Holy fuck this game was good.
How did it sell originally? I'm surprised no other games copied the battle system.
Holy fuck this game was good
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Because the battle system was overly complex.
Really? I thought the game did a good job of introducing it to you. And even if you didn't get it at all, there was always the option of letting the CPU take over.
I'm replacing it now, I'm at the end Beat day 6, and I really don't care for the game. There's a lot of flaws Imo, the difficulty changing just boosts the damage and defense of bosses, and some just spam the same move so you get fucked unless you have killer equipment. Also the game blocks you off with walls in the end making getting equipment a bitch and new pins too. It becomes kinda a grind, and tedious. The AI taking over is dumb, because they don't block so you're better off manually controlling, but the paying attention to both screens is a bitch since enemies have different attack patterns on each screen. I heard the solo remix is better tho
Get good
It always surprises me that people are still playing this game for the first time a whole decade later.
You have no idea how happy this makes me to see people discover the gem it is.
Can you even learn to drive with how bad you have it by just paying little attention to some DDR patterns on a screen right next to the main one?
10/10 game
post music
It does have it's flaws, like the walls you mentioned, but I feel like everything came together to make it a very great experience.
If there's ever a sequel, I'd like to see them to try to improve on that slightly.
That’s because people are zetta-slow to discover great games in the best handheld console ever made.
> (You)
>Can you even learn to drive with how bad you have it by just paying little attention to some DDR patterns on a screen right next to the main one?
It's really not the patterns it's just paying attention at both times and blocking accurately in higher difficultly, hard is now easy because I have decent pins, but ulitmate fucks me up, but thsts like my opinion
>First music post is 3 minutes clapping
Sometimes Sup Forums is reliable
Since the switch is gaining a lot of traction, loads of cheap 3dses are hitting classifieds. People who didn't have interests in buying a nintendo handheld and then all those games now have access to easy cfw and piss-cheap hardware.
At least that's the case for me. I picked up an o3ds for 30 bucks and got a flashcart for 20. For the price of an aaa game I have a huge library of nes/snes/gba/ds/3ds games in a comfy handheld.
Did anyone here actually get a perfect save file with stars in all categories? Besides me, of course.
>Not configuring yourself to endlessly wail on every enemy on screen at once from the second the battle begins while dodging perfectly with Joshua
I bet you never even beat Panthera Cantus
>3 Minutes Clapping
Mah nigga
Screw that!