What are you asking Santa to bring you for Christmas, Sup Forums?
What are you asking Santa to bring you for Christmas, Sup Forums?
My childhood innocence.
a gf
A gun so I can shoot myself
Somebody re-gift this to me when he's done.
some atomic boneless wingstop chicken strips
nigga it's october.
That sounds good. I'll take that too.
genetically engineered domestic cat girls
Tyrant D.Trumps head on a stake.
better hurry then!
A friend.
A pony.
Sonic Forces
List your age you stopped believing in Santa
List your age when you realized he was real after all
Nintendo Switch
A Switch. God, that's all i want right now, is a Switch...
He's not real.
>tripfaggot is underage
what else is new
>7, even though I was doubtful before that
You shut your whore mouth.
A second-round med school offer.
Video games meanwhile are something I can actually purchase with currency.
My dog who just died 30 minutes ago.
that's ruff
tripfags, everyone
i am sorry for your loss user
I'm sorry to hear that user, want to talk about it?
Scientifically, if Santa was real, the speed he'd have to travel at to get to every house in one night would crush his body into paste.
He works for God and has divine power.
Speedforce, idiot.
>implying he doesn't stop time
Um... it's called Christmas MAGIC.
I asked for more PC ports.
poorfag or underage
A gun to shoot myself
You're stupid.
Annon, that gun is going into an evidence locker to be later sold to niggers to kill other niggers.
Whatever, just plug me with it first.
*obnoxious matpat outro*
Something to make me happy again
Muh nintendo G3 sonic 2 globe and mario bros.3 music box
Wait a minute, that's not even the real Santa.
Nintendo Switch + Mario
An interesting personality
Just because you're on his permanent naughty list doesn't give you the right to tell people he doesn't exist.
Friends so if I ever got switch I could play it with them
S'true though. Its not possible for him to be real.
Motivation to finish my studies at get a job. Why is it so goddamn hard?
Death mostly.
The same time my dad left. Never saw either of them again.
I think they eloped.
Have they ever done a comic where the Flash saves Christmas?
Just poor
A female version of myself from another universe.
watch the woman needs to forget
>12 or the first time I got jack because of my parents bad money management and planning
>20, things turned out ok