What do you DISlike about this game?

What do you DISlike about this game?

It might be a great game but it only needed to be good to get 10/10s across the board.

I said the game not journalism

I can't 100% a level in one shot without completing Browser. Made me neglect myself for a few hours. Got little sleep and was very hungry. Day one update. That's about it.

game's too easy

amazon hasn't shipped it despite me paying for day 1 shipping
BING BING WAHOO fuck you jeff bezos

I accidentally keep comboing my platforming and end up dying because I leaped into a pitfall. It's mostly been cheap deaths like that while I haven't died to an enemy just yet.

The art is a mess and is either decent or looks like one of those shitty unity fan games where nothing looks right, the backgrounds are shit and the world boundaries look way too unnatural with the large random cliff faces.

Nu-Sup Forums: Literally cannot go 1 fucking reply without sony/contrariantards complaining about metacritic

The only really bad visuals are the human models. They should have all looked like Pauline


>Day one update
I bought a Switch to play Odyssey. I'm pretty impressed with how quickly the day one update took. I think it took 30 seconds over a 5Ghz connection.

The entire dragon sequence was great.

Literally this. Also hate how bosses only take 3 (three) hits to kill. Doesn't make them feel like bosses, but more like just simple mini-bosses

There are no bosses. Every single one is a mini boss. The only one that felt close to something climactic was the dragon.

It's on the Switch.
I wish Nintendo would have released it as a final Wii U game. Just downgrade it to portable mode 720p with adaptive resolution that goes down to 540p. I really want to play this game, but I do not own a Switch yet. I will gladly buy this game twice, once on Wii U and once when I finally pick up a Switch.

that dragon was pretty dope

What's it supposed to look like?

Did anyone else have trouble getting moon 25 in the snow kingdom?

>Dashing Above and Beyond

some of the moons seem like filler and the game would probably be better without them. reduce it down to 600 or so moons and it'd be perfect

By March more people will own a Switch than Wii U. Stop acknowledging it. It's less relevant than the Dreamcast.

Something that actually looks like it fits in a game where half the art is cartoony blobs.

10,000 coin cosmetics shouldn't exist, full stop.

The varied art style is what made this one so much cooler than the stale genericy we've had since Luigi's Mansion.

Coins are piss easy to get. I received 2k just naturally going through four levels.

Ma dude, ya'll got BOTW as your final game.

Plus why risk it with CEMU making progress?

Yeah but I don't want to have to grind

Too easy, and the music is a little weak compared to other Mario games. There's still some standout tracks though like Cascade Kingdom's theme and Wooded Kingdom's theme.

>music is a little weak
Couldn't agree more, I can't hum a single track.

I like it but I seem to recall it being advertised as 1080p 60 FPS. So I feel a little cheated.

Too easy.

I don't like the level structure, one large area filled with collectibles isn't as fun as selecting a mission in a smaller area that changes the area as needed.

Did you purposely ignore my point about getting them just by playing the game?

It's not like it's bad or anything, but I expected a little more after 3D World's god tier soundtrack. It's still pretty good though. Everything else makes up for it though.

>Changes the area as needed
This never happened in 64 or Sunshine. Never played Galaxy 1/2 though but as far as I know, they're linear.

>This never happened in 64 or Sunshine
Did you even play SM64 or Sunshine?

Photo hints to moons in other levels and specific control issues. Wall jump is weak. Side jump is useless. Can't hold onto ledges if you long jump.

As a veteran Mario player who speed ran the NES SMB and played the fuck out of 64 and Sunshine, this is pretty much what I expected it to be. My complaints are minor at best, many of them coming off as just fanboy wailing.

Some of the worlds are much smaller than I realized, but they're as big as or bigger than the worlds in 64/Sunshine so it's not a huge letdown. I just didn't expect it.

Also, it's really hard not to go WAY over the Moon requirements to progress the story. It's incredibly difficult to pace yourself in this game, especially if you want to savor it. I was at New Donk City with 100 Moons already, and that's the halfway mark for main game stages. Kid me would that thinks awesome, but adult me was disappointed at how laughably easy it was to rack them up.

Also fanservice was incredible, but I spoiled myself and didn't expect that to be IT. I was really hoping for that one last reference or easter egg, but leakers and Nintendo themselves pretty much revealed everything. The New Donk festival would have been mindblowing if I didn't see screenshots of it everywhere. And the references, again, really felt they wanted to run a marathon and then got tired 3/4 of the way. They went so far, and then dropped the ball in other places. Some immediate thoughts:

>No Luigi
>No nods to Sunshine outside the easter egg on the map
>Not a lot of classic enemies (though it's excusable because you're globetrotting, but still)
>Mushroom Kingdom was awesome nostalgia, but it was just Peach's Castle and not much else
>No genuine Galaxy references even though we go to the Moon? That's just weird
>I'm okay with not seeing Jr. or the Koopalings, but their absence IS felt
>Powerups were replaced, I get it, but not even a nod here or there to a Fire Flower? Starman? Tanooki Suit? Seems weird
>Cowboy outfit isn't one from Party, Astronaut isn't one from Land 2, etc.

