Has anyone tried Hydrogen Peroxide to remove the yellowing coloring on some consoles?

Has anyone tried Hydrogen Peroxide to remove the yellowing coloring on some consoles?
Does it really work?

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Forgot where I read it, but someone managed to get the right chemical mix to completely remove the yellow.

The reason why it turns yellow eventually, is because of the flame retardant introduced into the plastic.
The oxygen, in time, makes it that color.

Hey OP not trying to be a dick but ask /vr/

Here are several methods to remove yellowing

pretty sure the general consensus is while there are solutions that remove the yellow, the plastic will become more fragile and will yellow again anyway

I've used Retrobrite and it works really well. It didn't COMPLETELY lighten it, but made it a whole hell of a lot better. If you didn't know it was yellowed you practically couldn't tell.

Isn't that the one where they use chlorine gas? I heard it's incredibly dangerous

My understanding is that it's a temporary fix. The yellow will return and the plastic will have become even more brittle

From my experience the yellowed plastic is already brittle as fuck. Might as well make it look nice.

Oh shit I'm sorry

mine is still a fucking grey launch SNES

Fuck you.

Must have kept it in a sealed container then.

If you got it in the mid 90's then it's probably a 1chip model, which apparently were also less prone to yellowing


No, it was just different materials. Stuff easy to get and not dangerous.

I wish i remembered where I read it. Showed step by step on how to make it.

Not him, but mine has been sitting out and getting occasional use since Christmas of 91, and has no yellowing.

It seems different batches of the shell are more prone to yellowing than others, you guys are just lucky.

Just buy the snes mini, lol.

> oxidizing agent that is corrosive and requires protection
> better put your fucking unprotected hand into it

Opinion instantly discarded

Reminds me of an idiot during my chemistry study who put his entire arm into a container full of solved potassium dichromate (highly toxic and carcinogenic) to get a stuck magnetic stirring bar out. His arm instantly turned brown afterwards. What a fucking moron.

Fuck you, leatherman

This guy used peroxide on an apple ii. Would probably work here too

>His arm instantly turned brown afterwards
tanning made easy

Why did you have a 2ft tall container of potassium dichromate

Why not?

Yes, it works. Needs to be completely submerged and set out in the sun for several hours (there's also certain hair products that contain hydrogen peroxide. I mention this because it's easier use for larger items because you can spread it on. It takes a fuckload of peroxide to submerge things). The sun is required. It's a chemical reaction with the UV light.

TLDW: Hydrogen Peroxide plus heat is the best way to remove yellowing.

The absolute state of the American design SNES

>Fag rainbow colors instead of based royal purple

never took chemistry in school but why did his arm turn brown?

It's been over 12 years since then, but IIRC, it was part of the process to get silver back from chemical waste produced during our practical training. We had to waste hours and chemicals worth about 100€ to get back silver that was worth ~110€ at that time.

> tanning made easy

And easy-mode skin cancer

>50 Hz console
>actually trying to talk shit
Shoot yourself in the fucking face, euroscum.

Look up 8-bit guy. Does this all the time.


What volume strenght / concentration?

Bleach and ammonia OP. It really brightens it up and smells wonderful.


> Potassium dichromate has few major applications, as the sodium salt is dominant industrially. The main use is as a precursor to potassium chrome alum, used in leather tanning.
> used in leather tanning

> In 2005–06, potassium dichromate was the 11th-most-prevalent allergen in patch tests (4.8%).[9]

> Potassium dichromate is one of the most common causes of chromium dermatitis;[10] chromium is highly likely to induce sensitization leading to dermatitis, especially of the hand and fore-arms, which is chronic and difficult to treat. Toxicological studies have further illustrated its highly toxic nature. With rabbits and rodents, concentrations as low as 14 mg/kg have shown a 50% fatality rate amongst test groups.[11] Aquatic organisms are especially vulnerable if exposed, and hence responsible disposal according local environmental regulations is advised.

> As with other CrVI compounds, potassium dichromate is carcinogenic and should be handled with gloves and appropriate health and safety protection. The compound is also corrosive and exposure may produce severe eye damage or blindness.[12] Human exposure further encompasses impaired fertility, heritable genetic damage and harm to unborn children.

Sorry for what?

The higher the better, though I don't know if there's a point at which it's too strong. I use anywhere from 10 - 15%, though it's kinda annoying to find. Most of the time it's behind the counter at pharmacies, just call a few local places and check first. If you're looking for the hair product method so you can spread it on, you'll want pic related, or something like it. With this method, you want to brush it all over the console, then take saran wrap and brush it on there are well, then wrap it up and set it in the sun. Check it every 30 minutes to an hour and pat down/smooth the creme.

Mine is also still grey, it's not a launch model but it's not too late after launch either, I don't know exacts because it's too fucking long ago and was originally my uncle's. My NES is also not yellowing and that is mine, from near launch.

Japanese was 60HZ and still used the superior design, just like the mini does

get rekt

still a better design than the american box shape

The picture above was a PAL snes you stupid fuck.

"get rekt" hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Cool, gonna try the submersion method this week. Thanks for the info user!

>implying I don't know the difference between Famicom and SNES


saying strawman is a strawman in itself you dumb nigger. And no, you clearly don't know the difference between a Famicom and a PAL snes, shitcock.
When I say shitcock above, I wasn't speaking to you, I was talking about your dads' cock, since it's covered in your shit.

