Well the game's been leaked and cleared...

well the game's been leaked and cleared. anyone got a plot summary and/or the answer to the more common questions people were asking like
>what is the phantom ruby?
>who is infinite?
>does sonic team have a collective case of brain rot?
because the cutscenes all lack critical information which is apparently dumped between stages and IN stages, when you are instead focusing on playing the damn game or moving the fuck on to a new area

Other urls found in this thread:


>eggman wins offscreen via flavor text
>infinishit just disappears and is apparently sucked inside of the not-Lyric mech.
>Characters travel to and from space without cutscene support
>no depictions of the world under eggman's rule
>everything other character do are just done in stage dialog.

The story is small time since the gameplay and level design are both so fucking poor.


The only good part about the cutscenes are when Classic Sonic shows up and the Mania theme plays, when Omega shows up just to annoy Infinite, and when Classic Sonic leaves so he can be out of this god forsaken game and hopefully into Mania 2.

Fuck you Iizuka. Just make Sonic Team Puyo Puyo team and never let them touch Sonic again.

Surely they'll disband Sonic Team or fire Iizuka soon, right?

mania is literally a hallucination brought on by the phantom ruby

so the little I picked up is that infinite is actually not important at-fucking-all and is basically just a manifestation of the phantom ruby. so that's one main point of speculation and fanbase fuel tossed full force out the window. now for question B: what the hell is the phantom ruby anyway? is it a natural power gem like the emeralds or something created by eggman? if it was made by eggman why the hell would it be in mania?

watched that. it's all pretty underwhelming and reveals next to nothing about what happens in the story

t. Iizuka

Mania is literally just AN ECHIDNA READING A BOOK

>Huge Sonic fag, holds Adventure 2 and Generations with as much regard as Sonic 2 and 3, didn't like Lost World at all but was thrilled with the return of boost since Generations was so good
>After leaks unironically believe that Forces looks worse than 06

>>what is the phantom ruby?
The codec conversation says it's some shit that creates illusions that actually feels real, as if it's creating actual mass, it however doesn't say shit about it's origin
>>who is infinite?
An Eggman creation made to control the Phantom Ruby, that's it
There are Phantom Ruby prototypes so it's implied that it's created by Eggman, what was the deal with it being excavated in Mania? Who the fuck knows

>Huge Classicfag but love some "newer" characters like Omega and Blaze
>Forces looks fucking terrible, the only good part is Classic Sonic because he never talks

grew up on the genesis games and still hold 3&K way up there. for a good while got really into adventure 1+2 and heroes, sort of lost hope with the series until colors when I had a reason to step back in, then played that and unleashed HD and liked both a lot. generations was amazing at first but on new visits the cracks started to show really hard, specially after mania. overall I'd say I'm leaning towards a classicfag but I still enjoy all game to some extent yes, even 06. I like how broken it is, but as a product it's a slap to the face

all footage shown even before the leaks led me to believe forces was gonna disappoint me so I had minimal expectations, and STILL got disappointed. forces is just shameful on all fronts to me, and the music, while still above average, is all over the bloody place with its theming and feels like a massive amalgamation of styles that don't fit together

tl;dr I'm a big fucking nerd and forces sucks

>Extremely mild fan, check out a game or two every once in a while
>honestly my biggest exposure to Sonic was Sonic X
>but holy shit I'm just sitting from the sidelines wondering how a company can make so many bad decisions

>grew up playing and enjoying 3D Sonic, even playing Shadow for enough time to unlock the true ending
>become an adult and come to prefer the classic games a lot more, become a big classicfag
>3&K is my favorite video game of all time
>overjoyed with Mania
>Knew Forces would be shit from the very first footage I saw

I've held this opinion for a few years now: while Iizuka continues to direct Sonic Team, their product will continue to be shit. he's a lazy, untalented director and needs to AT BEST be demoted and at worst be fucking booted from the industry.

