>bought a GTX 1060 6GB
>the most graphically demanding game I have is Fallout 4
>steam library is full of games
>aw man I have nothing to play
Why do I keep falling for this trap
>bought a GTX 1060 6GB
>the most graphically demanding game I have is Fallout 4
>steam library is full of games
>aw man I have nothing to play
Why do I keep falling for this trap
I know that feel
>bought 1080
>been playing WoW, D3 and OW and trying some Steam backlog
What are some more intense games I could get?
It's insane how much WoW is graphically demanding at max setting
Unless you need to upgrade to meet there requirements of an upcoming game, or you bought a game that barely runs on your current system, save your money.
I know exactly how you feel user
My old graphics card died and I wanted to be futureproof.
>tfw you will never experience Witcher 3 for the first time on ultra settings
I'm about to throw my money at a gaming PC but this thread made me realize I would probably play less than 10 demanding games.
4 of which are fairly old, the only upcoming one I'm looking forward to is Monster Hunter.
If it literally died, that's fine then. You'll find a game that pushes it's limits soon enough. Check out simulation games, like flight or space sims, or city sims.
>game that pushes its limits
>Check out simulation games, like flight or space sims, or city sims.
those will push limits of his CPU not GPU
>finally decide to update my PC since the C2D days
>get new i5 and 1060
>want to play some games
>new western games are fucking shit
>the games I enjoyed are games I already played years ago
>including ports of old PS3 games like Bayo or Vanquish
>go back to playing my PS4
>only show an interest in using the PC if a game I've played on the PS4 gets a PC version
>then remember I just cleared the game and it'd be pointless
>built new PC
>still using old 1080 60 monitor
>debating getting a 144mhz gsync monitor, debating on 1080 vs 1440
>Should probably upgrade cause I play a lot of games
>Poor and cards are higher than ever
Doomed to eternal suffering
Play new Assassin's Creed it looks good
you can still play games at console settings 30fps
if you got a gamepad of course
>have 1060 6gb
>only of 8gb of ram
Should I upgrade to a 1060?
I currently have a 960 right now
Pagefile on SSD fixes this issue
The Witcher 3 is on sale is it worth picking up?
Yup, just scrapping by
Wait for Volta or for GPU prices to normalize at least.
I've always noticed one recurring theme of these sorts of threads.
>people who wants to play games but have weak PCs and can't afford upgrades
>people who have high end hardware show little to no interest in playing games
Is the concept of "console magic" perhaps real?
>tfw using 660 for 5 years now
1060 is slightly more powerful than 970
Get 1070ti or wait for another year or so if you want new nvidia cards
>Pagefile on SSD
lmao goodbye to your ssd retard
>anything below the 1070
SSDs are not that fragile you dumbass, I had it like that for 3 years now
Kadokawa met with YYZ and re-killed Tatsuki. It's ded
You guys are retarted. How can you complain about no games when Emulation provides you with an almost unlimited number of games to play?
Go ahead, it's your shit to break. Those are idiometers. in 3 years you couldn't save enough money for another stick of RAM. Fucking pathetic.
I already have 16gb of ram and I'm just gonna get new SSD when this one dies.
Just got a 1060 6gb as well. Playing Witcher 3 on Ultra, full res. Temps never go above 55c. Been playing with no fast travel and taking my time to find new things and actually prepare for battles. I haven't been this immersed in along time.
Originally bought so I can actually play Bannerlord when it comes out. In the mean time Witcher, Rocket League, insurgency on max with nothing falling below 60fps is a new world for me, man.
>playing a sequel without playing the originals
kys trendster faggot
>no 144hz monitor
>stuck on a 60hz monitor and can't even use my GTX 1060 to its maximum
My rig is 10 years old and wasn't even that good back then. On black friday I'm buying a new one so I can play WiiU emulator and Xcom 2.
How's that WiiU emulator coming along, anyway?
Also bought a decent monitor, nothing insane. 2500x 1900 or whatever is pretty solid.
SSDs will write several petabytes before shitting themselves. Pagefile on an SSD will not meaningfully shorten the lifespan. Nothing will aside from maxing the throughput for hours every day.
You're a moron.
Can relate. I bought a 1070 about one year ago, the first games i played on it were Vanilla WoW and GTA 3 to SA.
It took me 6 months to play a game that actually requires a GPU.
Didn't use my PC for Vidya until a few years ago. Maybe there is some truth to what you say, but I'm enjoying myself.
