FbW ended being my game of the year beating out Persona 5

>FbW ended being my game of the year beating out Persona 5
Did not see that coming

oh man, OP confirmed for having shitty ass tastes.

Funniest game I've ever played
Gameplay is really fun
Fuck ton of builds and teams
Story is compelling
One of the best ending in all of gaming
Morgan Freeman is the hidden boss of the game
Most fun I had in a RPG ever

it's cool, just wish character building had a bit more depth and that there were actually some fucking side quests.

>mfw scott now top tier character on the show

I just beat this 30 minutes ago, It was good.
I liked it more than SoT, and the after credit scene was rad.
btw post new kids

Stick of truth was better. Shit really went off the rails. Every day's encounter changed south park to the point it ripped it apart at the end. Fetus nazi was by far the best boss.

FbW is boring by comparison. Tention doesn't ramp up. South park isn't ripped apart. There are only like 5 types of enemies. Bosses have gimmicks that autokill them. No strategy, just equip the best artifacts and win.

Seriously a step backward as far as game story/quality goes.

I want 3rd game about me and chaos taking over South park

You mad son

Disappoint =/= mad.

Wishing the game was just as good as the last one is all.

right is immediately after finding eyepatch

Game doesnt have a boss fight and ends with a Mitch on Mitch fight
>At the end, couldn't save your mom from getting fucked by your dad
That looks to be the DLC

>One of the best ending in all of gaming

Wait a second, I think this post is bait

>generic batman
user, try to have fun next time
it's funny you say that. I was trying to figure out what a 3rd title could be about, and I remembered that one conversation you have with him when he suggest you guys be villains next time.

could work.

Day 1 buy

Call Girl ended up being best girl of the year, barely passing Makoto

Is there a torrent yet that isn't 50gb for a 3 hour game?

This and SoT were shit game though
okay to watch on youtube but there's absolutely no reason to actually play them when the gameplay is so shallow and tedious

not that persona is much better

The mom getting fucked thing was great. I was kinda disappointed with the mitch fight, I wanted more to happen than the cheating for health. It was way too easy, especially compared to the woodland critter fight
Pic related was my new kid before I found the batman suit


>Chaos teaming up thinking no big deal, butters just Changing sides cause he's a kid.
>Find out he's been playing the long con and working me to his side and become bad cause I still couldn't save my mother.

Yup, I'm all in with this.

Hated that fight cause I didn't want to hurt coon so just kept attacking Kyle Mitch.

So why was the game delayed for like years if it still ended up being only 10 hours long and shittier than the first game?

Is the game still about stacking DoT debuffs?


Always bleed, fire and gross people

Someone throw this bum out of here.

fire, gross, shock.

Bleed isn't as good anymore, gross out is the most powerful proc and there's no zombies around to resist it

My god, I hope this is bait.

The game was absolutely terrible. Anyone who still finds South Park funny is guaranteed underage.

>Shitty opinion in the OP followed by an anime whore dancing in the second reply

I thought the woodland critters were easy thanks to Santa
The only boss that fucked me was Mutated Kite because I was not ready to for the wall gangbang

How to win the game on easy mode.

Go Brutalist/Speedster. Knockback everyone forever for bonus damage. ??? Profit.

will eventually finish. took a break to eat dinner, so not sure how far out I am from completing. right now I'm up to torturing cartman after beating mitch.

>people hated the ending
I don't get it, did people expect some kind of grand conclusion from SP of all things?

>Fuck ton of builds and teams
Until you unlock Plantmancer and it absolutely destroys every other class

t. Polygon writer

that would imply the game isn't braindead easy

>PC Principal not immune to criticism

They expected a decent ending. Stick of Truth had a solid ending. Fractured Butthole had an awful one made all the worse that the entire climax except the very end was well done.

Hated the ending? It was the best ending! Chaos shows up and just owns the ending

The whole story was drawn out and boring when compared to the off the rails craziness that Stick of Truth had.

Felt like the stakes were higher in stick of truth.

It's fucking trash.

They're still really good, but more balanced. I spent the first half almost all dots, but by the end with attack up + defense down I was just burning things down with raw damage.

gross is probably the best overall but shock is god tier against Chaos henchmen and crab people

Think it'll go on sale during christmas sale?

How was the towelie dlc? I didn't buy day 1.

It's basically nothing. Towelie showing up in a thought bubble to tell you tutorial stuff you've probably already done. It triggers kind of randomly too (or maybe it's just buggy), and it was only actually a joke like one time when he starts ranting about the government.

Towelie is actually in the normal game too, so you're really not missing much.

The combat sucks.

which character is worst buddy? pic not related.

Toolshed and Mosquito is kind of useless

Game drags on in the end holy shit.

And the puzzles are so frustrating, they're literally just use an ability and push something.

Other than that it's pretty good. The microaggressions always made me laugh,
