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Don't be such a pussy.

You missed /ck/ by quite a margin there, retard

Medium rare.

Is...this some kind of video game analogy?

Hey buddy, I think you meant to go to .
Don't worry, we were all redditors and thought Sup Forums was le epik troling webzite xD and non of our actions mattered.

that's where it's at my guy, i get medium rare for everything


I usually take mine medium, Had a bad experience one time when I ordered medium rare and just cant take that risk again

Blue and Rare both look pretty gross desu.

Medium rare for life. Rare is just a bit too chewy for my liking.
The real question is how do you cook your hamburgers?

You didn't even fucking try holy shit.
At least start the thread with "What are the videogame equivalents of these steak types"
Goddamn fucking shitposters reposting garbage and not even entertaining shit like McChicken posting.
Kill yourself


If rare is chewy your cooking the wrong cut of meat.

>food analogy

What's it like having so many chromosomes OP?

Well-done w/ketchup

unless you're at a really high end restaurant or cooking it yourself, going below medium is a bad idea

you only get food poisoning because of super viruses evolved resistences against overuse of antibiotics. our ancestors ate raw meat and were fine. in many parts of the world they eat raw pork and don't get food poisoning. that and our immune systems have become weakened/spoiled from overuse of antibiotics.

Stop poisoning your body.

Eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

video games

Antibiotics don't work against viruses

Along with chicken and fish.

It might be cooked and safe but if the food does not taste good, why bother?
Anyways, for me, it's medium rare. The best way to cook a steak.

>American education

Cool, an off-topic shit thread!

You should be able to solve this.

medium rare burgers. if a restaurant isnt willing to go medrare on burgers it means they have shit beef and i order something else

Awful, absolutely awful.

Nope. Go vegan!

Good fish is too expensive.

Not true.

That's true for ground beef. But for steak it's very safe to order rare.

The bacteria grows on the surface of the meat. Cooking the outside of the steak for even a few seconds kills all the bacteria.

With ground beef it's riskier because the surface of the meat spreads everywhere in the grinding process. If it's a high-end place, then they'll grind their own meat daily in a cold room and it'll be safe. Otherwise, you're better going medium at a cheap burger place.

But rare steak is always fine unless the meat is absolute dogshit tier or spoiled.

>STILL eating animal products

Give me the internets and a cookie.

This. Just eat the whole animal. Fuck the middle man.


Are you a bit mentally retarded?

Always get your burgers cooked well done. Ground beef has more possible contaminants than steak due to the machinery involved in grinding

No, just wanted to post shit in a shitpost thread.


childhood is idolizing medium rare
adulthood is realizing well done made more sense


>not drinking mommy's milk


>eating at all

medium or medium rare.



humans aren't meant to eat chicken.


line segment means any straight line right

Rare or blue.

I cut all of them myself. Fuck you peasants, I'm a butcher. If your steak requires a serrated knife to cut it after it is cooked, you did it wrong.

>Sup Forums gold account

both are shit
just cut the steak thinly

why are you people so fucking stupid? why do you enjoy a thick slab where the center tastes like nothing?

Nothing personnel kid

>Have allergies or get stomach problems to most vegan food
>have vegans still tell me anyone can go vegan
i can appreciate vegan cooks as they tend to be able to understand how to make things taste good and like meat but fuck this anyone can be vegan shit.

>eating raw meat ever

I bet I could eat a dinosaur.

7.5 inches is average and not enough for women!

Are you?

thought diana had a beauty mark, turns out my monitor is dirty

>Wtf are you doing white boy
>White boy
>Well done

Well done is literally the only way the common black man and Hispanic eat their steak

this nigga knows what's up



why aren't more fast food restaurants that serve sliced roast beef? much better than shitty ground (which is full of pink slime and lye)

why does nu/v/ get so triggered over fun threads?


Stop it /fit/

we eat well done in south america because everything here is unsanitary as hell

It is. Pro tip Europe and America aren't Asia.

I always go with medium-rare, or even just "medium" if there's a choice between medium-rare and medium-well. I like the taste of rare steaks but I just feel a bit paranoid about it.
>tfw most of your family both takes their steaks well-done and covers it in sauce

>putting the same spice/hotsauce on everything you eat
>judging other people's cooking
niggers are retarded. you literally can't tell the difference between flounder and pork chops if it's been prepared by a large black family. it will be encrusted with bread crumbs and will taste purely of hotsauce. there are proper ways to prepare meat that don't involve covering it in shit directly before cooking it.

Because this shit is off-topic. Sup Forums should not be seen as Sup Forums junior, retard.

What am I watching here other than a gay guy.

I wonder what Cambrian sea food was like.

nuke california

Korean detected

What is this man doing to the 'za?

literally autism

I can only bring myself to do this with tri tip or filet.
Anything else has to be medium.

Medium Rare
Rare and Medium are also somewhat passable.

can best korea just fucking nuke california already

Attempting to trigger New Yorkers

you have autism

>prefer medium rare/medium
>when i was younger my mother always wanted me to eat well-done because "it's healthier"

Thank god I am not in my parent's house, but is it really healthier?

At the start he's degreasing it like in video related.


Why would you eat grey shit like pizza anyways?

I unironically eat pizza with a knife and fork.

what is this madness

>be vegan
>forget to add nutritional yeast to my lunch
>fucking die

posting in le epic bread XDD

the fyckj dis uathat

I seriously hope you all eat lobster

I'll taked it burned thanks

what the fuck is this dumb shit

I thought it was mushroom crust for a second there
God that would be delicious

Bacon should snap when held by either end and bent at a 10 degree angle.

I give up and accept my life as a retarded autistic.

>nuking the only state that keeps the country alive