Who is his vidya equivalent?
Who is his vidya equivalent?
I cannot think of a single videogame universe with similar depth to LotR.
So.. Uhh.. No one?
his writing is a mess
TES before Oblivion I think came close
Morrowind alone seems sort of close, but even that is far, faaar from Tolkien level.
Yeah, TES is probably the closest example. Or it was, at least.
Tolkien's writing is a mix of his love of language, medievalism, and his own personal experiences in WW1 and seeing his beloved English countryside getting industrialized. You can't replicate that, especially in the post modern world and with the state Academics are in now.
TES is a mess
Underage get the fuck out.
You know, I think it's entirely possible to replicate that in video game form, but I don't think it's plausible to believe that Tolkien's shitty family will ever allow such an artsy project to be attempted.
All they care about is money, and Hollywood has all the money, and Hollywood only sells action and cheap clichés.
People who grow up today don't even know that LoTR was about friendship, adventure and camaraderie. About duty, burdens and love. About natures and abandoned roads. About the wilderness, a warm campfire and a hot bath. They think it's about super hero elves slaying hordes of orcs like in The Matrix.
Sure it can be replicated, only problem is we won't know what will until far after the fact.
While he is not even close, its the nearest equalivent I can think of.
If they only cared about money they wouldn't mind Tolkien's work getting butchered some more by the shitty movie and video game industries
You're contradicting yourself, user.
They don't. Just take a fucking gander at Shadow of Mordor.
What a fucking travesty.
was looking for this post
good job, user
JRR Tolkien sold the rights to LotR a long time ago and they had nothing to do with that.
I know what you're trying to say, but I cant think of any game where its depths of lore havent been thourougly discussed and cant easily be known by one person.
When I go out drinking, rarely, I still learn and discuss new Lotr stuff I wasnt aware of because you cant possibly memorize and entire nearly fleshed out world with its languages and history.
What the fuck are you talking about?
His grandchild sold the rights.
His son is still pissed about the movies.
> I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
> So do Alwo Livtocesu, Chtymesbutté Datiznoth, Fordemdode'ayd Alwë, Av'dòisse de Coyde, Watto du Wittë, Dimedatiz Givhen "Tousse" Deraroth Erffources, Atvorkin Tiswold, Frodo Besiddins (relative of Frodo?), Devil of Evil, Bilbo Wasmint, Duphaunde Ringin, Witch Caseyo, Wheralzomeent Dohavit and Datizan Encuradgingougt.
I admit I didnt read Silmarillion. Who were he refering to? Previous ringbearers?
Do you not know literally anything about Christopher Tolkien?
What. Tolkien sold the rights in 69.
TES has one of the most bloated and inconsistent settings ever. And dont even mention Kirkbride in a thread thats discussing high quality writing.
Its low quality but its autistic in its "depth".
Not saying Tolkien is autistic because he's not.
Again, Morrowind alone is pretty nice, but nowhere near Tolkien-tier.
The rest is trash.
>it's about super hero elves slaying hordes of orcs like in The Matrix.
man we saw different versions of the matrix
>LoTR was about friendship, adventure and camaraderie. About duty, burdens and love. About natures and abandoned roads. About the wilderness, a warm campfire and a hot bath
how the fuck do you make a game about that shit dude
I would have loved a Silmarillion game in the SaGa Frontier 2 format
Lotro has at least kept that kind of community on RP servers for years. Probably closest you can get.
Thinking about it, it kind of sounds like STALKER just less depressing.
JRPGs involve grindy combat against lots of nonsensical enemies
I think the only way to do a decent Lotr game would be a point and clickish kind of gamel, like Riven or Myst. Or maybe a walking simulator except its really long but filled with poetry.
literally every RPG
>The Lord of the Rings
>The Telltale Series
There are exceptions. Divinity Original Sin 2 is not like that.
>Gollum will remember that.