>Realized that the Adventure games are incredibly bad
>Loved Mania
>Thinks that Forces looks like a genuinely terrible game

>Fanmade SFM animation still better than 2017 Sonic game

I was a really big Sonic fan back in 03 when I got all the games on GameCube, like Adventure 1 and 2, Mega Collection and Gems Collection. I played those games quite a bit when I was 9 or so Sonic R is still a guilty pleasure of mine Fell out of the series when 06, Unleashed and Black Knight hit. Sonic Mania completely rekindled my excitement towards the series but Forces is taking that away. I hope nobody buys Forces. I also want Switch versions of the Whitehead Genesis ports.

why do SFM animators insist on using the same ugly as sin Gmod sonic model and TF2 maps this riles up my autism so damn much. also their expressions are too exaggerated, kinda like SA1's

>Grew up with the Genesis games, liked Adventure games (even enjoyed the edgier stories in them and Shadow), fell out of the series around Unleashed but loved Mania
>Assumed all along that Forces would be mediocre at best, almost every piece of new information since its reveal has only made it sound like more of a wreck but I am still surprised at just how bad it's turning out to be
>the only reason I'm still following any of this is to see just how bad it gets, while hoping that Forces crashes as hard as it possibly can in the wake of Mania's overwhelmingly successful reception, and leaves Sega no choice but to reconsider the direction of the franchise as a whole

>also their expressions are too exaggerated, kinda like SA1's
uh yeah, they're anthropomorphic cartoon fluorescent colored hedgehogs

no, that's called bad animation. one thing is conveying emotions, and another thing is making something's eyes twitch at 300mph to try and express something different every frame for the sake of trying to make something look well made. "dude it's just a cartoon lmao" is as bad of an excuse as "ITS JUST MY STYLE"

Really hated how they didn't explain Silver's existence in this game. He's from the future he has no business in Sonic's present. Or did they retcon Silver and just "magically" make it so that he's born and raised in Sonic's present so he's always around without time travel explanations anymore? If Sega did this then fuck them for not including Blaze. Then again I'm conflicted since this game is very poor.

Prequel comic, he's still from the future and came back to warn that the world went to shit

that's explained in the comic strips they released. just look them up on fireden, some anons dumped all 3 mini-issues already. but basically
god fucking dammit user let me finish typing

So can we agree that instead of Original the Character, the game was gonna have Boom Sonic, and instead of the Death Egg Robot, there was gonna be Lyric as the final boss?

>TF2 maps

Because unfortunately, 3D model people? Their communities generally focus on getting as many character models as possible and they always overlook the damn maps and stages from the games. Even the big time series like Legend of Zelda do not get all of their maps ripped and made available.

So did they actually existed or just illusions?

They actually existed in our hearts

Eh. I was never really looking forward to Forces that much. Honestly, as long as Mania was good (and it was), Forces could be bad and I wouldn't care. Honestly, what's getting to me is how awful the story is turning out to be. I'm hearing some shit about "Sonic" and "torture", and my first though is "Fucking bring back Princess Elise"

But I think the under over here is that at the end of the day, the "real problem with Sonic" is that Sonic Team just doesn't seem to know what they're doing anymore. It seems like the deal is that we need to get some Sanic fans who give a fuck about the series and know what made any of the 3D Games acceptable/passable and let them half a whack at it.
It's not about "hur, too many friends!", it's about knowing what to and NOT to put in your game. Classic Sonic didn't need to be in this game.

I mean, think about it. If not for Sonic Mania, this would just be another year of a Sonic stinker on the plate. At least now, we can see the glaring difference in who cares to make a good game, and who doesn't.

Forces is getting some Shadow The Hedgehog syndrome in which the localization tries to be more edgy than the real script

isn't it still written in burgergo by pontac and graff?

idk why but the giant jungle snake scared the shit out of me. it felt so out of nowhere and happens in like a fucking second

Nay, they're handling the localization, but the original story is coming from the same guy that wrote 06's, which is a can of worms all on its own

that makes me sad for the localization.

>Sonic stan since the Genesis
>Excited for Forces, although that ending was trash - I really hope there's a true ending wiht all Red Star Rings or something

>Forces worse than 06
You didn't play 06, did you?

>but the original story is coming from the same guy that wrote 06's
>the same guy that wrote 06's
>guy that wrote 06's
You've got to be joking.

fair enough

I did, and i'll one hundred percent concede that on a technical level Forces beast the hell out of 06 though still having problems that weren't present in Unleashed and Generations
But it doesn't matter that the game works if the level design is so devoid of, well, anything
Sonic 06 has enough going on in its level that it'd actually be enjoyable to some degree if the game worked, and i got to confirm that with the Kingdom Valley demo of that fangame that's converting 06 to PC with Unity

Will Tails ever be competent again?

