What's your favorite game, Sup Forums?
And are you doing okay? I'm here you need help/someone to talk to.
What's your favorite game, Sup Forums?
And are you doing okay? I'm here you need help/someone to talk to.
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I've been playing on and off since it came out in 1999. It's always comfy to go back and play it, especially in the Fall. I've yet to max out a monster with 999 in every stat, though I've gotten to 5 out of 6 on most of my monsters.
My favorite game is always the one I'm trying to beat at the moment. For now its Dark Souls.
my favorite game is Star Fox 64
yeah I'm alright, gonna be a lot better when I move out in 5 weeks
I'm about to finish it again, actually.
I'm not doing exactly okay but I can't point to anything right now.
The entire franchise has been a favorite of mine but there was just something about Birth by Sleep that just stuck to my heart
Good game with plenty of replay value. Nice choice.
Moving away from family? Being on my own helped me a great deal with sorting out my problems. Room to breath, and you don't have to worry about others.
I remember watching my cousin play that game. Looked interesting.
Is it just general depression? Sometimes the mind tries to force itself into feeling bad when it lacks any external pressures.
yeah, moving away from family and in with my best friend on the east-ish coast
this place is crazy, I'll be much better off when I'm gone
God speed, man. I wish you luck.
Do you prefer the N64 or 3DS version?
64 is my favorite, despite some of the nice features 3DS added, like being able to play individual levels to go for medals
I mean they did a great job with the remake and it's probably nostalgia since the original is one of the first 3 games I ever played
about the only actual pro the original has over the remake is that it's way easier to mash, which isn't even all that necessary in star fox
You're probably as fucked up as I am, you can't help me.
Stay on topic, please user. What's your favorite game?
lol, I probably am. Doesn't hurt to talk about it sometimes. What's up?
New vegas and
i desperately need a job, applied to 3 places and none have responded, its sad bc i finally don't want to be a neet but no ones giving me a chance
I've heard NV is the best entry point into the series. I might pick it up next time there's a good sale.
Unfortunately, a big red flag for employers is large swathes of inactivity.
If you get the interviews, try explaining it as you were pursuing a hobby or other passion.
(Definitely don't make it out to be because you were just lazy.) If they don't get back to you,
try volunteer work. It'll spice up your resume and not make it seem like you're a total veg.
Either way, good luck.
I gotta go faster.
I need to actually buy a physical copy of this game soon (tired of emulating it and using keyboard/mouse) but it's so expensive for a DS game. 40 dollars just for the cartridge.
Finally going to tell my best bud about my self-harm in a week, we've both been really busy with work but he says he'll be free next weekend. I hope it goes well.
Never heard of it. What's it about?
Dude, mad props for deciding to share it with someone. Just do your best to last until then. I hope all goes well.
Start volunteering. You can volunteer at hospitals, homeless shelters, Breast Cancer walks, and the Red Cross. You can find some connections and it looks good on your resume.
A dungeon crawler, pretty similar to Wizardry. It's hard as shit but it's really fun and the music is amazing.
Thanks, I'm sure it will go well. I hope any problems you may be having go well too.
nothing comes close to this in terms of incredible gameplay and artistry
I'm feeling happy for the longest period of my adult life. after years of university where professors generally underappreciated me I'm in the field and getting tons of praise from colleagues. I need to figure out how to get an actual gf though
Keep discussion vidya related
Good advice, though.
Listening to the OST now. Already impressed with the first track.
Most of my problems can only be solved by waiting, which is both good and bad.
We'll see what the future holds. Thanks for the concern.
If you walk away
MGS2 is the only one in the series I haven't played. I've had plenty of opportunity to, but I've just never gotten around to it.
Man, that's awesome! I'm glad you persevered and it all worked out in the end.As for the gf, there's no easy answer. The fact that you're content with your current situation is a great starting points. Usually the best relationships are bred when both parties aren't desperate for intimacy because some other aspect of their life is lacking.
I think what I really like about MGS2's gameplay as opposed to 3 is that I think the camera angles, level design, and Alert mechanics all work really well in tandem. like I actually use peeking around corners and CQC and all in all it's just a tight production.
