What are the oldest half life 2 screenshots available?
What are the oldest half life 2 screenshots available?
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Is considered the earliest
god i really wish hl2 kept the original direction
The very first screenshots I saw were the early main character models like this one and a pic of fire in the borealis. I think this was around 2002.
That still looks too good for 2002.
Can some people post some old screenshots of games in early development? I love shit like this and i would like to fill a folder.
that's not far fetched
this was 2002
did you not see the first E3 stuff? also this pic was published in magazines back then.
but it was insanely ahead of its time to be fair, thats why it was literally the most hyped game in years.
welcome to city 17
it's somewhat safer here.
How about early Doom 3?
also this first model youtube.com
man i still get sad thinking about what HL2 could have been
Never saw it, but man that really did highlight the massive gap between consoles and PCs at the time.
Doesnt look that different than the final product in terms of visuals, still looks good
I want to see what half life 2 looked like before it had physics
Also, probably THE most iconic of the HL2 hype pics. So much hype for this bit and then they just decided to scrap the hydra. What a damn shame.
How would the player fight it was always my question
It still would have been lame and boring, just gritty grimdark cyberpunk that every other game was doing at the time.
Also HL2 as-is is fun because you can mod in Russian soliders/Putin Breen and pretend you're just in Crimea.
feel free to name some of those gritty grimdark cyberpunk games that apparently came out in 2002-2004
They should have atleast kept the old menu
one of the first featuring Alyx
I think it was during Macworld 2001 was the first time they revealed doom 3
C17 was originally far more lush
I remember back in 2007 people actually liked FakeFactory's cinematic mod and would shill it.
I made a longer post about this elsewhere, but beta Half-Life 2's focus on locales and action would've made it infinitely less memorable than the HL2 we got.
That would've been good, but HL2's menu changing with how far you are is golden.
I loved that shit when I was 14 or so. I think I was dropped on my head.
>tfw we never got to fight with manwich
>tfw the beta shotgun sounded 1000X better than the shotgun in the release
focus on action would have probably made me replay it more
doom 3, quake 4, and quake enemy territory
If you want to see how great HL2 as the beta would have been just play any of the custom HL2DM maps or any of the single player mods. Which is to say, it'd just be 90% sewers with 10% metrocops beating gasmask civilians.
I honestly wish Valve would stop hiring blind retards as their playtesters. So many cool things are cut out because their playtesters got confused or whatever.
this menu
wow none of those games fit the description you gave thanks
at least now i know you're fully retarded
>War ravaged cities
>Blade Runner esq. setting
>We never got this
Yeah but:
>HL2's menu changing with how far you are is golden.
>focus on action would have probably made me replay it more
Just get SMOD. Anybody who has a problem with HL2's action should get that. Makes it amazing.
>mfw there is a video of someone installing HL2 in 2004 & he says he can't wait to fight the Hydra
It's the same aesthetic. When Valve went to make HL2 the PC FPS market had matured to the point where Valve could just steal ideas/aesthetics from other games of the era. They did, and it was well hidden due to how good the facial animations/textures were. Seriously, swap out the NPC textures for shittier ones and you get a game equivalent to doom or quake. Even most SP mods had it well hidden, for the time.
Which goes to demonstrate just how great of a developer Valve used to be, even their stock textures/parts could hide what the game was (a corridor shooter with the same two enemies) from most people.
there is nothing cyberpunk about any of those three games
Duke Nukem Forever
More DNF
>gotta give both of them green vests so the player knows they are related
This game would've been tite
At least they use playtesters.
Last one I'll post
Woah... such realism...
Levels like Air Exchange, Borealis, Kraken Base, Manhack Arcade, Sewers with Hydra's, etc being cut in favour of physics puzzles that have aged horribly was not good design & nobody should fucking defend it
HL2 is still a great game, but it's more than fair to say some good content got scrapped & that was a shame
this is
plenty grimdark sci fi then
>being cut in favour of physics puzzles
They were cut because more of a focus on silly characters than likable characters (Kleiner being incompetent and getting himself killed, Mossman being his exact opposite) and action from locale to locale is too inconsistent.
>physics puzzles that have aged horribly
Which ones and how?
I'm going to play this game soon so that I can also feel the bitter disappointment of no new sequel.
You ain't seen nothin' yet
They all aged horribly because physics isn't impressive anymore, the way some of the beta maps handled physics puzzles was much better, because it was more subtle & less in your face
At one point it's obvious Valve redesigned the maps to really show off the physics to let the player know 'HEY THIS GAME HAS PHYSICS" but it's 2017 now so no one cares, the beta approach to physics puzzles would have aged better
it's hard to explain, but if you have dug deep into some of the beta maps you would get what i mean, no seesaw bullshit for one
Aksthucally he got rid of that in the very next version. Only the cone is there.
>They all aged horribly
How so?
>because physics isn't impressive anymore
That's not a reason.
>the way some of the beta maps handled physics puzzles was much better, because it was more subtle & less in your face
Which ones compared to which ones in the final version?
>no seesaw bullshit for one
How many seesaw puzzles do you think exist in HL2?
Eli looks like he's 30 years old
those fucking car models from stalker
I really don't like when modders use content from other games like sounds or models