What's your excuse for not playing Marvel Infinite Sup Forums...

What's your excuse for not playing Marvel Infinite Sup Forums? Don't give me that graphics bullshit because you can just mod it

I'm not going to support Mavel.
But I will play it at a friend's house because Sigma is out.

I'm a poorfag, OP.

Fuck Marvel. And fuck Capcom for loading it with DLC and being too lazy to even include Arcade Mode endings.

Because I'm buying a good game instead. Plus the game is a glitchy mess.

I'd rather play Guilty Gear and Tekken

This, DLC is already $80

This. Also, Kirin armor is only worth for only ONE thing.

No one plays it.

>artstyle looks like shit comparing to previous entries in the series
>same characters, even when they could just reskin old ones (no Nero, Leon, and a bunch more)
>don't personally like tag fighting games

>fighting games on PC
>no crossplay

Oh PLEASE, I bet you losers can't even name 10 xmen characters, i'll even wait

jackie chan


More than that, stupid.

The music, making the Capcom characters look bad...wouldn't surprise me if at least some of the DLC shit is them too.

Iceman, Jean, Cyke, Wolverine, Storm, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Apocalypse, Gambit, and Jubilee

Geralt of Rivia
Coldsteel the Hedgehog
Gohan Blanco
Steve Jobs



Omega Red
Wolverine (James Howlett not Logan)
Dust aka Sooraya Qadir
Do you count the cockwork Coo Coo's as individuals or seperate?
Jean Grey
Glob Herman
Is Speedball?
I don't know is this enough? All off the top of my head btw.

nice google search gay boy

because it's shit

I'm never a big fan of hyper fighting games.

Or You know I actually care about comics and don't just pretend to like 90% of the world. I'm all about Valiant these days though.

Gumgum dude
All for All Kid
Son Gokuto Ruri
Cowboy Bebop

>y-you can just mod it xDDD
fuck off shill

Forgot one
Oh, My Rubber Nen


>you just need to mod it bro
eat a dick

It has Star Wars Battlefront Syndrome. It does nothing new and actually takes away like 60% of what the previous installment offered.

This will never stop hurting.

No, but I can name 10 Capcom characters that I like. I don't give a single fuck about Marvel.

reminds me of the shit quality of amiibo before they upgraded it.

Never support Disney, Marvel or Capcom.

Is that two of the same color? They couldn't even bother to make six different colored Easter eggs?

>one reason
fighting games are shit

One is blue, one is green. Must be the lighting.

How much MMR did you lose?

The shit roster.

Same reason I didn't play MVC3. No Gambit, no buy.

no x-men, no buy

Im waiting for nerfs and balancing to happen before i jump fully to marvel. Online is full of gamorras, dantes, ultron and dormammus making it unplayble mess

I impulse bought this without knowing what I was getting into. I think this was the worst gaming decision I've ever made.

How fucked am I if I am getting it just to play X and Zero? Are they shit?

Zero is good character but requires button holding his buster for good combos making him quite challenging to master. Dont know about X

You know thinking about this they should have made something like darkstalkers vs xmen or marvel and tsukino vs capcom and snk

X is shit. i say this as a X players. too much work for little reward. when you get hit your weapon projectiles vanish from the screen, they little to no priority and the only one useful is boomerang cutter after using the Amor install with time stio storm activated to spam the fucking screen with it. but no matter how many you throw during this setup if only of single hit lands on you are fucked..his overall move set sucks. you can't hold and walk with the charge shot. they made him focused on fucking melee and follow ups of the charge shot will always eat your inputs.
Now i'm doing research on who will take his spot.

>darkstalkers vs xmen

A dead IP versus a banned one? Brilliant.

or capcom vs capcom

That makes me sad.

Sounds like Zero is worth keeping on the team then

Mr. Sinister
Jean Grey/Phoenix
Sabre tooth
Night crawler
White Queen
Jean Grey
Professor X

Looking at the thumbnail, I thought Sigma was Wild Tiger

Whoops I included Jean twice, let me make this right by adding 10 more xmen characters:
Silver Samurai
Omega Red
Lady Deathstrike

good thing that doesn't matter for shitfinite

Gorgeous George
Kitty Pryde
Fabian Cortez

>Omega Red

I miss that guy; he was so fucking cool.

The roster is fuckin' garbage. MCU only isn't even that much of an issue.
>no Ant-Man
>no Loki
>no Vision
>no Scarlet Witch
>no pic related

>Silver Samurai
>Omega Red
Wow dude that's real fuckin hard. Even with a base knowledge of the movies you would probably know who half of these niggas are. Marvel just wants to ignore how popular Logan and Deadpool were.