That's what it seems like. I had a girl I was dating over Summer but she had to return to university 1000 miles away and she thought it wouldn't work. not really bummed though because if I could convince one qt then it's possible to happen again, right? though I'm ultimately worried about finding someone with the right personality. thanks for the thread btw
Escapism is my middle name.
...because I hate my life. Literally every single thing. I've turned into a leeching NEET because the one thing going for me is my looks and I'm really good at manipulating women into doing everything for me. Recently I've started taking baby steps to figure my shit out, but it's hard as fuck when I get way more satisfaction from being off in some vast virtual fantasy universe than the few repetitive square miles I get to see in real life. I think I found a career that will let me travel constantly, so I'm basically placing all my chips on that. I just want to feel happy in the real world for once.
it was the first game i ever played, it’s probably what really solidified my love for pokémon! it still continues to be one of my favorites and i have a very deep love for gen 2 (i went and saw pokémon 2000 in theater so i mean)
Despite all the shit thrown at it I absolutely love it.
I'm alright.
I gotta get a grip. Help. Im scattered
Probably Psychonauts. Or Nier.
Feeling kind of jaded right now working at a dead-end job and realizing that family and friends have all left to move on to better things as my life stagnates in a town with less people than the average library, but I get my three squares a day. So could be worse. Thanks for asking.
Glad someone agrees 1 is better than 2
I love it so much I got Yu/Adachi's voice actor to sign my Vita copy.
Girl I'm deeply in love with moved to another state with her family, refuses to do long distance, and is now seeing someone else.
Even when compared to Subsistence's reworked camera? Interesting. I really do have to sit down and play it some day, it's just I'm so in love with the Big Boss titles. I can't even go back and replay MGS1 it feels so dated.
I'm sure you'll catch another one.
It sounds like this one wasn't even interested in trying to make it work, so she probably wasn't worth your time or effort. The thing about personalities is, you're never gonna know what someone's really about right up front. Everyone has their masks, women especially. The best you can hope for is that your experience gives you enough intuition to weed out the good ones from the toxic ones.
Favorite game probably Yakuza 0 or .Hack GU. Pretty depressed right now since I been telling myself my whole life college was my only path in life and I could only succeed if I get at leasters a masters degree, but I am in my second year and I am sick of schooling. I just want my bachelors and to get the hell out.
Ghost Trick, and I’m actually doing the best I have in years!
Still the greatest stealth game ever made.
These bouts of existential dread I keep having keep coming back when I least expect them. I'm also starting to get annoyed at one of my closest friends because he's constantly depressed and has next to no personality. I don't want to wind up hating the guy, but he's becoming joyless to hang around.
What's that game? Looks familiar.
Traveling did me so much good. Gave me a better outlook, more perspective, plus the pics make it look like I'm having an interesting life on FB. If I had some advice for you,
it'd be to adopt a "Yes Man" philosophy while abroad (like that Jim Carrey movie). Say yes when invited to gatherings or events that you would otherwise avoid or think would be unfun.
Even if they blow, you meet new people,
make new connections, and when you finally get back home to vidya, it'll feel all the sweeter.
Thanks for sharing!
Not OP, but I thought that a lot of people thought that. Considering that KH1 was a fresh slate and some things were already starting to feel convoluted by the start of the second game.
It's Morrowind.
Thanks for the advice. I definitely will.
From the thumbnail I thought it was some TLA spin-off game, lol.
Glad to hear you're alright.
I don't think I could get into Yakuza. it reeks of the overdramatized Japanese acting that is the bane of Japanese cinema and anime. I felt the same way about college when I was in school. Two things. First, don't look at college as schooling. It might take you a while, but once you get into the groove and know which classes to take to avoid being overstressed,
you'll be able to manage your workload and focus on the thing college is really about,
networking and socializing. here is where you'll make the friends and contacts that will stick with you long after you've started your career. Plus, it's easier in college to find people with similar interests, namely vidya. Second,
and perhaps most important, take these words to heart: once you finish college, you'll be working for the rest of your life.
I feel so personally attacked
Okami is probably my favorite. It's so great in so many different ways.