Why can't we have a 3D boost game that's JUST boost game play

>mad that windows version has denuvo, preorder on PSN
>remember i could've just pirated it and still played on PC and not wasted forty dollars

>big ass fan of the originals
>played and owned almost all the modern games up until Lost World which I skipped.
>Was hoping forces could be a step up from Generations since my classic ache was sated with Mania.

Forces looks like a pile of well oiled shit. It's unacceptable the direction they went with the level design and regressive gameplay. The story and avatar are just the piss on top of the shit cake and they still managed to fuck it up with jarring direction and narrative flow.

Forces levels are short as hell, but from what I've seen they're not necessarily empty either. They're basically like Colors levels but 3 times as short. That's a problem, but still blows 06 out of the water. 06 was so ridiculously unpolished that even a game with 30-second long versions of Unleashed levels would be better.

Did any irrelevant literally whos like Fang or Blaze cameo?

I started with the Advance series and then went back, the only modern games I've played are Generations and Unleashed HD. I think they are really good.
I had hope in Forces at first glance but now it has turned into a shitshow, how can team sonic fuck so many things at once?

No. We didn't even got a Shadow and Chaos fight.

>Grew up with both Classic & Adventure games (had a hand me down Genesis+am a Mega Collection & Gems Collection fag) and enjoy both albeit a way bigger Classicfag than a 3Dfag, also am desperate for a Mania successor
>Enjoys Boost in general as well, about as much as the Adventure titles (even replayed Generations a few months ago & still very much had fun with it)
>Thought Forces had potential at the first trailer but quickly after it looked like dog shit that got worse with more footage that came out

Forces just does almost everything to make me dislike it personally with how the areas are generally unappealing & mostly unoriginal, 2D Sonic looks worse than in Generations when it comes to level design and even if he wasn't I still have to play 2D sections with Modern & the OC which would annoy me, I dislike everything about the OC since I don't care for character creators & the gameplay doesn't look fun, the tone turned me off from the game even more (I don't even find the edge funny in this game like a lot do, it's just plain dumb) and hell the OST is weak to me which is rare for this series. I know some will disagree on some of these things but for me this whole game bothers me in so many ways. I will say that it was at least pretty funny seeing how this panned out though. I wonder what the next games will be like.

>all those clones fighting the other clones
That looked hilariously retarded
What a shit game

So they're giving Sonic to taxman permanently, right?

Iizuka will just add the serious story to his "Why Adventure 3 wouldn't work" list and will try making another nostalgia filled game, after all if Mania was so sucesfull that means we all love Green Hill, right?

Sonic is just like The Emoji Movie it's a big piece of shit and yet it still makes shit tons of money from people with autism.

Not quite. It's because Sonic games can be made on the cheap. I doubt most of the models in this game are new, they're probably reused from Sonic Generations except maybe Sonic, Amy, and Tails' models who are from Sonic Unleashed.

Point is, these games are cheap to make so selling like 800 thousand units is enough to be successful.

No, because if they do, they'll be forced to have every level be Green Hill Zone

Monkey's paw is a real thing.


So what the fuck is Infinite?

>Classicfag who had a 7 year stint as an Adventurecuck from '02 to 08. SA2B's still a guilty pleasure.
>The marketing was very bad, and Forces does look better now than it did pre-leaks, but it still looks mediocre, and sub-Generations quality

I dunno why they took him out. It's not like they haven't referenced bad stuff with the 06 level in Generations and Crisis City plays better in Generations. They could have done the same here. People would prefer Boom Sonic over a create a character.

i could live with the game having boom sonic, but why the fuck was the final boss going to be lyric? did sonic team think sonic boom was going to be so beloved and memorable that its boring-ass antagonist deserved a spot in forces?

