>Doom Guy discussions are always about how badass he is
>Samus dicussions are alwayys how much they want to fuck her in the ass
Isn't this enough proof female MC's were a mistake?
>Doom Guy discussions are always about how badass he is
>Samus dicussions are alwayys how much they want to fuck her in the ass
Isn't this enough proof female MC's were a mistake?
Samus is pretty bad ass.
I might fuck doom guy in the ass if it looked girly enough.
Happy OP?
I wanna shoot demons and kick ass. I wanna fuck hot girls.
Meanwhile Doom vs Metroid discussions are comfy talking about the achievements of both of them.
>Samus dicussions are alwayys how much they want to fuck her in the ass
I don't see the problem here?
Samus would get the same treatment as Doom Guy if she was a male where people actually give a fuck about her, it's impossible to respect women
Women as a whole were a mistake. We should've asked for asexual reproduction instead.
What do you expect when homos are smaller in numbers. If there were more of them here you'd probably get comments about how they'd want to fuck his ass or sniff his pits.
Nothing wrong with having a hot vidya protag though. Uber-badass demon genocider is good too, but you need variety.
Also, there are a handful of female protags that get respect for being cool, so its not a 100% thing.
Nope, just proof that people put less value in women.
t. terminally d*mb
Samus mod for DOOM 2016 when?
Doom doesn't get out of the armour though, gays wouldn't be attracted
Having sex is pretty nice.
>asexual reproduction
Good luck when a new virus is introduced or there is a sudden environmental change.
I guarantee if Doomguy took the suit off and posed topless at the end of the game Sup Forums would be baraposting him like mad.
>he "respects" fictional characters
Samus is already badass, around the same level as the Master Chief, which is more than what Doomguy will ever be.
>here are a handful of female protags that get respect for being cool
Yeah.... urghhh, gotta list some examples.
Also samus isn't even that hot, fan arts make her look 10 times better than what she is and this gives people the impression she goes out of the suit alot
Zero Suit ruined the popular perception Samus
It was the irreversible moment where the flood gates opened
I don't give a shit about Metroid so I can fap with impunity but it must've sucked for anyone invested in that character's image
Doom 2016 is pretty much Metroid Prime 2016
The devs don't need to resort to such pandering to sell a game unlike metroid
Giving her that stupid zero suit and putting too much focus on that version of her was a mistake. Not to mention making her a total bitch in one of the games. Classic samus will always be one of my top 5 favorite vidya characters, while zero suit samus isn't even on my radar.
>faggots that don't play Metroid games or just play Prime keep ignoring the fact that Nintendo doesn't even promote Zero Suit Samus and even in her latest game it's only seen when she dies or when the game is beaten under 4 hours on Normal
Drink bleach, hang yourselves and get hit by a truck, faggots.
Other M still resonates immense butthurt throughout the community and I don't blame them at all.
Yet the threads are full of zero suit samus cucks, way to go Nintendo
Zero Mission, Smash and Other M did it all in one fell swoop
you can put your dick away now, bud.
When the fact that Nintendo doesn't even acknowledge the piece of shit as a 2D Metroid game, it's time to drop. We're never getting another Metroid game like it and the series has returned to 2D and Prime, the way it's meant to be, it's time to forget Other M exist like someone without a mentally fucked brain would do.
>Nintendo doesn't even promote Zero Suit Samus
Is there a Doom equivalent to TUBE posting?
It really was the zero shit that sexualized her the worst. Guy guy, can confirm: Samus was Master Chief in Prime, some slut after zero mission. Super smash certainly didn't help things
I don't know if Ninty or the devs of SR took those decisions, but it was an excellent call.
I loved how fierce she was portrayed in the fights against Ridley and that digging machine.
Too bad they gave her heels though.
Stop confusing Smashfaggots with Metroid fans. Maybe if you played Metroid and hung out in a real Metroid thread you would know that.
Smash ain't part of Metroid, Other M bombed and Nintendo isn't ever going in that direction again, the first and only 2D Metroid game to do this. You literally have no arguments on this.
You can go back to Neogaf or Tumblr, faggot.
That's capcom, nigger.
Feels good to have the old Samus back.
Immediately after Zero Suit is when the huge amount of rape / humiliation / violent / bizarre fetish porn really went off the rails.
>That's capcom, nigger.
You do realise how crossovers costume dlc works right? Nintendo chose to allow that to be promoted over all the others that isn't zero suit samus
It's ironically due to Smash autism.
She wouldn't be that popular if the ZS never made it to Smash.
But it's not like Smash fanart only ruins her or anything. Artists literally create headcanons for every character and others replicate that headcanon; because lo and behold , most artists never played those games, but they want to cash-in some of that sweet autismbux.
Capcom asked for it this doesn't change the fact that Nintendo themselves hasn't been promoting it and in Samus Returns there is no way to play Samus without her suit. It's time to shut up now.
as it should be, they are those childhood friends who grew up and became waifu and husbando, and who kicks everyone's asses for messing up with their babies
precisely why I want to complete the look, you know you want to see Samus elbow-slamming her arm cannon through demon skulls
It would be cool to have some sort of Samus' armor in the Doom's switch port, like the Bayonetta costumes thing.