After graduated I applied everywhere and no one ever bothered to reply. After a few months I just had to start working at a job I don't like at my friend's recommendation. Due to stress and massive scheduling conflicts, my gf and I have drifted apart. We haven't seen each other for a few months, haven't even talked/texted in weeks. I don't think we were going to last forever or anything, but still. I tried to be a yes man and go out with some people from work but it was awful, they're so annoying.
I'm just surrounded by people in real life who are fellow fans and they say KH2 is better mainly because it has the triangle button stuff, forms, and it "sets the foundation for every game afterwards". I dont agree with them but thats just my opinion.
OP here, and I too thought most people preferred 1. I think 2 could have reached masterpiece status if all the levels were like the Cavern of Remembrance. That section was literally the only point in the game that hearkened back to the original desire of incorporating platforming with RPG elements. But because the movement skills needed to complete it are optional, they couldn't have a natural progression of challenges. Instead, CoR just dumps expert level shit on you.
Post some boxart, OP. I should know what that game is...
Glad to hear you've improved! Anything in particular that caused the change?
Tangentially related, but this guy was one of the first Youtube vids I ever saw:
I tried coping with existential dread by devolving into pure hedonism... it didn't exactly work. Each person has their own way of coming to terms with their place in the universe. I hope you can find yours soon.
Oh, and your personal joy should come before trying to appease others. Excise the tumors in your life. Let the guy know how you feel,
offer to help, but if he refuses to change or even make an attempt, why burden yourself?
Steambot Chronicles is hands down my all-time favorite game.
My favorite game series is Zelda.
It was one of the first games I have played so I have a real softspot for it.
I don't feel bad or sad about not having friends or a girlfriend anymore so there is that,
I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
I got to the final dungeon and just... stopped. I don't what prompted it, but I felt a sudden wave of demotivation. I think it had to do with my completionist crisis. Thankfully I'm over that now and am able to just play a game through without worrying about collectables or missables.
Shucks the bites, man. I don't know the specifics of your relationship, and I don't wanna say anything drastic, but it sounds like it's all but finished. Even if you were able to rekindle some passion, it would likely be an ember of its former flame. It's your decision in the end. Do what makes you happy, but don't put also guard yourself and don't but yourself in a position to be abused/humiliated/disappointed. As for work, keep trying and applying for jobs. Yeah, you're current work and coworkers suck, but remain cordial. Actual real life job experience is often the key separating you from the myriad career students also applying for the same position. I'm sure something will come up soon, and until then you can at least try and save some dosh for vidya.
BM seems to be one of those games that lends itself well to that style of video.
It's easy to say that I shouldn't burden myself, but I've been friends with this guy since childhood and we've been through a lot of shit together. It's only now that I'm older and socialising with other people that I'm starting to see that he's a dull person. I couldn't walk away from him without feeling like an asshole.
Lost Planet 2 and im doing ok
Why is SMT IV your favorite game?
Is it because of the absolute baller soundtrack
I couldn't get into WW. The only thing that kept me playing was the chance to peak up Medli's dress. I quit the game about when the Triforce hunt began and didn't pick it up for another year. Someone I was able to resume from where I left off and still finish the game. Impressive, if you ask me.
Not feeling bad about those things is a good first step. The real challenge is finding contentedness and satisfaction on your own,
without the need for companionship. Its not something you'll ever master, but once you become comfortable with it, you'll find relationships easier to start/maintain.
I played one of the Hitman games way back when, but I was too much of a pleb to understand it.
I came to a similar revelation regarding my long time friends, though not as deep as childhood friendships. I realized we had nothing in common other than out shared history, and a lot of what he now embodies goes against my very nature. You don't have to complete separate from the guy. You make it sound like he's not really doing much on his end to maintain the relationship either. If you guys just naturally drift apart, that's fine. If he makes an effort to meet you halfway and maybe try and socialize a bit more, then maybe it can be salvaged. Remember: booze helps.
I want to die, my art is shit and I haven't improved at all.
