Post the single-player game you have the most hours in and judge others
Post the single-player game you have the most hours in and judge others
had close to 300 in awakening and then deleted my file my accident.
Regardless I've spent my most in mh4u, close to 600 hours I believe.
San Andreas
weeb faggot
shin megami tensei IV. almost 100%d it, missing a couple fusion accident demons
>3DS games
Probably this, the lack of dialog makes it easy and quick to replay.
Probably Mountain Blade but like 90% of the hours are spent fast-forwarding while sitting in a castle for relations with vassals to improve.
Who's your waifu?
What sort of challenge runs have you done in FE Conquest? Can you do a 0% growths ironman run if you plan extensively or would you need to rely on luck?
Oh yeah, I've played that at least 10 times. Never replay any other Pokemon game.
I have 90 hours in DOOM and I have never touched the multiplayer.
AB+ fucking sucked and I've barely touched it since that came out.
I have no idea what my own is, but the activity log on the 3DS says my sister played over 450 hours of Fire Emblem Awakening.
Never saw the replayability of them myself, she also has 300 hours in Fates (total) and 200 in SoV.
>200 in SoV
That must be what hell is like.
There's tons of replayability in FE
>Difficulty modes
>Challenge runs (LTC, Ironman, 0% Growths)
>Support options
>Using different units
Apparently she loved SoV so no, I'd say she enjoyed it.
Doesn't really seem worth it. No NG+ content or carry over?
I'd kill myself if I had to play Awakening for 45 hours, let alone 450. But I've put several hundred hours into my favourite FE game simply replaying it with better tactics.
That game has 0 replayability.
I haven't played SoV so I'll take your word for it. Meant to reply to
For you.
Like's list, but minus point 3.
She's played it at least twice with a third started, Idk man. I haven't really played it much, maybe 20 hours or so running around the postgame dungeon in her saves? I do like that part for what it's worth, desert horror theming is rare.
Alright, haven't played Awakening either. I've only beaten Radiant Dawn, and made a NG+ to see what Pelleas's dark magic looked like. Not really worth it.
For everyone.
You are using most if not all of your units for 90% of the game so that point is gone, there's no reclassing or branching promotions, there's no tactics to be had in any of the dungeon crawling sections and very little even in the open field maps that make most of the game, so what's left? Trying different kind of weapons?
I haven't played Doom yet. I pre-ordered for the Switch. Gonna have so much fun!!
>Doom on switch
How the hell are you using almost all of your units the whole game? There's so many optional ones that you can flat out miss on a blind playthrough.
And it has selectable difficulty and incredibly asinine risky LTC runs that require heavy turnwheel abuse that wouldn't happen in regular gameplay, so idk man. If someone enjoyed the game enough they'd replay it. Just because you hated it doesn't mean that everyone who played it did. If there wasn't people who enjoyed open field routefests, then Awakening would have failed due to being flat out unplayable even with the support system.
500+ hours, at least 1500 between '05 and '06
Forgot image
Deen/Sonya aside you'd have to skip big chunks of the game, ignore sidequests, not talk to people for no reason or leave units die on the field to miss units. All the recruitments are really straightforward for FE standars, nothing obtuse that could require a guide. I missed nothing in my blind playthough.
Awakening is also a shit game but even I still see it having some replayability, Echoes? Bah.
If you can count it then Xenoblade X. I barely touched Multi-player and did the plume and Zero by myself. I still haven't 100% the game because of the bullshit known as Telthia The Endbringer and a few hexagons haven't bothered filling after getting best girl Mia. 600 on my main game consisting of mostly afk hours and grinding for resources. 100 on my second file which is pretty much entirely afk time. I have a full squad of endgame mechs and I have the best weaponry and zero only comes around so much. Still having fun messing around with builds like Black Bane in the end game. It's kinda sad that the immense diversity of the games play styles doesn't come until late late late game.
My friend killed Tharja and missed half the child characters in Awakening, given all the "how do I save Delthea" type questions for echoes I don't think I'm off the mark with an average player. Not everyone is you user. I'm sorry that you can't understand that there are people out there that actively like Awakening and Echoes's gameplay enough to play it more than once. I'm not one of them, but even I know this.
It's not about experiencing new content, it's about playing the same game but doing better. Thinking of faster, more reliable tactics to use in maps, optimizing your resource distribution through the game, etc. And then you might add some challenges on top of that to spice up your playthrough even more.
Do FE games have good replayability?
Sounds incredibly boring and repetitive tbqh, kind of like memorizing a game for a speedrunning record, but I like Etrian Odyssey with semi-manual mapping so I have no ground to stand on there. Reminds me vaguely of the awful "nuzlockes" that Pokemon fans do though, but overall if a game is the same every time with no real reason to play it other than changing your party with characters that were all available the first play, I'll probably have to leave it on a shelf for 5-10 years before replaying it. Gotta be like some SaGa games to justify an immediate replay.
Pic related.
A toss up Between borderlands 1 and FF8. Ive played almost a thousand hours total in each game (multiple save games. Borderlands Ive beaten several times and FF8 ive beaten 11 times. Yes I am autistic)
Single play file? Bravely Default and Disgaea.
What is considered 100% in XCX? Full survey and/or Full achievements?
Full survey is generally considered 100%
Probably Bloodborne or BotW
Probably Earthbound. I've replayed it at least 5 times with a few partial playthroughs as well.
Pokemon might be up there too, I played them a ton as a kid, but I couldn't even begin to guess at the hours.
Recently, the Trails series would be #1, but Tales of Zestiria would be #1 for a single game since I did multiple playthroughs.
It's either Borderlands 2, or Pokemon yellow for me. Little me loved pokemon and big me was enough of a dumbass to spend an entire week grinding chests in the tiny tina dlc to get a wizard hat (worth it.)
Probably advance wars 2.
Never even touched the story mode
I have 300 hours in it and roughly 200 was story mode
it's really good