In a way, this almost feels like a soft reboot of the franchise. Does anybody else get that vibe?

Yes. Both games multiple times. The layouts never changed as drastically as you're trying to claim. 64 might have had some re organization of platforms, but for the most part, each area was exactly the same each time, just the star was in a different location. Same goes for Sunshine. Biggest differences were you may have removed some slime which revealed a new platform. Bianco hills comes to mind. Destroy the slime piranha plant and now climb the windmill.

How the game runs/looks. It's a "mobile" title though so I don't expect much.

Seems like Mario games get a soft reboot every couple games these days.

>muddled artstyle. Realistic people and lands and dinosaurs and shit, blended with cartoon-n-bloom kiddie graphics. Of course done on purpose and in good taste, but still
>too easy
>too much gimmick novelty and minigames
>too much of a celebration/reference product than its own thing
>runs well, but clearly limited by the Switch's hardware

It's fun, deeply polished, and never corny. Awesome music. Interesting way to do varied open worlds with a new spin. Interesting spin on movement, even if it took a projectile-posession gimmick to do so.

On the whole: As entertaining as it can be, Odyssey is still a product of Nintendo pushing ever harder to add to a franchise that has long since exhausted its setting and focus.
It doesn't have the milestone quality and focus of Mario 64, and doesn't have Galaxy's setting which completely meshed with the overall gimmick af that game, but still good and a worthy system seller

I was thinking that too. After Sunshine, all of the Mario games (especially the spinoffs) suddenly featured tropical locales, Piantas, and Shines. After Galaxy, it was all space. And then New SMB made everything sterile and "classic." I suppose after this game, everything will be more about the different Kingdoms.

64 didn't feature shit like Buzzy Beetles and they disappeared for years in spinoff games. There was fanfare when they returned. Same for how, following Double Dash, Birdo and Diddy Kong were in everything but now that they "missed" a game they just kept never showing up.

I remember the developers saying once that they only make new Mario games when they have a neat concept in mind, then build the game around that. In other words, the fanservice and nostalgia baiting are the afterthoughts. It should be considered a minor miracle Odyssey got any of these easter eggs at all.

I'm bothered that the Dinosaur world doesn't have ANYTHING from Mario World. It's my inner autist complaining, but still. What the fuck?

Tiny thing here, but the purple "coins" on the Moon were actually Star Bits, so that's kind of a Galaxy reference.

That it makes me want to buy a Switch. Along with SMT V as well.

Sonyfag here, it's nice to see Nintendo becoming a legitimate competitor again

Too many of the moons are too easy. There are fucking 45 moons you get just by ground pounding in the right spot. I feel like I'm putting in zero effort to actually play the game and I'm just walking around picking things up

Nintendo and Sony are not competitors they are two companies in the handheld and console markets respectively.

I don't like collectathons. It isn't good game design to scatter pennies and quarters around the map as a way to entice players towards a goal of picking up every last item to feel completed with a game.

Collectathons end up being very shallow if you ignore the collectathon and do the minimum necessary collecting to progress, and insufferable shit if you hope to "100%" it past the point you enjoyed the game. (see: Collecting Korok seeds in BotW).

It's 2017. We should have moved on by now from 3d platformer game design from N64. Every once in a while we'll get fun and challenging platformers like Mirror's Edge or Super Meat Boy, and then this shit comes along in a fancy coat of paint, and while the game looks impressive, boiled down, the goals of the game are very underwhelming.

I don't want Kaizo levels of bullshit difficulty, but I do want a good challenge, and I don't care if the platforming experience is linear (in terms of stage-to-stage progression) if that's what it takes to get a challenging 3d platformer on the table.

I mean, fuck, I wish they just made an entire game on Sunshine's FLUDD-less levels. That shit was fun and genuinely challenging.

The Switch is both. That's why it's brilliant.

Welcome to the winning team user.


>Ground pounding in the right spot
What effort did it take you too get there?

A little bit too easy, worlds aren't as big as they should be.

often times you just have to walk there.

Feels like a short game.

Well I'm thinking of tostarena, but the taxi spot you need to ground pound required me going through half the level before I even got to it.

Motion controls forced for some actions

Its expecially bad when you play handheld, it terrifies me having to shake my switch around


Dude, don't use motion. If you want to throw the hat down, groundpound then hat throw. Want to spin it, spin the control stick and hat throw. Still haven't figured out throwing the hat up.

This and the advertisement-esque popup tutorials are the worst.

Crumbledin isn't a full level

As a huge fan of 64, I miss the slower pacing and surrealist vibes. This game was fun as hell to blow through some parts and explore others, but collecting this many moons sometimes felt like a race, and not really rewarding. Bosses were all a let down, except the dragon was a great surprise. The game has better controls than Galaxy, but a tad below Sunshine's tightness. Mushroom Kingdom nostalgia was incredible, but left me wanting an actual HD 64 remake. Don't get me wrong though, this game has come the closest to what I've wanted since 1996. Maybe I'm just too fucking old.

