If you could turn into any non-human species from a video game, what would you choose? I want to become a Goron.
If you could turn into any non-human species from a video game, what would you choose? I want to become a Goron
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A black guy, haha
porn game slut goblins..
I used to be a Goronfag, but the Zoras won me over.
Their architecture and weapons are aesthetic as fuck, and zora swimming is a lot of fun, even when you only do it via their armor.
For me, it's the Undead
>not gerudo
it would suck to get fucked and wind up as the one male tho
Ganondorf fucked everything up because he was a dumb nigger obsessed with power, but a normal gerudo male would be a god among men.
I know this is you OP, but I still keked.
>would be a god among men
You mean the other thing.
This t b h f amily
>wanting to be the stand of some dumb pubert
You fucked it all up, user.
a ratboy
Not to mention you get to fertilize a female Zora's eggs.
>Pic related
Also this question is bound to attract furries and very disturbed weeaboos
I would turn into a generic dungeon slime because I'm already a blob and I hate myself
This gif is kino
I would gladly become ratboi too
Probably a Kitsune. Porn shit aside having some petty magic tricks and youth/possibly immortality sounds fucking cash. Plush I believe a few games let them do some subtle shape-shifting into humans so I could just blend in and not be some furfag.
>artist sexualises both
Do I stay in this world or do I go to the world in-game?
Shadowrun Dragon if real world
WoW Night Elf if in-game
Well since you only said non-human species then any game with gods. I would choose to be a God.
Non shitter answer I would pick conduit from Infamous games. Get some cool super powers.
I'm more of a shortstack kinda guy..
Being a yordle seems a'ight. I'd like to be a shortstack
being a tiny healslut.
A brown elf if I can be a girl
>doesn't flank and rape enemy team
I mean healslut seems kinkier but still
If I can't pick something broken like "God," then probably a dragon.
Long life, strong, can fly, cute
Do I have to stay the same gender or can I switch?
Hat Kid! She's technically an alien.
People with gender dysphoria really have no scope or long-term perspective at all.
I do, otherwise I would have fallen for the HRT meme.
>When you just want to be a little girl deep down.
Is this the Sup Forums version of furries that want to be animals deep down?
You don't or you'd pick something else besides "me but not ugly."
I wanna be Ork, drink beer, smoke premium cigars, get into good fun scraps with your lads and kill lots of people. What the fuck is there not to love about it?
Sangheili would be pretty cool, yeah. Super strength, agility and other stuff? Sign me up. Eating and talking will be confusing though.
I want to be this cute invincible sack of flesh
But you can't move!
You seem to be confusing lack of "scope or long-term perspective" with a lack of desire for power.
A talking cat, obviously
It wouldn't be a huge change then.
Honestly, I'd want to be a Kong
>freakish Popeye strength and fighting style
>smart enough to operate a vehicle or firearm and play a variety of sports
>great fashion sense
Oh you.
Male Warrior
Maybe an alfiq
Kahjiit are dirty gypsy niggers though.
Not even a furry, but something about natural luck just seems so cool to me.
Either this or Xelor.
I'm mentally confused but my dick says it all makes sense. Two great things make an awesome thing together.
Post more of this. My peepee wiggles when I see this and I want more!
Why would I move when I could just say "Plip, plop" over and over
This guy gets it
Does Dunmer count?
They're pretty badass and their women are quite fuckable
a demon
I want to ___ that cat!
google houtengeki
Insides of their ears look disgusting. Fucking brown wheat clusters or whatever.
A Demon that "grants" wishes.
I want to monkey's paw people
sexy demon girl is also acceptable
>tfw your fart is so wet that your loincloth sticks onto your ass
they're so thicc they create sigificant gravity