Got a PS3 for cheap. Post any and all recommended games. Even multiplats (unless they have not-shit PC ports)

Got a PS3 for cheap. Post any and all recommended games. Even multiplats (unless they have not-shit PC ports)

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Everyone already knows Bloodborne. As for other good exclusives, there aren't too many. Blue Reflection is decent if you like RPGs with cute girls. I just played it recently. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 is required fapping material. If you get a VR headset Summer Lesson is really good for waifuing.

no gaemes

How much did you get yours for? $0 poorfag here, I was thinking about getting a PS3 for cheap but after thinking about it a lot a SNES classic might be the best thing for me to get at first. Most of the games on it I missed out on and look good and it'd be hundreds of hours of gameplay for less then $100 hopefully

Guys, I said PS3.

Persona 5

That’s what you would say about any console.

Get a PS3 used from someone for like $80-120 and have someone mod it. Then you can just put an SNES emulator on it

MLB The Show

Not OP, but I got used already cfw fat ps3 for $50. I installed the program that set the fan into overdrive.
Loud as fuck, but it works. I don't play on it much anyway.

Demon's Souls
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection

Is Bloodborne good? Was thinking of buying a PS3 and wanted to play it.

Or, y'know, just pirate offline PS3 games.

Well go for the exclusives, there are more than a few good ones.
No More Heroes
Crazy Taxy
Child of Eden
Shadows of the Damned
Lollipop Chainsaw
Red Dead Redemption
Beyond Good and Evil
Ni No Kuni
Tales and Atelier

Absoloutely Demon's Souls.

3D Dot Game Heroes, Playstation All-Stars (not great but an interesting diversion especially if you can do multiplayer) , The Sly Collection

This here is pretty much all you need
Also i'm planning on buying digital games, what's a good size for an external HDD if i want games like Catherine and Gulty Gear?

check out gamestop if you are american, In Canada land you can get a PS3 at EBGames for 49$ Cnd

Add to this

Siren Blood Curse
Eternal Sonata (The PS3 port got some additional content over the 360 version)
El Shaddai

All of these have multiplats, but PS3 versions are fine:
Dragon's Crown
Odin Sphere

Shadows of the Damned
Killer is Dead

>FF13 and 13-2
>but not LR
Good list otherwise, but I just wanted to point out an inconsistency.



i got this like 5 years ago but havent played it because no trophies

Sengoku Basara.

>Got a fat ps3 with 12 games including gta5 for 95$
>tfw its not modded and it requires soldering to do so and someone doing it is 50$+
I still feel bad for how much I ripped myself off.

Ah that blows. Yeah, I think I'm gonna get a SNES Classic instead of a PS3. I have yet to play LttP, Earthbound, SMRPG, and a bunch of other shit. If you can I heard the Tales games on the PS3 were super good and fairly cheap.

You're ripping yourself way more than that user did if you're gonna spend money on a SNES classic.

How so? I'd probably emulate but I don't have a computer to use. Like I said near top post I'm a $0 poorfag. I start working soon but a SNES classic looks like it'll hold me over until I get enough money for actual consoles. I haven't played a single game in pic related not named Super Mario World or DKC. The amount of playtime I could probably put into the thing for what seems to be a good price almost seems to good to pass up.

Well I was going to suggest a 2DS to mod it and get all those SNES games (and way more to boot) but if you don't have a PC to begin with idk what to tell you.

Actually I do. Get a cheap laptop, you'll probably have to save more, but you can emulate all the NES and SNES shit you want. It will also serve you way better and be more useful than a SNES classic.

Killer is Dead has decent PC port. Other than that these are also good choices.

>I'm poor
>I'll waste money on a piece of plastic instead of a free emulator


-Valkyria Chronicles
-Ni No Kuni
-MGS Legacy Collection / HD Collection + MGS1 + 4
-Demon's Souls + Dark Souls
-Okami HD
-FF XIII + XIII-2 + Lighting Returns
-End Of Eternity
-Ratchet & Clank PS3 trilogy, + HD Collection if you haven't played originals
-Persona 5

Ni no Kuni is very mediocre. Stop sucking its dick just because it's exclusive.

>stop liking what i don't like
Sup Forumstard pls