Pic related since it let me have the one thing I always wanted which was relationships with actual friends and a girlfriend. I don't know if I have social anxiety or something, but I easily freeze up or avoid social contact and constantly fear people judging me even when walking down the street. This was my first Persona game and it gave me the chance to go from a fat nigger whose a lonely fuck in college to a fit asian kid who can have a stable group of friends and a girlfriend and save the world instead of being like me where I have only mainly had online friends who slowly went away because they found new friends or college/real life shit and my real life friends slowly found their own group of friends. I am a nobody and this game helped me feel special. When the world cheered me on as I was building up the strength to defeat Yaldabaoth I shed tears because all I ever wanted was not a life of praise but to be someone who is worth having friends and having a girlfriend and doing something with my life.
THPS4 is a fucking masterpiece
I have no future & I will kill myself before I turn 25
Actually I'm playing nothing, but I will start Bloodborne very soon, I hope.
I'm very tired. Doing the last job for college, and its exhausting. I work almost 9 hours a day, in something that I don't like very much. Plus, girlfriend dropped me 3 months ago, in my birthday. This still makes me very sad, because she was my best friend for years, and now I feel alone every day.
This is a cool thread OP and I'm glad you shared.
I can't ever pick between this and MGS2 but this is what I ended up looking up first so I'll go with it
i hope this doesn't ruin the thread, but I'm trying to be the best Christian I can and life is going great right now. I encourage anyone doubting to give it a shot. Turn to God, find a good church. It's very powerful. I hope you're all doing great and everyone here has good taste
Major influence on my musical taste.
struggling in college, shitload of work this weekend. grandmother fucking died yesterday and I'm not sure if I even feel anything rn, had a cry at the hospital and that was kinda it. both of these things at once is driving me to play vidya and ignore shit even though I know that's just gonna make shit worse.
Like I said, I knew that the relationship wasn't going to last forever in the first place. I don't expect to get it back. Right now I just really want to get a better job. I want to work on my resume some more and start applying again. I've also thought about getting on tinder, but I don't think it would do me any good right now.
Patrician fave game choice.
Post your art, user. I'll tell you why it's the most glorious work I've ever witnessed.
I really need to play the Persona series. It's so universally acclaimed, yet I help but judge it by its cover of anime high school angst.
That's rough, man. I, too, used games as my escapism, even entrenching my self in the pony fandom, imagining myself surrounded by flawless rainbow-colored characters that did everything in their power to make sure I was happy and comfortable. Although I still escape to my own fantasy world form time to time, I eventually moved on. It's hard to say what specifically gets you out. Honestly, one day a flip just turned on in my head. I decided I was so sick of myself that' I'll just throw my personality at the wall to see what stuck. I joined clubs I wasn't really interested in, studied abroad, worked as a teacher, even traveled and worked in glorious Nippon. Somewhere along the line, I developed a tiny shred of self-worth, which then turned to a tiny shred of confidence, which then turned into having healthier relationships with those around me. Again, sorry I couldn't be more specific. It's easy to say wait for your trigger, that thing that flips the switch in your brain to light a fire under your ass, but waiting is excruciating and painful and you always worry it may never come. Until it does come, we'll be here for you, user.
>grandmother fucking died yesterday and I'm not sure if I even feel anything rn, had a cry at the hospital and that was kinda it.
I wouldn't worry too much about it,
like were you really close with your grandma?
I had the same thing happen to me when my great grandmother died, but I only saw her like a few times a year./spoiler]
Same shit, different day. Ugly, miserable virgin who can't wait for the sweet release of death.
It introduced me to Megaten in general and clicked with me very well.
I feel like I haven't made any significant improvement at all. The old one is made in Sai with crutch mode on, the right is photoshop.
have you played other SMT?
I'm in the process of starting my first real job as a grocer at Family Fare, after avoiding it for over a whole year. Before I go, I get so anxious I can barely eat and start dry-heaving. It's really hard to deal with, but I'm not sure what to do about it. Just started meds, but I'm worried about how much it'll help.
Just having something scheduled stresses me out, and I don't know why.
I just want to review games on youtube,
but I don't have much money or the motivation to do so
I never played past THPS1, just a bit of 2 and Underground. Did the series innovate much after the first iteration?
