Is there a way to trade stream games?

Is there a way to trade stream games?

Just bought pic related on sale, thought I might like it. 3 hours in and it hasn't hooked me yet. And I just learned the whole story is basically looking for Ciri so fuck that.

Otherwise, games you wasted money on.


just refund it

he played for three hours

I guess I'm fucked then.

You actually sound like you might have brain damage son so that may explain a few things. The answer to if you can trade 'Steam games is no you can refund them if you play less than 2 hours or sell your account if you can find some asshole to buy it.

The game is not really for people who want constant entertainment. I was bored with it, quit at about 25-hours in, then year later played it and all DLCs up to about 140hrs.

>And I just learned the whole story is basically looking for Ciri so fuck that.
>buy the final entry in not only a videogame series but also a book series
>just now realize the main fucking plot
people like you need to be dragged out into the street and shot. you just buy games without any thought or knowing the slightest thing about them.

>buying WItcher on Steam isntead GOG
You deserve to stay poor fag, not only you didn't support devs fully but also fucked yourself in ass

>bought goty version on gog for £14 last week
feels good

for what it's worth my brother and i both hated this game about 5 hours in, quit playing it for 3-4 months, i picked it back up and just played the absolute fuck out of it for hours and hours. fucking obsessively played it desu.
convinced my bro to give it another shot and he did the same. this game is weird like that. it really opens up after the bloody baron and ladies of the wood stuff

all i hear about is that the combat sucks. How do you feel compelled to play for so long it the core gameplay is supposedly bad?

It sucks compared to ie. Souls. Its not THAT bad on its own, still leagues better than combat in arkhamcreeds and shadows of mordors.

it's not bad just not incredible. the narrative and characters and world design are as good as it gets in gaming. the quests are awesome and feel meaningful not just hacking some random shit. simply riding around exploring the world is a lot of fun.

idk i'm a tolkienfag and live for shit like this. i like immersive beautiful fantasy worlds with strong characters good voice acting etc. this game btfo almost all others in these aspects.

But it doesn't. It's worse than most fantasy series in almost all ways. Story is generic, combat is bad, level design doesn't give any sense of wonder or grandeur. I can think of 5 games off the top of my head that do it better. Most any JRPG will do.

witchers seem pretty damn original user. combat is decent, there's much worse. sailing up to novigrad the first time was one of the most wondrous moments i've had this decade in gaming. just riding around from village to village feels like you're in the fucking world imo.

there is no way you can think of 5 games that do everything witcher 3 does better than witcher 3. it's not a perfect game by any means and there are tons of shit they could have done better but it's the overall best combo of all that shit i've seen.

>The whole story is looking for Ciri
So you haven't gotten to the Bloody Baron quest is what you're saying?

Sounds like you have no idea what quality is fag.

>I can think of 5 games off the top of my head that do it better
I love how you didn't actually name any

>but it's the overall best combo of all that shit i've seen
basically this

>quit after 25 hours

Did you just leave it running while you slept? I'm pretty sure I got the platinum trophy with less time played.

>mfw Liked Witcher 1, even with its god awful combat, witcher 2, and witcher 3
>buy all 3
>never replay single player games but played witcher 3 twice

Feels good, cucks.