roomie bought mario so I b on it 4 free

i wish, senpai

i haven't eaten in two days and this hurts so much to look at

Whoops. Well that's insinuated by the "sipping my brew" part. I drink my coffee during loading screens.
>It was a slow Friday
with my job, no day is slow. There's always work to do. Warehouse jobs are like that. So I always take off in advance. That's like when I was still a big WoW player and my guild was doing Heroic 25 man raids in WotLK, I took off every Thursday and Friday for the entire month of May. And the way my job works, you get your time back once a year. I got all my time back when walking in the door June 1st. So I worked for a grand total of 12 days the entire month of May, and got paid to sit home like a NEET and raid.

starving yourself won't help you lose weight
read the sticky, I'm serious

Back in the day, my friend and I would go to midnight releases at GameStop. We would drink in the line waiting, then once we got the game we would go back to my place and hook up both systems and play in the same room even if it was a solo game like Skyrim. We would also blow lines of Adderall and drink monsters and smoke the reefer.

Does that count?


Why haven't you eaten? Don't tell me something stupid like "watching my weight" as starving yourself will just net negative repercussions. Is it a money thing?

It's nice to see people have fun over a game's release.

Maybe I'll do something nice when the game I'm looking forward to comes out.

Open wide OP.

I've got a big meaty log brewing for your din dins!


I had one of those pans, they rusted faster than Glenn Close's knees when hitting the water.

I'm not too into siracha, but sweet meatballs sound really good. Something about sweet and savory foods is killer. Gelato is very yummy.

Anyway, I made a big ass bowl of chili tonight. I bought the Dragons Dogma rerelease on Xbone and am planning on pounding back bowls of it while exploring Gransys again.

i-i'm out of the money until the 3rd

>meatballs and breadsticks
Not saying they're gross but that's an unusual combination. Why not make some spaghetti or do meatball hoagies or something?

>unusual combination
What is a meatball sub

nigger that's 5 days from now. How are you out of money? Do you literally have nothing left in the house to eat? At all?

Good on you user. I'm too lazy for that so I just grab a bag of doritos and brew some tea after.

Did you have a molar extraction or something?

You have to season and care for them, you sperg

Dude those look awesome

>what the fuck bro you cant have meatballs without spaghetti thats like fuckin illegal dude
why are amerifats, despite being so fat, so ignorant about food?




i don't know why you americans love this meme sauce so much. the same company that shits this out has the much better chili garlic sauce.

nigga what happened to your money?

>sauce now means reddit
fuck off newfag

no, i don't do anything special. the time my friend and i went to gamestop for mw2. that was pretty fun. we got home around 1 dropped him off and went to bed.

sriracha used to be ok when it first appeared in your chinese supermarkets but im pretty sure their recipe changed to what it is today to better suit wipepo tongues

More like not neofag or eceleb enough right? The gaf thread should be deleted in favor of this one. The gook is a retard.

pet bills sorry this aint vidya im not gonna reply anymore

>has so friends, family, or lovers so a meal to celebrate a mario game

That's a pretty odd ritual to do user, but that cooking's pretty nice!

This is just pathetic.

They're fat because they're ignorant, they just sit around eating fast food all day because its fucking everywhere.

This thread makes me sad. I have no friends anymore, so that means no getting hyped and playing a new game on release like I used to.

sriracha is reddit sauce, it was basically the original szechuan sauce

>having a pet when you can't even take care of yourself
ebon :D

>can afford monthly internet bill so he can post on a korean basket weaving forum
>can't afford to buy a box of crackers to avoid starvation

raise my shitpost output by 2000%

you can't un-pay bills you dumb nig

>paying for internet
>not leeching wifi from a neighbor
holy shit the neogaf invasion is real

>Get high with
Fuck off.

i chose e-celebs over neogaf threads to be deleted

Yea, well it might be time to put Fido down if their medical bills are bankrupting you. I know it's not vidya related but FUCK that's a stupid waste of money

Whatever user, hope your pet gets better at least

Shitposting will keep him from starvation

user I bet you'd be a cool guy to chill and play video games with.

>can't even cook with certain ingredients now because they are reddit
You guys are so obsessed that I'd suppose you are redditors trying really hard to fit in. Please fuck off.