Has Infinite's theme been leaked yet? I'm listening to Fist Bump but can't find Infinite's. That's all I want, please give it to me

chances are it was gonna be something inspired by lyric's design, like a souped up suit or something tailor-built to house the plot mcguffin. not necessarily lyric himself

Imagine being Aaron in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Forces, you fuckin' fine, all badass with your edgy story and original characters. I would totally play with you, both modern and classic sonic." when all he really wants to do is play Mania in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Aaron and not only sit in that chair while Iizuka flaunts his disgusting physics in front of you, the hedgehog engine barely concealing his plastic models and linear levels, and just sit there, death after death, level after level, while he perfected that double boost. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking ring placement but his haughty attitude as everyone in the comments tells him Sonic Team's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, FORCES LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his straightforward fucking level design contort into types of corridors you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been posting nothing but a healthy diet of memes and jokes and later alleged autist shaming for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the burns in Twitter. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the fire that's breaking out on his dimpled wispon as he sucks it in to BURST! BURST! BURST! it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and shill Forces' "self-aware (for that is what he calls it)" humor, the humor he worked so hard for with the Colors team in the previous 4 years. And then the director calls for another gameplay reveal, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Aaron. You're not going to lose your PR career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

you're probably joking and/or baiting someone to post it because I refuse to believe you didn't find it yourself. either way here you go


>Naka was a narcissistic but worked with his team to make the main games the better possible, like TOGETHER because they were the Sonic(Team) Heroes
>Sonic games had multi-characters that never depended basely on Sonic for every single thing and could do things on their own, including Tails
>Iizuka centers everything on him. He is the star and everyone is useless and they cant do shit without him
>Sonic games are now about Sonic doing everything on his own and everyone depends on him even to beat a small robot. Tails is a baby that cries on the corner without Sonic
>Eggman = fans for Iizuka. That's why Sonic is a dick to him and says shit like "you are going too far Eggman"
>Eggman says he hates Sonic, like the fans hate Iizuka

It goes full circle

A creation of Eggman using the Phantom Ruby. You beat him up a couple times and the final time he just kinda flies away and doesn't appear again. He doesn't even remove the mask or end up being someone else.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear enough. I meant the full versions of them. I just listened to Fist Bump's full version but can't find Infinite's full theme

They made the right choice.

That one seems full enough, we don't hear any new part in the game

I like to think the marketing was very bad on purpose. SOA knew this game was going to be a dud compared to Mania.

It's the only reason I can think of why they pushed Mania so hard...

>Record release
>Collector's Edition
>Devs on their livestream
>Music uploads
>Hiring Tyson Hesse to make animations

Versus Forces, which got...

>Some shitty superhero move-esque trailers
>limited music releases
>awkward gameplay reveals

Compare how they revealed Flying Battery to Space Port

forces also has a vinyl soundtrack

We'll see him at the Olympics then.

>Classicfag, think the Adventure games are awful except for the Sonic/Shadow stages, and the boost games are alright
>Forces looks okay, not worth buying but worth a pirate

I thought the story was gonna be way more interesting then it was. Everything about it reeks of being cobbled together. Level design was really basic, music was okay half the time (mostly in the Avatar stages) and the dialog is just fucking bad. Like the worst dialog the Happy Tree Friends guys have thought up yet.

honestly would be better if they just kept boom sonic. It would have been a good excuse for poor gameplay for the OC characters

OC dress up is too good to pass up though.


Confirmed to be 4:28

>Iizuka: guys, i was thinking ideas and, let's use rush, i mean, have Sonic boost through robots like they were bowling pins and take places over the world to make sonic stages and call it Sonic World Adventure
>months later
>Iizuka: filthy baka gaijins think that game is Adventure 3! Just call it something else to the west
>years later
>Iizuka: So, people enjoyed that Eggmanland so much that we are doing a full game about a park. And i will bring this guy with me to design levels(Kishimoto)
>Kishimoto: Iizuka-sensei, how do i level design?
>Iizuka picks a paper, draws straight lines and some curves
>Kishimoto: brilliant

Fuck Tomoya Ohtani he doesn't know shit

i like the 90s Sonic games, even Sonic R. 3D Sonic has always been bad so I don't have expectations when a new 3D Sonic comes out.

Judging from the streams, Forces looks decent, I think you faggots are crying because you want your fanfics into the game.

Forces being worse than 06? Not a good bait.

>The world was able to be taken over by Eggman because Infinite beat up Sonic enough that they were allowed to put him in prison for six months while also torturing him as well
>When he breaks out of prison he seems totally fine and not like he's spent 6 torturous months in prison

this one really jogs the noggin. why go out of their way to say he was tortured and then he's normal when he shows up?

>Been with the series since the beginning.
>Played all of the games except Sonic Fighters or the spinoff party games.
>Loved all the classic and most of the modern sonic games. Did not like Heroes. Never played 06.
>Favorite 3D game is unironically Shadow the Hedgehog
>2D is a throw up between CD and Mania
>Lost Word was a Disappointment
>I made the novice mistake of getting hyped for Forces, and it looks like predictable shit.

