Would Rainbow Six Siege be better if it had the classic style Rainbow Six custom loadouts...

Would Rainbow Six Siege be better if it had the classic style Rainbow Six custom loadouts, or is it better as a MOBA style shooter?

I wouldn’t have believed that it would turn out this way, but I actually like the way how Siege handles operators and their equipment - it gives players nice, distinct roles that also makes it clear to others in team what everyone’s supposed to do. The only real pitfall is that the gun balance is kinda shit, meaning that there’s usually no real choice in what weapon to pick from the selection one gets.

It would be fucking mess.

>>>>moba style shooter
fuck off

>Implying it isn't clearly inspired by MOBA hero based games

If the balance is bad now, just imagine what it would be if everyone was allowed to pick their armor/speed ratio, guns, and gadgets freely.

I think if it was designed with custom loadouts in mind from the beginning it wouldn't be so bad. It's not like they would design current Siege and then translate that to custom classes.

It works for Call of Duty. At least it did way back when I still played it, shit looks way out of hand now.

It's fine the way it is. The gameplay design of classic tactical shooters is focused on singleplayer and coop and doesn't lend itself well to adversarial multiplayer.

it isn't.
don't compare an actually good game like siege to blunderwatch


Y'know what else I hate? Roguelike games such as Etrian Odyssey

That’s true, although it would still leave the role issue open when playing with randoms. At least now you know that you have a breacher when someone picks Thermite or Hibana, dunno how the game would communicate stuff like that so easily in a system of open loadouts. Also, the current system is nice in the way how it prevents redundant dual gadget picks by giving them only to one operator.

>don't compare an actually good game like siege to blunderwatch

You made that comparison, not me.

>A2 Para
Your 9mm bullet hose has no stoppin powah

That's clearly not the 9mm variant.

>a blunder
Nice to know you suck ubisoft cock

Doesn't look like it, but its got the Para which with AUGGIEs usually means 9mm Parabellum

>not a blunder
nice to see you're a PUBG fan

Which fucking annoys me, because everyone knows para stands for paratrooper.

Anyway a lot of gun names in that game are slightly off, like the pictured M36c which is really a G36c.

Para meaning Paratrooper is pretty inconsistent

instead of letting actual noguns retards (who have never used or held a fireaem in their life) design the weapon mechanics and damage profiles, they should have done some basic fucking research on bullet velocities and wound vectors. instead of "armor stops x damage", it should be ablative and locational, with full accouting for strike angle. optics should be fucking difficult to use indoors, and lining up should take more than a mouseclick, acogs are not designed for nor used in sub-30 yard engagements, and on top of that should have a much higher bore-sight clearance. bullet dynamics should also be included, a round should tumble when passings through material. see dylexci's arma 3 ballistics video for examples.

and yes, bring back customization. a lot of guns of the same caliber have incredibly similar performance, with small differences in rof and velocity, so preference should be based on something other than some shallow half-baked meta. this videogamey bullshit of taking 15+ 9mm rounds to drop someone needs to fucking stop too, id be better off just hitting them with a big stick.

I really miss the huge variety of guns and gadgets that we used to have.You could really customize your soldiers back in the day.Now it is a pick of 2~3 guns and 2 gadgets.

t. brainlets