No not like that, I meant actual old school point and click. And if it was a walking simulator it would be more artistic, like some kind of exploration game with minimal combat. Minimal dialogue and drama.
walking sims aren't games, at that point you might aswell read the book or watch the movie cause you aren't gaining anything from it being interactive
Telltale is really the only format that's going on, those old school games aren't coming back. Look the latest King's Quest too... They're cheap looking.
I guess you're right. I dont think it can be properly translated to video games. Maybe a text based RPG like super old school?
I definitely think vidya has the potential to achieve something like this. We haven't reached that point yet. We need writers as good as the programmers, and we need an audience who can appreciate such things.
video games arent about writing they're an interactive medium
Agreed 100%, but there is no reason why two great artists cant combine, or maybe someone so dedicated they can do both. Maybe one day.
A hate Kirkbride as a man, but I can admit that Morrowind was only good because of his influence, and once his influence was gone the series started sliding downhill.
If only he weren't such an insufferable dick he'd still be on the team.
It can't be replicated because the context isn't the same, no. Nothing will be exactly like it.
But there are plenty of good stories that could rise out of the themes of our own time.
>A hate Kirkbride as a man
did he touch you as a boy?
academics has nothing to do with people who write fiction
It absolutely does but not in the way he worded it. Lotr would never have existed without Tolkiens extreme academic interest and knowledge of languages.
The man was a philogist and scholar. Modern academics is purging the kind of academic environment Tolkien came from.
If you're talking about the extreme liberalization of academics you're probably right.
It's not even remotely liberal, they're turning more and more into social engineering camps. They used actually be able to entertain and debate all kinds of positions without having to censor and shut things down
Sounds shit, its not like that in my country but I heard its bad in America and UK. Currently doing my masters in History, but I took a free course in, believe it or not, womens studies several years ago and it was actually perfectly normal and not messed up at all. Norway here. Not quite Sweden yet thankfully. Many students are commie leftwing bastards but thats normal here due to socialism, but at least they dont love muslims and immigration despite that.
Literally read any of his interaction with his fanbase.
Years ago it was common on /tg/ to go to the elder scrolls reddit page and bring back screencaps if him being a major cunt and having people banned.
He would go off and crazy narcissistic rants about how Bethesda's canon doesn't matter and how fan canon was all that mattered, and then immediately ban people for disagreeing with his vision a minute later.
He's the Mel Gibson of video games.
A hack just like him
>Devil of Evil
No perfectly sane person has ever made a good loreshit except Tolkien but name literally one other
he hates kikes?
he looks like a scumbag
>ctrl F: Toby Fox
This board...
I liked undertale but come on.
One thing we can agree with. Sup Forums and Sup Forums lotr threads are absolutely kino when they go the right way. Best time spent in those threads.
>inb4 underage contrarianfags say Tolkien is bad
>>This board...
The shitposting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
>TES has one of the most bloated and inconsistent settings ever
Yet it manages to be more interesting and consistent than trash table top settings like forgotten realms and at the same time has bigger quantity of lore than most fantasy settings.
Why is Forgotten Realms so hilariously shit?
The thing is that despite Bethesdas miss management of TES lore, there are several powerful themes running through the setting ever since Pocket Guide was written for Redguard. Lore introduced in that period retroactively made older and future games internally consistent and it's very hard to make them not fit the themes presented in PGE at this point.
Elder Scrolls is ultimately about struggle between change and stasis, status quo and shifting narrative, this applies on personal, nation wide and metaphysical level. The theme of a Rebel overthrowing a king only to become a King himself and one day be overthrown by a new rebel is simple enough to be relatable and usable for the most generic of plots, but it also can be used for more complex and intricate stories and metaplots.
Anu and Padomay, Mer and Men, Akatosh and Lorkhan, Peace and War, Empire and Stormcloaks, I think Elder Scrolls has good potential to draw from if Bethesda would hire more competent writers, at least the setting has some sort of unified theme which is more than most popular fiction settings have today.
Because it was forced to be created as a reactionary move to the original, edgier and cooler Greyhawk and Blackmoore by SJW Christian whore.