Sup Forums plays dust

i always see xcom ,Oregon trail,or game dev tycoon so i thought i would do something different
First off what is our name?
>mods used
>rudy enb
>mission Mojave
>eldarado gas and service home
>obviously DUST
>new Vegas uncut free side open
>xre cars
>multiple XRE addons by Mattel
>npcs travel
>combined weapons
>various other minor mods or mods that do noteffect the game

also for if you do not know what dust is

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it like a number thing or just first person to say something?

first person for now but if enough people respond im gonna do whatever is most popular



Alright Gender,special, tag, and skills

Has to be a explosives sneak Play-through

alright and im going to wait a bit to see if there are any other suggestions for gender

Don't the other games work because they are turn based? How will this work?

basically since its dust im just going to have you guys make decisions as they come up. where to go,who to kill,what to make,what to drop,etc
also where shall we start
>black rock cavern
>hidden armory
>shack 2
>abandoned warehouse
>abandoned house
>safehouse 1
>shack 3
>safehouse 2


rip this thread

hidden armory

alright well i could open most of the containers but i did find some tesla armor we sadly cant wear
im going to post screenshot and have you guys decide what to keep


If this thread never takes off, good attempt OP, truly. Need more threads like this

fuck these post timers also i dont think we will need to carry much water as we have the vault 13 canteen
thanks mang



Go wherever's the closest


just realised i had my trip off
so to red rock canyon it is

Tribals camp where violetta is is close and good for some armor but tunnlers are all over

so after getting jumped by tunnelers after leaving the armory which was at red rock canyon we are now down to 3 stimpacks with only some tunneler meat and cave fungus for it

Power armors are pretty fucking worthless in Dust because anything can potentially kill you in a second

so after killing off the tribals outside i dont think im going to enter the longhouse simply just because of how many i remember being in there we came out with some cat eye and men tats
so where to next?

op see

well then off to that camp

bumpu the threadu and postu.

your pipboy replacer sucks, use this one

>not dustanon
i've used it it kinda switches between the readius and spams my audio with the opening but if it works for you its a must have i put up with it in vanilla because it's that kino

so before i go to violettas place i decided to run to goodsprings and get one of the cars from xre that spawn there and got this it come with a player home which is pretty neat but if you guys feel it is to cheaty i wont use it

forgot pic

We ain't gonna use no van, bro

How we gonna pick up chicks without a van bro

Shit, you're right
We need that van

my fondest memories of new vegas was picking up and throwing a container to the back of that car and use it as a mobile base
occasional after a rough spot on the road the box would fall off the car and I had to go look for it

good times

well due to popular demand we use the van

>not using the PSViTA replacer instead

It's almost like you HATE sony

off to violettas we go
what are we gonna call our van though

"The van"

The Free Lolipops Van

Free Stimpacks Inside

whelp im going with free stimpacks inside and also we made it to violettas
will report results soon

how bad does the driving look still? does it just still basically glide over the terrain

>if you go to bed hungry you will die
Fuck hardcore mode.

no and i forgot to get a road replacer so it bumps and slides like a motherfucker and it lags my shit but its the best we got

gods speed

ok so ive run into a problem
when i try to leave the home on the van it just sends me back to the middle of it and im not sure what to do if anyone here has used this mod do you guys know what to do?

man i can't tell if its dust or the van because i randomly get sent back to my last point with dust

welp i fixed the glitch and took down the camp whos boss dropped some nice armor
so where to next