I hate the motion control aspect so much that I'm playing on a Hori pro controller which is incapable of accidentally registering motion inputs. Sidenote: nice controller! It's wired but the cord is super long and it's much cheaper than the Nintendo pro controller.

>Want to spin it, spin the control stick and hat throw
Are you serious??????? I need to try this

>demonstration that appears for 4 seconds out of frame
>the worst

Must be a pretty good game then

Its existence.

It takes up half the screen and it's a full motion video of someone playing the game. And it's way longer than 4s

>Sunshine's tightness

>Are you serious
Yep. I used it constantly. I'm pretty certain that throwing the hat up requires you to jump, land and then throw hat. Still looking into that.

>mentioning Sunshine

You're not old, just blinded by nostalgia.

Game is fun, I'm hoping for a Super Mario Odyssey "The Lost Levels" with harder shits

It's not. Take your (you), and leave me alone.

Yes sir. I was definitely surprised how quick the main campaign was.

As a comparison 64 made you collect 59%-ish (70) of the game's stars across 15 worlds to complete the main story.

Meanwhile, I finished my playthrough with 112 moons out of what I heard is 999 total moons. This means
Super Mario Odyssey requires a 12% completion rate to finish the main campaign.

Still love the game, just wish they woulda added a little more content to the campaign.

How did Mario survive this

Too short.

It's like Korok seeds from BotW combined with blue coins from SMS and making a game out of it. And like both games you don't have to collect them all but if you want that 100% you do and you really have to question it from a design perspective on why the hell do you need that many collectables.

Visually it's nice I guess but I feel like it's barely better than the Galaxy games. It's simplicity hidden under style. Also it's awkward how everything is like a floating island in how it's built like someone else mentioned. Made sense in Galaxy but not so much here. Then there's the clashing artstyles. I just don't think that's good design.

Gameplay it feels less responsive than other previous games which is weird but it doesn't matter because it's easy. I don't like how slow Mario feels. Then there's the shitty waggle controls that I can't believe they added in. Just, why? End that shit already. Gyro aiming is about the only thing they've gotten right. Also forced RUMBLE in a couple of sections. Never thought I would live to see the day when that shit was required for something. Fuck I can't even believe rumble is even still around and they're trying this new meme with HD rumble. Who asked for that?

personally, I want a prequel which shows what happened to lead to the occurrence on the boat.

Looks like shit
Bad framerate
Music is crappy
QTEs up the ass
New Donk City blows dick

>Read 10 words of this post
>Nothing but buzzwords

>The layouts never changed as drastically as you're trying to claim

the power of being a cartoon protagonist

I'm only 4 kingdoms in but the game feels a lot less open than I was expecting. It doesn't really feel like the moons are encouraging exploration so much as they're just little side things that are only slightly off the path to your main objective. They really do feel more like blue coins than they do a substantial reward.

Wet Dry world never changed drastically. You went from one part of the level to the underwater section or to that creepy little village area, or changed the water level, but everything still stayed the same level design wise. I don't know why you bring this up, one example (that doesn't prove me wrong) is not enough to prove me wrong.

Just a little preview of Skyrim on the Switch.

Sorry you have ADHD. Thanks for the (you) though.


The games actually kind of disappointing to me. Handing out moons like candy, lake world is boring af. Can't even be arsed to play more. Overall disappointing.

Mario’s voice

Don’t know how to describe it but he sounds so uncaring or unenthusiastic when he talks compared to previous games

Sorry you can't formulate sentences without relying upon Sup Forums memes. Maybe one day you'll get a personality that isn't based upon being a faggot shitposter on a shitty image board.

This is like the first real Odyssey thread with legit complaints and no score memes.

A lot of people mention weak bosses, but I really can't think of a good mario boss in general besides fighting bowser in n64 imo. What are some good bosses in Mario?

at least in the trex world, you get moons for doing nearly nothing. walk 2 feet, buttstomp a hill get moon. doesnt feel satisfying.

>It's 2017.
Sweet "argument" bro

As in his on foot movement was insanely responsive. FLUDD can go to hell.

I am, but not for Sunshine. Worst 3D Mario.

I fucking love it but my complaint would be the fact that the music is on loop. good god hearing a song for 6 hours on loop while exploring for moons gets annoying.

Also controling mario feels more complex than it needs to be, like having to do crouch inputs for everything and having to practice hat jumping into dive. And i miss when mario could simply punch enemies to kill them. I’m loving the game so far but these things just kind of peeve me right now

>le sunshine was a bad gaem maymay

t. Contrarian.

While FLUDD mechanics did remove a lot of challenge to many portions of the game, I think I speak for most players when I saw the best parts of Sunshine were the FLUDDless challenge zones.

it's the same fucking thing as every mario since mario 64

Best parts of sunshine were figuring out how to do the Fludd sections without Fludd. Such as wall jupming off the windmill up to Petey.

>have to
End yourself.

>Berates and completely sidelines argument after quoting two words.

I expect no less from Sup Forums's Nintendo loyalists. How many gold coins do they pay you for your PR? I imagine 0.

One of the trees in the Mushroom Kingdom is a reference to the Tanooki Tree from 3D Land