AC Origins
Other urls found in this thread:
>two days
>it's uncrackable! we did it reddit!
I pirated Wolf 2 and hopefully this will be ready when I've finished it
did your last thread die on its own, or was it smote by a mod?
500+ Replies :)
>Checking r/CrackWatch every 30 min
>Still no crack
It's not fucking fair
>only day 2
see you in a week
Predownloaded, prepatched, just waiting on that crack son.
Denuvo still worth it then.
Cant wait for bethesda to return to use Denuvo again
I-it's alright I didn't like series anyway!
B-baka !
AC is shit !! SHITT !!
>sucking dick
Release groups have literally said they only crack games they deem worth playing. I guess this shit game doesn't meet requirements.
With what logic should every fucking game be cracked?
Preservation. Even shitty games deserve to be preserved.
A fellow scholar. What's the shittiest game you have in your drive? In my case, it would be some GBA games I downloaded but never dare to play.
Complete goodsets of everything n64 and down, need to get a new hard drive for the redump set of PS1 and Saturn games.
Grow up and don't spread lies, dumbass.
I've been thinking about it too. I don't know if I should move some of the games I have from a previous physical drive to an external one just for precaution.
>Release groups have literally said they only crack games they deem worth playing
Source or fuck off.
They even crack the worst Denuvo games, your argument is invalid.
For preservation I would go with a new drive, but if you're going to keep it there temporarily while a new drive is being ordered or being deliveried it would probably be fine for a bit. I don't have any spare drives to hold it all.
Jokes on them, I refuse to pay for digitally distributed games whether it has denuvo or not.
Crackers crack things to be the first and gain epeen. They don't give a shit about quality.
Haven't played any new games in a while, huh?
Reinhardt, you might want to stop bringing too much attention to this matter. Scene groups visit Sup Forums too, you know.
I've played lots of new games.
I've paid for the Witcher games and some indie games that got proper physical releases, and I will be paying for Cyberpunk 2077 as long as CDPR stays the same and gives that a proper release like the Witcher games.
>MFW there are people that STILL buy AC despite the last 5 being absolute dogshit.
name 1 good reason that physical is better than DRM free. You can't. DRM free is better because it can easily be preserved as many times as you manage.
>playing AC
franchise is shit after unity
>mfw there are people that watch streamer cucks for any reason
Lmao ppl actually care about this game
That's adorable
this man is one of the most punchable people on the internet. he's such an insufferable faggot nigger
Digital distribution is inherently DRM.
I have all my physical games backed up since I only pay for ones that are actually DRM free like the Witcher games. With a proper physical release not only am I not tied to an online account, I get the physical copy and I also get the digital copy.
Digital only and games not being on the actual discs you buy them on is the exact reason games are sold unfinished and barely playable, the reason DLC/microtransactions are a thing, and the reason early access (aka paying to test someone's game when devs used to have to pay to test their game) is a thing. Continuing to pay for improper releases is just voting with your wallet to allow this stuff to continue. If you don't like lootboxes or early access or games knowingly being released unacceptably unfinished, then don't pay for digital distribution or improper physical releases.
Pirates own their games more than anyone that pays for games via digital distribution, the only way to own a copy at least as much as the pirate is via a proper physical release.
I wouldn't have as much of a problem if digitally distributed games were like 50 cents each like they should be.
If PC never gets another proper physical release that just means I'm never paying for a game again, so I win either way.
>Digital distribution is inherently DRM
You are a retard. Stopped reading right here.
>implying it isn't
Good goy.
this is getting ridiculous
where the fuck is the crack
>playing right now
>omg where da cracckkkk
>lel ok
My uncle works with the crackers (codemasters) and he says it will be available tomorrow afternoon.
in yo mommas white ass bitch nigga
read the subject idiot
one question, why do you feverishly defend this?
Just asking, I don't mind shit like steam DRM but that should be enough.
>download pirated game
>get virus
no thx
have fun with your bot miners. I sure have fun with mine. they are like tamagotchis.
>get virus in current year
It's just shitposting. Only the most docile Sup Forumsedditors would actually defend DRM.
oh, I thought as much
it's still angering how somewhere someone actually thinks denuvo is a good thing, probably some reddit faggot
people here are too young to remember tamagotchi
why would denuvo be a bad thing? it stops scurvy pirates and let us who really payed for the game enjoy the game. I never had a problem with a game that has denuvo and never heard of anyone having a problem
Hell dude. Learn english before trying to post in an english board.
>implying Steam and denuvo aren't malware
Good. You don't seem to be able to retort his argument anyway.
>people thought Denuvo would just roll over and die
Sony & EA invested Billions to Denuvo.
No way Denuvo gonna give up easily
>What's the shittiest game you have in your drive?
unfabulous for GBA
They all have a few things in common, they either suck dick or are online games. I'm personally interesting in Halo Wars 2 but 99% of people aren't.
