Is it just me or is the game easy as fuck and short as fuck? I'm breezing through kingdoms, and getting moons every other minute. It's fun, but underwhelming as hell. Kingdoms last like 20 minutes and feel small too, even with me taking my time. At Luncheon even though I got it this morning.
Is it just me or is the game easy as fuck and short as fuck? I'm breezing through kingdoms...
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>or is the game easy as fuck
Well yeah, its Mario game
the moons don't all unlock until you beat Bowser, and kingdoms don't unlock all their moons until you beat the boss in each of them
What did you expect? Its a fucking mario game, its supposed to be easy for children.
If you just do the bare minimum and move on yes its short but why the hell are you doing that?
I think the game is great and there have been lots of moments that really impressed me
>being chased by the t-rex in deep woods
>the new donk festival where you literally run through a donkey kong homage while Pauline sings
>pretty much everything about seaside kingdom
You gotta relax and take it all in user.
the early mario games were undeniably harder. not hard per se, but nintendo even acknowledged that they were more difficult than their newtitles.
Everything is really fun in the game, but short lived. Like the festival.
Mario 64 wasn't easy. Super Mario world wasn't easy.
The main game is really short, but the post game has so many more moons
Mario 64 was really fucking easy if you did the bare minimum, just like Odyssey
Good thing there is no reward for doing anything after you beat Bowser. Will be selling my game back after I beat Bowser.
>If you just do the bare minimum and move on yes its short but why the hell are you doing that?
Because there is no reward to do anything more. What do I get as a reward for autistically continuing to play the game after I beat Bowser? I was told you get nothing, therefore I have no motivation to keep playing after beating Bowser.
You get to keep playing and having fun???
I mean if its not fun don't but wtf do want? Its a game
You get to experience the game you paid for
Yeah the early early ones, but its already been at least 20 years since they became easy as fuck
>What do I get as a reward for autistically continuing to play the game after I beat Bowser
What do you get for playing the bare minimum of the game and beating Bowser? Also nothing.
There's 880 actual moons (and another 119 you can buy from shops), so you ain't seen shit.
Yes they were. If you thought they were hard, you're shit at games.
>Need a reward to play a game
There must not be many games you actually play then. What do you want Nintendo to do, send you a trophy in the mail?
Can you imagine being so autistic that the concept of fun is foreign to you and the only reason you do things is for achievements or virtual trophies like a golden turd?
Not him but to be fair, some of the previous 3D games at least gave you Luigi to play with for getting 100%, and he played differently from Mario. I don't know if Luigi is in though.
A medal of sorts or something among those lines. There's no fucking achievements or trophies so nobody will even be able to see the hard work and time I put in. What the fuck is the point of hamming it up in the autism fest beyond Bowser?
Mario 64 is extremely hard compared to Mario Odyssey (aka babby's first 3D Mario).
>No "GO HERE!!!!!" spotlights
>Star descriptions can be vague
>Way less linearity/obviousness (play Bowser's Kingdom in Odyssey... lol)
>Fall damage
>And of course, dated shit camera
There is going to be atleast one new playable character and a new world coming as DLC tho
Vague doesn't equal hard. Kys my man, 64 was one of the easiest games of all time if you weren't 6 years old while playing.
It's not even hard if you're that young. I beat it when I was 7.
The game encourages you to explore, do side tasks and search for things.
The story is fairly short.
You call Odyssey babbies first platformer when you literally beat 64 as a babbie? Do you know how retarded you sound?
If you're 7 years old maybe.
He is not. They went the 3D World method where you unlock 2 bonus areas and a different version of the final boss fight depending on how many moons you collected. You're pretty much intended to stop at 880 (which I'm pretty sure is when that Bowser rematch opens up), but turbo autists can go to 999 for Peach's Castle to get a dumb hat.
Not the same user. I'm actually agreeing with you that SM64 is easy as fuck, no different from Odyssey.
>le no reward meme
Have you people ever 100% any game?
WHY would you even beat Bowser then? There's no reward for that either, just sell it now
Nintendo seem to be doing this more and more lately, the main game is easy then getting 100% is hard
>play same game as a different character
What a reward.
Their first system was probably Xbox 360. They don't know that people used to 100% shit with no precious cheevos waiting.
It's pretty sad for me to admit but this is easily the weakest mainline 3D Mario. The Galaxy games were easily better.
You know, that would actually be pretty cool back in the nes era.
And that also makes 100% with Mario technically not 100%, because you have to do it again with Luigi.
And what's the reward for that?
1 extra star in the courtyard of Peach's castle and a message sent to your Wii messages congratulating you. Yeah, that's it.
the reward is unlocking Darker Side, AKA Champion's Road
Would any of you say that this game has more challenging sections though? or has any design or moons intended to challenge the player moreso then other 3d mario games? Just curious.
I'm just getting to New Donk and I thought that first Bowser fight was a step in terms of design. not super hard for me, but I could see where people could mess up.
>Would any of you say that this game has more challenging sections though?
No, but they hide shit in hard to reach places to let you know they at least thought about it.
Neat. I'm going to start dicking around more so I can buy that Skelly outfit.
I noticed this, and have managed to grab a few. i really commend Nintendo for doing this.
Although I did see coins up there, that shit blows my mind, had no clue how to reach. I'm gonna give this spot a go.