>brooo duuude you just cant handle sriracha haha its probably too spicy for you man lol thats why i gotta tone it down with some honey lol bro i put that shit all over my pizza dude haha makes me sweat so bad but idgaf lol so spicy bro xddd

I want to make that German burger recipe I saw in the game.

>noooo stop criticizing my generic meme sauce

You should try german meatloaf
>Ground chuck meat
>brown mustard
>Brown sugar

you use it as a glaze on top of the meatloaf. Good shit.

>sriracha makes you sweat
more like makes my mouth a fucking dry desert with how salty it is

Ok alright I get it, you think sriracha is a bad ingredient, why not just say that in your post instead of spouting 'le rebbit xd' like a retard?

>muh muh degeneracy

Youre on a italian gelatto imageboard weirdo relax

Maybe he is having a bad day. Don't be too harsh to him, let's just hope that he can have a brilliant day like OP!

>getting offended by 'reddit'

>you can't un-pay bills you dumb nig
What kind of retard doesn't keep money for emergencies?
>le neofag bogeyman

Yes I drink

stop feeding the retards

Give me your bitcoin address and I'll send you .005 for food. Prove it's you somehow.

>Those meatballs
God damn I can't wait for Thanksgiving

I know your pain but simple bread with a few fixings will go a long way. It's better than Ramen, I'd rather starve than eat that shit.


>calling everything you don't like reddit
Yeah reddit sucks, that's why we never mentioned them to begin with. Now we have to deal with all of you fresh newfags though, but you fuckers don't even lurk before posting diarrhea. I hope you are proud.

You're worse than the faggots who call everything /pol

been posting here since 2012 faggot and "reddit" has always been the go-to insult

>sriracha is a meme sauce
>now sichuan sauce is a meme sauce
another asian sauce meme'd

Don't reply to me ever again, newfag


This thread is pretty much the embodiment of Sup Forums. Now we just need to see the thread "Pruned or deleted" and we're golden

2005 with several breaks since, my memory is dogshit but i'm almost certain 9gag was the scapegoat of the month back then.

9gag, Gaia and SomethingAwful

I'm talking about 2012, should have made that clearer, it was ebaums back in 05.

been here since '08.
shit it's been over 9 goddamn years i've been in this shitter lord help me

>image edited to 2012 being an oldfag

I always drink rum when I play a new game.

shit nigga you played the bitcoin lottery and won

That's 2old4me gramps


my big sis used to browse that place

>It's better than Ramen, I'd rather starve than eat that shit.

>boil water
>put a shitload of soy sauce in there
>dump a bunch of your favorite spices in there
>dump budget noodles in there
>add flavoring packet
>cook until noodle consistency is optimal
>remove noodle

>add even more soy

Congratulations, you have edible ramen. Absolutely fucking terrible for you, even moreso than normal ramen, but farily tasty.

2009 here and I'm still a newfag

Fuck off with this revisionist bullshit

don't be an uncle tom, we're all oldfags here

>uncle tom
nigger. You want to use nigger, faggot

It depends on whether or not I'm meeting with people or not for it. Very rarely do I come across a game that has multiplayer and friends interested in playing said multiplayer the day it releases.
I think the last time this happened was when I picked up FF:CC, and back then I just made donuts and pizza.

ah man you should left the sauce out on the side and just seared up the meatballs and baked them. serve the balls alongside the sauce and gave everyone forks to dip those little flavor bombs in the sauce so the they can have a full blown flavortown blast party in their mouths while playing video games.

>Honey Siracha meatballs
thats so fucking disgusting and american

sichuan sauce is not a thing, at least the mcdonald mix of soy sauce and honey isnt. Sichuan 'sauce' has always been most popularly known by their copious amounts of dried chili peppers and spices such as sichaun peppercorns fried in oil. meme and morty sauce is really nothing special

why would you just add MORE flavouring to instant ramen? if you want better ramen, make your own soup instead of using the sachet full of artifical shit

It was kind of like what The Escapist used to be, some went for content, some went to shitpost in the forums.

What the fuck are you eating those all yourself? How much do you fucking weigh?

nothing too special. might hang out with a friend or splurge on some fast food

It just works. Trust me.

>he fell for the sriracha meme
fun fact, sriracha sauce was created in the states by an immigrant bearing little resemblance to the original sauce he tried to recreate. Its entry tier vinegar chili