Any more games like this? Not necessarily farming games, I've played Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, etc

Any more games like this? Not necessarily farming games, I've played Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, etc.

What are the good "progression"-based games out there? Games built around unlocking new things, areas, buildings, and overall having goals for the player to work towards.


Free bump, I'm also watching this thread.

Is Slime Rancher more like Cookie Clicker or Harvest Moon?

Harvest moon, Rune factory, Story of seasons, Animal crossing I guess

Dark Cloud and Soul Blazer for the SNES kind of


I'm also curious

Recently played immortal redneck which was fun but got boring. Wish it was co-op

Terraria or Starbound

I liked Terraria, hope the sequel will be better

This only fits tangentially, especially if you're really set on them being good, but I've really enjoyed Banished lately. Love building up a town and working towards getting the next building up in town

Minecraft modpacks with questbooks

I have tried playing Stardew like 10 times, I always stop mid-fall cause I've accomplished almost everything and have like 4 items left in the community center and don't feel like there is anything else to reach for.

What the fuck is wrong with me, how am I supposed to make it to year 3 like this?

I also quit by year 3, there wasn't much more to do, other than befriending everyone(which doesn't actually do anything).

The actual farming parts of Slime Rancher are pretty simple, you basically just slap some slimes in a cage, fill up the auto feeder with food every once in awhile and suck out the Plorts, which you then sell for cash money. It's more about exploring the world and finding or creating new slimes than anything else. It's bretty gud though and it's still getting updated so I would recommend it

Stop min-maxing you autistic fucks

Try enjoying something for once


With mods, too. Vanilla Rimworld isn't enough.

Well... so long as they work with future patches. I've had a really good modded save file go to pot because all the buttons in all the menus went wonky after a patch update.

I just stick with Hospitality, Prostheses, and Leadership.

Just because I finish something faster than you, doesn't mean I'm min-maxing you insecure shit.

i always lag months behind new releases. best way

If you have a switch, Golf Story.