>3D Sonic has always been bad so I don't have expectations when a new 3D Sonic comes out.
Yes we shouldn't raise our expectations as they make game after game for 20 years. They should be accepted just as shit now as they were 20 years ago, even when they are in some ways worse. Standards for 3D Sonic should not improve any more than Sonic Team should have after all this time and so many attempts. This is perfectly acceptable.

I would buy this day 1 on PC if they included Puyo Puyo Tetris

Please Sega

>Grown up with Sonic since I was a baby. Had all the original games to play on my dad's Mega Drive and Game Gear. Prefer the classic style but I don't mind playing the 3D games either. Boost style or Adventure style.
>It looks... fine? Kinda underwhelming. Looks to be around a 6/7 out of 10. I'm a fag for character dress up shit though so the Avatar stuff is my biggest draw. Plus Avatar stages mostly have the best tunes.

>Generations like 2 to 3 years in development
>some levels around 2 minutes but others around 3 or 4, but many of them had a bunch of alternative paths in many points through those stages
>great variation of enviroments, different gameplays(like that sweet snowboarding those retards never used again in future games) and a bunch of sidemissions, different bosses and rival fights
>Forces 3 to 4 years in development(6 years after Generations)
>industrial and futuristic set which makes everything similar except for shit like Sand Hill
>make go through stages 4 times like Sonic Heroes
>stages are 1 minute to 2 minutes on straight lines, barely any alternative paths and full automated sections
>reuse assets from previous games
>reasue boss fights from previous games
>no Super Sonic, Emeralds, or some fights like against Chaos and Shadow

That's why. Modern Sonic seems like Generations but without drifting. Classic Sonic looks slower than Generations. Avatar seems okay, but that's it.
This is just a mediocre game, which Sonic Team wasted too much time on it

>I think you faggots are crying because you want your fanfics into the game.
They already put them in.
>OCs are now official characters
>Sonic gets tortured in prison
>Character edgier than shadow now exists
>Dialogue made by 14 year olds that hate their parents
I think people are upset because they are now realizing how autistic the sonic franchise is.

What part of "I" did you not understand? I'm not saying my opinion is the only valid answer. I don't have expectations because Sonic Team fucking sucks and there's nothing I can do about it.

If you guys wanna see improvements, push sega to work with the Sonic Utopia guys or whoever is trying to create a good 3d Sonic game.

Like on a previous thread, Eggman gives prisoners sandwiches like how it happened with Pickle on Unleashed. The torture for Sonic is not running for 6 months and not eating chillydogs

I wonder how he'll try to salvage Forces?

>>Favorite 3D game is unironically Shadow the Hedgehog
How many endings did you get

He'll try his best. He blew his hype load on Mania but he'll be fine.

Holy fucking shit.

Sonic is confirmed to be in like, in his mid 30s.

So what was Infinite?

Severe downgrade from Generations and fucking Colors even. Why the fuck did they remove the drift? Why is wall jumping only introduced in the final stage for Avatar. Fuck Forces. This is what happens when you focus on too many playstyles.

Just another Eggman science project.

They don't reveal it. He just fucks off after his last fight, with no resolution whatsoever.

An Eggman creation
If you look far too much into it, Sonic at one point says "Unlike mechs, i can grow" kinda implying that maybe Infinite is a robot

>grew up with a Genesis so huge on the 2D Sonics
>loved SA2 for the Chao Garden but loathed Heroes and just about every 3D game up to Colors (Rush games were fun at least)
>kind of fell off being a Sonic fan after so long not giving a shit, to the point where I haven't bought Mania yet even though it's objectively good (I've played a little)
>excited for Forces simply for the comedy value

So far Forces is looking to deliver 100%. It's trying to be SatAM/Archie Sonic without any of the things that made those good or fun. But the "create your own Sanic" function should lead to some amazing spergery. I can't wait to see what happens when it falls into Chris-Chan's hands.

Now the edgiest sonic character

Sequel bait?
I want more Infinite.

Probably not, he disappears just like the clones disappears after being beaten, and after that an army of Infinites is created off screen, all along he was just some fuckery that depended on the Phantom Ruby and said ruby is no more