It sounds like you're in a really low place, user. I know there's little some rando can do on the internet. If you could take one bit of advice, try what I did and go full hedonist. Eat like a pig, do a bunch of drugs, MDMA in particular for that serotonin overload, masturbate shamelessly to all the porn. Maybe somewhere in that debauchery you'll find something, however small, that's pleasurable and worth looking forward to. your life doesn't need to inspire an epic poem, it just needs to be enjoyable, and there are many ways to induce that, even artificially. I hope you pull through, sincerely. Then you can come join us in the 25+ threads and talk about how shit games are. May we shitpost forever more
The sequel is better
It's only been a year since I've gone into NEETdom and I already feel like I'm losing myself to the abyss of nothingness. Every day it feels like my brain dies a little more and more.
Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favorite game but this is the best artwork I have from the series
I feel lost man. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I got rejected from the military at the last step of processing because they looked my body over with a light and found years old scars. It's too late for me to apply to a college this semester. Nobody will hire me even though I did great things in high school. I know it will get better, but it just doesn't feel like it. The military is something I've dreamt of since I was a small child.
Thanks user I hope that day comes. Just sucks no matter how much I try I can't attract any friends or any girl. I just wish I was born a chad instead of a fat nigger to avoid this. I just want a girl that I can tell all my shit to.
Here user. I'm feeling charitable tonight.
she lived with us, but didn't speak any english so it was always hard communicating with her.
everyone else in my family seems to be more emotional from it than i am, some family members flew out on 24 hours notice just to see her in time.
i almost feel guilty for not feeling shitty enough,
but that just sounds fucking stupid in my head
You making art for a game?
That is considerable improvement! Are you joking!? Your third piece looks like it'd be right at place as the background of a scenic side-scroller. Keep at it, dude. If it's minor improvements, getting better is getting better. Are you at least having fun doing it?
MGS3 is def my fave in the series, but not really one I care about replaying much because the gameplay is outclassed by later entries.
Not at all, dude. People can find hope in whatever works for them. There are few groups as universally uplifting and accepting as Christians, ignoring the loud mouths and profiteers. If I would caution about one thing, it's to realize that Christians are still human, and that it's easy to grow spiteful against them when they preach something one day and fail to uphold it the next. But as far as finding a caring community to join, you could do far, far worse.
I haven't played past 4 but I think each of the THPS games improves on the last in terms of giving you more options. in THPS1 your ability to combo is pretty heavily limited by what's in the level, but with the addition of manuals in 2 and reverts in 3 you could be a lot more creative and extend combos for a really long time. 4 is my favorite because it opens things up a lot more (no more 2 minute time limit), it's got a ton of content, and the difficulty level is way higher.
I'm not going to do that. I don't really leave my room anyway, muh anxiety and sheit
No, im trying to start my own webcomic.
can you give me a hint about what game you guys are talking about? I don't wanna accidentally click spoilers.
Good luck user. I'd ask for a link but, you probably don't want people from a thai underwater basketweaving site to know who you are.
My shit drastically varies in quality.
Is there a definitive version of Persona 4 you'd recommend?
I hate to break it you, man, but you're not like to find a girl that will let you pour your soul out into her who would still find you attractive afterwards, not unless you are one of those Adonis-like chads. This will sound very TRP, but there is some credence to keeping all that shit bottled. Yeah, it sucks we'll never get to express it, but you'll have an easier time landing a girl that respects you and loves you if they don't think they're adopting a basket case.
Of course there are some girls that are equally messed up that would hear you out, but those kinds of relationships are bad for both sides.
Sorry this sounds kinda like I'm shitting on your fantasy. If you do find that perfect match,
more power to you, it's just very unlikely.
I like those Nomura designs also. They same somehow tamer than his usual fare.
That really sucks, man. It sounds like the perfect storm of rotten luck. Were they self harm scars? Could a psychiatrist note get you in?
nigga i would kill someone to be this good at art
Go to /ic/ and you'll see how painfully mediocre I am on literally everything.
I've beaten 1, 2, Nocturne, IV:A, P1, P3, 4, 5, both DDS, Desu1 and Raidou.
I've usually always went back and said 3 is my favorite, but every replay of 2 and V make me flip flop. All of MGS is just so good.