Don't do it, it creates mustard gas and nostalgia.

Awesome, good luck. Also what the user posted here- I recommend as well. He does this shit all the time and he's quite good at it, great youtube channel. He recently did a video where he tested a bunch of brightening methods and posted results.

>Hurr you posted a picture in a previous comment so your next comment must be talking about it also


The front end looks nicer, but once you get to the top it looks like a jumbled mess. The buttons look weird, cheap and out of place. 4/10. glad I got the superior looking model

>Watching Ashens
>He completely shits on the american SNES
>Saying shit like "What were they thinking?"
Why is he so blinded by nostalgia?
They're both pretty much the same aesthetic just one is rounded and the other is square. I also dig the purple switches. Fuck Ashens and his quirky nerd culture.

Don't pee on your SNES and it won't turn yellow, mine is still completely grey

Seriously did not realize that America had it's own design. What the fuck was Nintendo thinking? That boxy shape looks absolutely hideous.

looks like it got a tan. :3c

Apparently, boiling it in hydrogen peroxide and water gives much more consistent results than RetroBrite.

The Canadian SNES is iconic

American and Jap have the best hardware/compatability than the Euro, but the Euro and Jap have the better aesthetics

Anything else is just blnd patriotism for shapes

holy fuck just give up you dipshit, you got fucking destroyed and exposed yourself for the nigger you are. So now you're going with "oh I just reply to comments argumentatively and when I lose I try to say my comment had nothing to do with the original comment"? That's the best you came up with?
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack to reddit nigger. Post a pic of yourself before you go, I wanna see how black you are, nigger.

Try nail polish remover, it works very well.


Really neither system is that sexy looking. The european one doesn't have purple, but it's also a lot more generic and 1980s looking like a slightly more rounded gray Famicom. The american SNES is more experimental and blocky looking.

I wouldn't say either system is ugly but neither particularly wows the onlooker. I do think the American one has a bit more personality though, and while it's more squared looking the switches give it a more streamlined and flush look.

>the state of that gtammar and syntax

>accuses other of being niggers

>le reddit

>do I fit in yet?

I think you're sexy looking user :3

what was that word you used earlier...hmm..oh, strawman. that was it.
give up, n i g g e r

Use toothpaste, you retards

It worked on my shoes

>not knowing the difference between ad hominem and strawman
>elipsis posting
>calls others reddit

wew lad

Basically this. I also know people who only have yellowing in the top or bottom piece of the shell.

Acetone usually works on discolored plastics. The problem is that you have to let the shit soak in it for it to work.

still strawmanning, jesus fuck. Since we're breaking down how much of an idiot you are-
>literally greentexts every line becuz muh forchans
>doublespaces like a reddit nigger
>gets triggered by the word nigger
>raging this fucking hard because he didn't know what a fucking PAL snes was
squat over a cup and fart your dads cum out then drink it you stupid niggerlover.
This is getting boring, you're way too retarded, step up your game, nigger.

It has nothing to do with oxygen, it's about UV light.

Hydrogen Peroxide + UV light allows you to reverse the process (for a few years anyway).

It is not the oxygen, it is the UV light.

>used Reddit-Spacing™

>actually took the bait

>being a reddit-spacing bandwagoning newfag

The absolute state of you

Look at these two idiots using Reddit green quotes.

>implying they're not meme-arrows

Some of them never grey because some batches had less of the fire retardant or something like that. Mine is still grey and never sealed it or anything.

"calls others reddit"
>literally does it the next post
Can't even stay true to yourself.
"The absolute state of" being fucking pathetic.

>not just throwing it in the trash and replacing it with a raspberry pi

Yes and yes.
make sure your paste is thick. Leave in the dun for one full hot day.
don't bother in winter.

Use tape to keep all the internal components and screws.

Wear gloves. That shit fucking burns

>literally does it the next post

Mocking you for taking the bait newfag

I'm doing it again

>that webm

Thank you user.

>Using reddit punctuation

You never laid any bait, nigger. You were just plain wrong. Niggers aren't clever enough to set traps. Now give back the MacBook tyrone.

>capital U
phoneposting faggot detected

>Using a reddit box instead of a phone

>>"calls others reddit"
>>literally does it the next post

>not knowing what a hyphen is for
>thinks i called him reddit when I said Reddit-spacing newfag

The absolute state of your reading comprehension

>jamal thinks the iphone he stole is kewl

>Reddit racial slurs
>Hey guys, I made fun of black people! Can I get some Reddit Gold my fellow Pedes?


does bleach work?

this guy is really good at restoring shit

>every single one of your posts
The absolute state of how fucking buttmad you are over not knowing what a PAL snes is while on a fucking video game image board. Just give up, shitcock. You lose. You've lost this argument so fucking badly that you're talking about hyphens? Jesus.


greentexting about leddit and leddit gold doesn't make you any less of a nigger, jamal

Calling people Jamal doesn't make you any less of a Reddit using faggot who needs to go back.

>Posting on a Reddit imageboard

>bucket full of hot hydrogen peroxide
>better not wear gloves, googles and use a piece of wire to fish it out.
>buying a solid black container rather then a clear one when you know the uv light is a factor

why dose anyone take this guy seriously?

because he's done it about a million times and it seems to work pretty well for him

It's only a few percent hyrdogen peroxide after being diluted with water. You're supposed to put that on your hair anyway.

Hell, you could probably even drink it and it wouldn't kill you.