I literally only need one.

I just wanted Dorm to be good man

I bought it but I just vastly preffer tekken 7.

play black panther, mate

>Buying anything from Capcom within 2 years of release...
If you don't respect yourself, they never will.

I want an X-men game instead.
DBFZ stole the hype away and ran with it
It didn't even beat Injustass 2 which is absolutely pathetic.

if you judge a game on its mods, you are not judging the developper's work. this is making lazy developper, so dont.

ant man isn't cool enough to be a real character
loki doesn't do a whole lot of physical fighting
vision would be a less interesting ultron
scarlet witch would be a less interesting doctor strange
gwenpool is just memes

He's more like Vega you fucking faggot

Scarlet Witch is guaranteed for DLC, simply because she' in the movies.

>Waifufags actually wanted Gwenpool in the game
Come up with a unique moveset for her. She is literally just muh wackier girl Deadpool.

Give her Deadpool's set. He sure as fuck won't be in, will he Kike Perlshitter?

he is just claw function of the game retard. playing him or go fuck yourself

Not the same you asshole.

She has literal fourth wall powers you asshat.

>MCU focused game
pick one

injustis 2 has atom looks like nrs can do what capcom cant

so did deadpool in MVC3

yes the game has some nice ass

I play it, but I’m not really playing it if I can’t find consistent competition to train, grow, & go to locals & majors with. I live in upper-west NJ, and I realize that right across the Hudson is stuff like Next Level Arcade, but I’m not in the position to make consistent city visits at the moment, and I need a local scene that’s actually local to my area, nothing but Smashcucks & Pokkencucks up here as far as the eye can see.
I’m very happy my main came back, he feels familiar, whilst also feeling totally different. Sad Wesker or Taskmaster didn’t make it back, but I’m really enjoying Jedah as a partner, curious to see how far Capcom & Marvel take the DLC char train.

Because capcom has lost their touch. Not an excuse just fact.



Yeah but she's on another level. I know she'll never be in but it's nice to dream.

>ant man isn't cool enough to be a real character
normalfags really do have shit taste.
Look at NRS and how they made Atom you tubrbo capcom brainlet.
capcom can only make two types of fighting games. street fighter and street fighter at turbo speed4. they can't come up with a decent even all the staff lives depended on it. Capcom characters tend to have the most boring moveset of fighting games

>Yeah but she's on another level
yeah. on he level of being put in her place deadpool in the comics retarded waifufag

None of my friends play it, and I don't like anyone on the roster other than Monster Hunter, and she's DLC.

>loki doesn't do a whole lot of physical fighting
Neither did MODOK and that didn't stop them. Or technically Dormammu. Or, hell, if we wanna go old school, Shuma Gorath.

I don't want to spend $60 on a janky ass game that barely has any content right now.

I'll buy the Ultimate GotY Arcade Edition when it comes out, used.

>The music,
My hope is that when they do eventually put out the complete version, Capcom will actually compose new themes for all the Marvel characters, with returning characters getting remixes of their old themes and new characters getting new themes in the old MvC style.

I wish I understood your sentence. Also, Robbie when?

Well NRS has been improving their asses since MK9

>mod it
can't mod on console and
>playing a fighting game on PC
I want more than 5 people to play with, it's been a week since launch OP you should know better.

>week 2 DLC
>roster is insanely unbalanced nothing but Ultron/Dromamu online
>ugly as shit even with mods
>bunch of awful capcom character choices

etc etc

You forgot
>$30 costumes

Since I play shitty weeb trash like GG Xrd and MvCI is actually too deep for me

No Sniktbubs
No Sniktboobs

i can't fucking wait for the venom dlc holy shit i love my symbiotes

even the top yellow line is not thee same, its thicker in the first pic

Holy shit, this is a false flag to end all.

I already own Ultimate MVC 3, why the hell would I buy the same game again with half the roster and less characters in play at once?

I do play it though. Sigma and Jedah are great. Waiting on venom.

More like nothing but Dante/___ online
This nigger can do more damage meterless than my team can using 3.

>None of the characters I wanted made the roster
>Most of the characters I had in my three main teams have been dropped
>overall disappointing roster
>2 man teams again
>DLC characters appear in base game but can't be used
>No arcade mode ending
>story mode is so awkwardly done
I just feel like they didn't try all that hard.