Hey, everyone makes mistakes. The thing about Christianity isn't that you'll never make mistakes or always be perfect, but that you try to, and that you turn to God when you need the help doing it. Lots of people misunderstand it. It's very strengthening to be able to turn to God in times of need. Hopefully this will help someone seek it out. You can be a Christian and still make mistakes and play vidya and browse Sup Forums, guys
Ah right, I remember feeling so inept in Underground because I couldn't maintain manuals between tricks. I felt like a scrub.
There's still food, right? How about games? I've actually heard it's easier and safer now just to order drugs from online. Just make sure you don't officially sign for anything.
of course, don't do anything you don't feel safe/comfortable doing. Please try to find some fun in your life, something to look forward to. Last just a bit longer for us.
I've only played snippits of the older Halos, never a full game. They honestly never appealed to me much. =/
Simply saying it'll get easier won't alleviate the anxiety, I know. If you're anything like me, the lead up to the event breeds more anxiety than actually being there. Force yourself there and into work and let the mindless routine take over. Once you're comfortable enough, you'll even start having casual conversations with your coworkers and shoppers. If that fails, then try to save up some money and maybe seek counseling. I know you can do it, user. You already got the job,
so the hard part is over.
You are waiting for redux too before you are going to play SJ?
I thought that too, but I had a temp job at a library that I loved and the same thing happened every morning. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Didn't that game get a poorly received sequel? What did you think of it.
Yo dude, I notice your tripcode a lot on here. I always like reading your posts, if it's any consolation. And don't worry, your waifu thinks you're beautiful.
What would you consider your best pieces? And what is your series gonna be about?
Sounds like you're being too hard on yourself. I'm guilty of it, too. It's not something mere words can break you out of. Even if you mad the next big webcomic, you'd likely still feel underwhelmed. Maybe try learning a few other trades? I find when I'm not putting all my eggs into the success of one basket, I'm usually more forgiving of myself when a few of them break.
I'm like 20ish hours into SJ but I'll just wait for Deep at this point.
I'm not the other guy, but you're right, you are painfully mediocre. You're by no means artistically incompetent, and I have no idea how long you've been drawing, so it's possible attaining a level of skill that satisfies you is just a matter of time and practice.
Im six thousand dollars in debt because my family is retarded and guilt me into helping them pay for shit.
Other than college and my family stressing me out I'm alright
The Last of Us, Half Life 2, and Ocarina of Time are my top 3
When I was a kid, my dad used to cut my hair, my finger and toe nails, shave me, pop pimples on my face and back, trim my pubes, smell my penis and armpits when I got out of the shower, and would sometimes shower with me. He would beat me if I ever told him no and would sometimes beat my mom. This went on until I was 16. I've started going to therapy, going to the gym, doing a lot more writing, and I'm working on socializing. It's tough, but I'm getting better every day. I like superheroes and my therapist suggested modelling a supervillain in one of my stories after my dad, which has been kinda cathartic.
What are you going to play now DeSu2 is pretty fun, even if the story isn't as good as the DeSu1's.
It was okay. Can't top the original, but it wasn't bad.
Thanks. Sadly, she'd be repulsed by me, but its a nice thought.
I'm on day 4 of Desu2. I've got like 5 different games on hold right now.
Any of the Spyro games depending on my mood that day, they're all perfect in their own way.
And I don't know. I worked pretty hard to get into pharmacy school, and now that I'm here I have no fucking motivation to study or do anything.
It really sucks, I'm gonna end up with a GPA lower than a 3 for the first time in my life.
The job market has me spooked to shit too, I want to stay in brooklyn so I can inherit my parent's comfy, rent stabilized apartment that I grew up in but it's apperently fucking impossible.
"doctor" my ass
I only played 4 but I heard Golden adds even more so maybe that one if you have a Vita or whatever. Sorry that I hold such childish fantasies, guess I will just hope I don't let a crack in my facade show when I find a girl I am interested in.
Hey guys, sorry I couldn't reply to everyone. You all ahve really diverse favorites. Thanks for sharing! I'll still be lurking for a while, but feel free to continue sharing your fave games with each other.
Stay strong, Anons. We're all in this together, and when your life does eventually turn for the better, try to pass on your good feelings to those Anons still struggling. Have a good night/day!
You should finish it, triangulum arc is cool too.
Also try to play 1 game at a time, otherwise you'll never finish.
Not that I can talk since you have played way more smt games than me.