>Capcom asked for it
Yeah i'm sure they would ask for that over a suit that would blend in with their game more, totally not Nintendo offering them this to shill slut samus instead
Chief and Samus are better.
>killing all demons and aliens at the same time
what will be left for us to kill?
Fags who never played a Metroid game in there life should know their place and shut the hell up.
Imagine if you will:
Argent Infused Metroids
Sure, but only if it's Chief (female).
I can think Samus is badass and still want to remodel her shithole, those things aren't mutually exclusive
they're not, this shit was memed because the old Sup Forumsirgins were fapping to the pre tumblr shit named Haloid
even fucking sakamoto considers doom more fitting for a metroid game due to the N64 game and when they wwre playing ultimate doom during SM Norfair development
>You can't want to fuck a badass in the ass
Post your collection or shutup, no need to pretend your're some fanboy
Masterchief is more based than that virgin DoomGuy though
>Those things aren't mutually exclusive
They are because no one talks about her being badass in her threads
But Master Chief is literally a virgin due to repressed hormones.
Doomguy on the other hand has remodeled so many demon shitholes it's not funny.
Knowing both games, this is inevitable. Samus and Doomguy both deal with retards who can't into mad science.
because they only ever talk about the hentai not the games
>this pic
>both kills aliens
>both travel all around the galaxy instead of just three places all their life
>both are socially awkward towards people
>both are alien killing machines of death
>both are genetically cybernetically enhanced superhumans
>both are connected to an ancient race of aliens believed to be dead
Sorry dude but the only thing Doomguy shares with Samus is Prime-like level design and maybe his suit but even then the suit just increases his defenses while holding runes.
Halo, Doom and Metroid are all garbage trash.
>can't finish the fight
But doom 4's ending was pretty much a cliffhanger too
This, why are Doomfags so shit? They keep sneaking in Metroid threads and then after that begins shitting on the series by stating the series is all Zero Suit.
I want movie Samus to fuck me in the ass.
This, Chief finishes his fights, Doomguy gets defeated and locked away for eons.
>Doom is garbage trash
This is the only one I agree with.
I'm a Doom and metroid fag, so I hate those people as well. The people that also compare their power levels is stupid. They don't exist in the same universe and thus, their universe's laws may be different enough where they would only be better than one another in their own respective universe.
Then again, Hell is confirmed to be a dimension that absorbs in other dimensions so who knows.
Halo-loving falseflaggers GET OUT. Your series is shit. DOOM and Metroid are greater than anything your fag shooter ever accomplished.
why all halosamefags are so insecure that they need to sneak on every metroid thread on the internet to fulfill their autsitic fic?
>Half life franchise is shit, MS id a better story with halo franchise
Seems to me it's actually proof that teenage boys were a mistake
it's implicit
Agreed and I'm a Metroid and Halo fag.
Let's stop talking power levels and how about we do this:
>Samus in Doom's hell
>Doomguy in Halo's universe
>Chief in the Metroid universe
How would they fare?
Still mad that Halo doesn't play like another Doom clone?
Speak for yourself, Doomfag you faggots sneak into every Halo thread because you're still mad it wasn't a Doom clone.
Well, time to move on to another thread
>does well because Metroid Dreadnought Exists in Doom
>Curbstomps so hard that nor even plotshields will save everyone
>gets raped by sylux
it's because she has a good ass.
metroid has only 3 good games and Doom only 1
Samus would fare well in the Doom universe
Doomguy would die in the Halo universe because he's not a Reclaimer
Chief would do well in Samus universe with the only problem being the X and Chozo (Halo has ice guns now so Chief can kill Metroids).
they all have plot armor so they would all do fine
>Samus absorbs Hell tech and goes on a rampage for a few centuries, becoming another of Hell's monsters under the bed and being inducted as a Night Sentinel
>Doomguy gives zero shit about the purple mormon aliens, his assaults are so grisly and awful that he systematically destroys their belief system and is worshiped as a destroying angel
>Chief is vastly outgunned by the Metroid universe but hacks it as a Federation contractor and eventually gets his gear up to par, probably greatly increasing the Federation's credibility with his deeds
They'd be fine
Why is the corrupt faction within the GF in Metroid, ONI from Halo, and the UAC from Doom so fucking retarded?
Anal is gross, butts are for eating and sniffing
ONI isn't even bad until after the war, you literally fight for them in ODST and Reach
During the war they were experimenting with the Flood to use them as possible bioweapons, they've always been shit. ONI was just too preoccupied with the Covenant to do anything stupid, once the war ended they went full retard.
I've never played Doom, does it hold up today?
You just need to engrave two things into your skull.
1) There's no need for aiming up and down, in I or II.
2) The game is FAST and is meant to be played that way. Don't play it like some cover shooter; in fact configure the game to make "running" your default movement option.
t. someone who got into DOOM last year and adored it.
Meet their lovechild.
I'd fuck Doomguy
>Isn't this enough proof female MC's were a mistake?
it's proof that /v is full of virgin faggots who fantasize about a vidya character
Fucking rekt
These games have tons of ports, which versions should I play as a newfag? Is Ultimate Doom on Steam the best version of the first game?
It's proof that straight macho men were a mistake
They're even packed with the first two games and the most popular WADS.