Even crackers know ac isnt worth of shit to crack anymore
Played origins for 8-9 hours. Looks good even on medium (r7 260x). I get 40-60 fps when i just roam around and explore, but in the city my fps drops just below 30. Which is normal considering my graphics card. Seems to me( and a lot of other people have said it as well) that this game demands a good cpu. My guess is that ubi will release a performance patch and cpy will wait until then. It shouldn't take much longer than a week, i think.
P.s. i really like this game so far. They really changed the formula and almost everything seems to be enjoyable.
What's your cpu, whiteboi?
>people in Steam reviews being mad that another Ubisoft game runs like shit
now I want to play it just for the title.
>Digital distribution is inherently DRM.
retard alert. If you're that much of an anti DRM sperg, buy gog games and burn them to DVDs. there's your physical copy, autismo
I5 4460
Works on my machine
>cucking yourself and paying for digitally distributed games but burning them to a DVD to pretend its a physical release
How autistic can you be? I will never pay for a digitally distributed game. It is not my job to "support" a company just to "support" them.
>confirms he's just a an autist who doesn't actually care about DRM and just want to collect shiny crap
>muh printed cover art and bluray label
Nice literal shitposting
A proper physical copy is the only way to allow the paying customer to own the game at least as much as the pirate. I also refuse to give money to a company while getting nothing in return since I'm not a fincuck.
You on the other hand give money to scum developers and get nothing in return. The devs aren't going to be your friend just because you give them money.
>still confirming you don't actually care about DRM
>muh shiny crap
>now sliding into retarded pirate arguments
At this point it's safe to say you're a poorfag making excuses to pirate games instead of just flat out admitting you just want free shit. Let me guess, eastern european?
Why would you want to play asscreed:kangs when SoW is better?
>still confirming you don't actually care about DRM
I've already implied I'm against DRM several times but you are too much of a brainlet to get that, you must be ESL.
A proper physical release has the entire game on the discs and no DRM which also means no Steam.
>now sliding into retarded pirate arguments
It is a fact that pirates own their games more than people who pay for them via digital distribution "services" like Steam or GOG and the only way to let the paying customer own the game at least as much as the pirate is via a proper physical release. You have to be a retard to not be able to comprehend this.
I'm in the US. Just because you are some cuck that for some reason feels morally obligated to give developers money even though you get nothing in return doesn't mean everyone else is.
I've even bought a few games this year that had a proper physical release, but I pirated many more since they didn't.
>being so impatient you'll run out and buy a game at full price if a crack isn't available on day one
You're just repeating yourself and confirming everything I say.
You haven't refuted any of my arguments, all you have done is use some strawmans.
i've done this before
>still confirming you don't actually care about DRM
>muh shiny crap
>now sliding into retarded pirate arguments
At this point it's safe to say you're a poorfag making excuses to pirate games instead of just flat out admitting you just want free shit. Let me guess, eastern european?
You haven't refuted any of my arguments, all you have done is use some strawmans.
why not buy steam, its DRM free
Where did you pirate it from? I want to pirate it and seed it. Not even going to play it I just increase it's availability to be pirated to fuck over Bethesda.
They probably don't even give a shit if it's still uncracked after a week.
It's up
So you're fine with DRM as long as the game has a physical release? Because basically every retail game released in the last decade activates some form of DRM even if it comes with a disc.
where? I know you lie
sorry, I don't trust Russian sites. CNN says they are bad
you should be ashamed of yourself.
Its real
nothing of value was lost
These threads make me laugh. I honestly can't imagine anyone would make a thread like this unironically and be serious about it, it's just a guy baiting and trolling every time, right?
I actually bought the game, shit on me all you want but i love traditional RPG elements and the combat looked fun, so far not disappointed it is fun, but my point is i spent money on this game and even i'm not retarded or delusional enough to think it's not going to get cracked. Obviously this will be cracked within a week, there's no question about it, it's a guarantee almost. Denuvo used to actually take a while to get cracked, remember some games took over a month or more, and even back then retards still made up dumb excuses like "s-surely dragon age inquisition hasn't been cracked because it's a shit game that nobody wants to play!", yet the moment denuvo was able to be cracked DA:I was one of the first for them to apply it to. Despite whether you pretend like a game is shit or not doesn't stop them from cracking you mongoloids.
Denuvo gets cracked pretty fast and easy now though, shadow of war took a couple of days, origins is no different. It will be cracked within a week stop pretending like denuvo is actually going to stop cracks again anytime soon, and stop pretending origins hasn't been cracked yet because a couple of virgins on a combodian knitting forum declare it to be shit and not worth cracking.
buyfags BTFO
u son of a bitch
Who even cares about this trash game, I don't even want to waste my time playing it even for free
nah, it is more like halloween weekend and shit game
>all these people caring about ass creed
i just want my football manager 2018 crack
t. trumpkin who thinks its ok for the president to meat with someone from the office of the crown prosecutor of russia
>deep sea threads
We don't have enough.