>just bought a GTX 750ti this summer
>playing watch dogs 2 and DX:MD on medium to almost high settings
>usually 60fps with a few drops every now and then
I'm honestly happy with it.
what the hell you fag, i still have a 768p monitor with 60mhz. I'm pretty sure the one you have right now is just fine.
r8 my beastly comp
jesus christ put it out of it's misery
It ran Dark Souls 2 better than my Xbox 360
1440p 144mhz is true intelligence, laptop pleb
>better than my Xbox 360
nothing to be proud of
Nigga wtf is that shit? Post a speccy.
>not enjoying the overkill
I am exclusively playing FF XIV on a 1080p screen and have a 1080 ti.
For what purpose? At least get a 1440p screen.
it's not even a laptop, it's a fucking desktop monitor, kill me
My cpu is out of date and slow, it's starting to show its signs. But to upgrade CPU, I would need a new mobo, and this pc has been getting upgrade parts here and there since 2011. I think it's time for a whole new rig but I'm going full retard with it. LED water cooling, $500 GPU, and everything. Look forward to it in battlestation threads in summer of 2018.
Grape-kun was one of us
I am getting second hand depression at the thought of having a 1366x768 monitor for a desktop.
as someone who just got into pc gayming, is modding your games actually worth it?
im not interested in erotic or sex mods btw
>Ryzen 5 1600
>GTX 1070
>everything with multicore FLIES
>unoptimized games lag gard
>but PC never freezes with a gorillion things open at the same time
90% of the time, no. Most mods either wreck the performance or the balance the devs intended. And all that time spent combing through shitty mods that don't work could be better spent clearing your backlog of games you haven't finished.
Very few. When its important, like fixes and patches, people will usually tell you.
Automata for instance.
I also modded DS2 and got really good graphics, similar to the ones in the trailers. It improved my experience ten fold.
>bought a 1060 3GB
>can play everything I want okay
I love video games!
What, you think that's bad?
>tfw it's my dad's old monitor
>tfw he now has an almost wide, squre-like monitor with 120hZ
>but both monitors are still TN instead of ISP, so the image and quality is still pretty shit
Play warframe
is there more to this pic?
sell it on kajiji
Now you can play PUBG at 50fps
Would a $700 built from scratch pc run new games ok? I also got a samsung monitor for $89.
classifieds are gonna take too long, and I'm in vancouver
You have 5 days, just put it up for like $100 and get rid of it
>buy 1060 6GB
>finally able to play super demanding games with all the mods I can find
>they all work fantastic
>decide to mess with 4k downsampling
>1060 6gb not good enough to play 4k at a steady framerate
its fucking over, I have to get a 1080 now
do yourself a favor and never ever use 4k
1060 3gb or 1050Ti, Sup Forums?
Gets me everytime
is that good?
definitely dude, i got mine as a custom made one, bough the casing, parts and everything then set it up, it was all like $500. (might've been lucky with 1 or 2 sales) but it runs most shit really well, even if it's not on HIGH settings, it works well on medium ones.
if you play it right, with those remaining $600, you should be able to either get a bit better one than mine or something on the same par with mine
The only way to enjoy that game is with everything except textures, detail and shadows, turned off.
No. the Plains of Shilldelon update fucked it up good.
It's fun and Its a good game to use as a break.
Tired of trying a hard part of a game or getting burned out? Play an hour or two of warframe
You could go play a decent amount of games at good to reasonable settings.
play the recent DOOM game
>GTX 970
>Plays everything I set my eyes on at maximum, smooth as silk
>Didn't break the bank
If you were already happy eating shit with 30fps, there was no reason for you to buy one.
same dude. lmaoing @ everyone who spends thousands on gaming rigs
>222 games on steam
>play only TF2 and Attila
>Its a good game to use as a break.
is it better at that than csgo?
Emulate BOTW if you got a good CPU
user he wants a game that will fully utilize his 1060 not his cpu
Yeah I gotta 770. I missed the boat on cheap 2nd hand 980ti, now Im looking at a 1060 6gb but everything is around 300 burgerbucks, and $350 locally.
why cant emulators utilize your gpu instead, fuck this really fingers my nerves
because GPUs can't do the type of math an emulator requires
300 for 1060 is not that bad.
i have an i5 7600k
how well could i emulate botw
you reckon?
I do want one
Depends of you get pissy at go like me but I'd say yeah
That's kinda expensive, I got pic related for $280
From where? amazon?
Local store network, I live in Russia.
It's more the type of people who respond to these threads. I have a 1060 and finding no shortage of games to play. I'm probably getting 1440p/144hz screen with a 1080ti in the next few months.
google says 18990 rubles is $327 USD though, was it on sale?